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  • in reply to: University of Chicago Trial FOLFIRINOX. #75131

    Hi Patricia and Ceci,

    My daughter, Lauren got her power port and had chemo all on the same day. She did fine with all of it. The port was very tender for some time. Make sure to ask for a prescription for numbing cream. You put it on about an hour before having your port accessed and put a lot on and don’t rub it in all the way. Cover it with Saran Wrap. It will be numb around the port area and you won’t feel the needle going in. There will be a bump and that is the port. You will probably have a scar from where they put it in, but that is your badge of courage!! Lauren started out with Gem/Cis and 5-FU. Her hair got very thin, then mostly fell out. She had really long hair when she was first diagnosed. She then got it cut in a bob and donated her hair. The bob got too thin, so she went to a pixie. After that, it got really bad so she had it cut close to her head, but never shaved all the way down. She had a few wigs, but they were too hot and itchy. She wore them once in a while, but mostly just went with the bald head. I wish you all the best of luck. If you have any more questions, I will be happy to answer if I can.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Port Placement on 11/5 and Chemo 11/14 #76871

    Hi Patricia,

    I am so happy you decided on chemo. Lauren always made a big party out of it. She would bring a big bag that was on wheels full of stuff to do and little treats to eat. We always ate lunch together while she was getting chemo. She always wore a cute shirt and had all her makeup on and big earrings in. She was so funny. Everyone always commented on how great she looked and that she didn’t look like a cancer patient. Even though she was getting chemo, I cherish the special times we spent together. I hope things go well for you. Take care.

    in reply to: I need advice on decision to do chemo. Pls. Help #76933

    Dear Porter,

    Thanks so much for your sweet message. I’m sorry I haven’t been on the site much since Lauren’s passing, but some days it takes everything I’ve got to get out of bed! I do try to read everyone’s posts and comment here and there. You seem to have the same spunk Lauren had. That’s a good thing! This cancer thing is no picnic. I hope you have a great support system, because I think that really helps. I hope we can chat more in the future. Hang in there. I’m in your corner.


    in reply to: I need advice on decision to do chemo. Pls. Help #76931

    Dear LadyLinden,

    There was no choice for my daughter, Lauren. She wanted chemo and would do anything it took to live. The port was not a big deal at all. Sure, it was sore for a while, but once it healed it was great for getting chemo. Her veins got almost undetectable, so the port was a lifesaver. Lauren started out on Gem/Cis and 5-FU. She wouldn’t feel very good for a few days, but then felt better than she did before chemo. It actually made her feel better and really shrunk her tumors. If a certain chemo makes you feel to bad, there are others to try. There are many meds to help with the side effects. I know you are scared, and have every right to be. You might want to talk about it with a social worker at the hospital or cancer center you go to. They really can help you put things into perspective. As you may or may not know, Lauren passed away in June after surgery complications. While I am devastated by the loss of our dear child, I am comforted in knowing that we did everything possible to help Lauren live a happy life which included any kind of treatment offered to us. She always had the final decision on everything, but always thought that if there was a treatment, she was going to try it!! If I were you, I would try anything the doctor suggested. But, since I am not you, whatever you decide will be what is right for you. I’m sorry you have a difficult decision. My prayers are with you.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: My husband has passed. #76886

    Dear Cris,

    I am very sorry to hear of Terry’s passing. My thoughts are with you. Sending hugs and love to you.


    in reply to: Phase 1 completed #76819

    Dear Carl,

    I am so happy you got the gift of seeing Lynn smile, and happy for Lynn that she had something to smile about. Great news about the 70% improvement. Love and hugs to you both.


    in reply to: What a good word…Stable #76774

    Dear Crissie,

    What a blessing that your Dad has become stable and you can enjoy the holidays together. Cherish the time you share.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: My Mom #76851

    Dear Christine,

    I am very sorry to hear that your dear Mom has passed. My heart goes out to you. It is so difficult to lose a loved one. Bless you and your sweet Mom.


    in reply to: 2 1/2 years cancer free #76697

    Such wonderful news, Susie. I am so happy for you.



    Hi Gavin,

    I believe Kim Mozeff-Cirucci developed skull metastasis when her cc came back. She was the lady that had the radio show about cancer. Lauren became friends with her and was on her show once. So was Tiffany.


    in reply to: Husband’s symptoms #74351

    Hi Shelley,

    This is exactly what this site is for. To come here and let out things that are bothering you. We will never judge you, just offer you a sholder to cry on or a kind, listening ear. I’m sorry, but I have never had to deal with what you are going through. It must be very troublesome. I hope someone that has walked in your shoes will offer you some good advice. I would document all the things your husband is doing and tell the hospice nurses about them. Maybe he needs his ammonia levels checked as I know this can cause confusion. Can the nurse come over and stay with him once in a while so you can go out and get some alone time to gather your thoughts? I’m sorry for what you and your dear husband are having to endure. Take care.


    in reply to: A year ago today #76210

    Hi Clare,

    I’m sorry that you are sad because of the anniversary of your sister’s diagnosis, but happy that your husband is doing something great in her memory. I hope he had a wonderful run.


    in reply to: Brother diagnosed 2 months ago #75898

    I am so very sorry your brother has passed. I know what a shock it is to lose someone you love. My prayers are with you and the family.


    in reply to: Mom’s hard fought battle is over #76144

    Dear donellalu,

    I would also like to say how sorry I am to hear of your mother’s passing. I’m sure she was grateful to have you there throughout her journey. It is very difficult to lose a loved one. My heart goes out to you.


    in reply to: Sad news. Our beloved son, Jeff, has passed away. #76178

    Dear Bob and Nancy,

    I am so sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. He seemed like such a wonderful son and you were such loving, kind parents to him. I will be thinking of you tomorrow as you attend Jeff’s services. Bless you both as you face difficult times in the coming weeks and months. I know my Lauren was at heaven’s gate waiting to welcome your precious Jeff. Take care.

    Love and hugs,

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