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  • pamela

    Dear Susie,

    Don’t sell yourself short. Your opinion is very valuable since you saw first hand what goes on. That is what is so great about this site. Such a diverse mix of people, each with their own unique knowledge. I hope you are feeling better, Susie. I love hearing from you.


    in reply to: Bowling Fundraiser! #55346

    You could have a 50/50 raffle. An arm’s length of tickets for $5.00. Half the total money goes to the winning ticket holder and half to the charity. I would hang flyers everywhere they will let you. Grocery stores, beauty shops, hospital,restaurants near your homes. Get someone who is real outgoing to go to businesses and ask for donations or to make gift baskets for a silent auction. I would definitely pass out literature about CC. Most people have never heard of it. Oh, I wish I could help!


    in reply to: Pallative care vs Hospice #54872

    Dear Kathy,

    I am sorry to hear your Dad is still suffering and I hope they can get his nausea and vomiting under control. He deserves some peace. If it his time to go, I hope you can all be with him and he passes peacefully. My prayers are with you. I am sorry your heart is breaking. I wish I could do something to help.


    in reply to: Bowling Fundraiser! #55343

    I am so glad you guys all found something so exciting to get involved in. I know you will have an awesome event. I wish we were closer so we could participate, but I think it is so great that you are raising money and awareness for CC. Bless you all.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Pallative care vs Hospice #54863

    Dear Kathy,

    I haven’t been through any of this so I don’t feel I should comment. What I can say is that I am sorry your Dad is in pain and can’t wait until it is tomorrow and you can call Hospice. I am praying for you and your Dad to find peace.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42404

    Dear Margaret,

    Like I’ve said from the first day I spoke with you, You are SuperWoman. I am sorry to hear you have a blood clot. Where in the world did that come from? I hope you are feeling better. I do think when you go back to work your spirits will lift and take your mind off things. I am sorry you have a difficult time at night. I’m sure Tom is watching over you from heaven and misses you too. I am so glad he is no longer in pain or suffering. Take care Margaret, and hope to hear from you again real soon.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42830

    Dear sistercorb,

    I am sorry to hear of your Dad’s decline in health. I will pray that that he will be pain-free and comfortable. What a strong, brave man he has been. God bless all of your family.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Yay! Lauren gets to have chemo. #55133


    I rounded them all up for a picture. I also took a “before” shot of Ryan the other night. Just go to Lauren’s Caring Bridge site to see them. When you get there click on photos. I will leave you the link.

    Take care. Love-Pam

    in reply to: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma #55310

    Dear Glenys,

    Welcome to our family. I am sorry to hear that your cancer has returned. My daughter, Lauren, also has intrahepatic CC. She is only 25. She is on chemo right now. She has countless people praying for her too. I always envision God
    up in heaven receiving prayers for Lauren and saying “This must be one special kid. So many people are sending prayers for her.” We also believe laughter to be one of the best medicines. We do our fair share of crying, but we spend a lot of time laughing. I hope your doctor can come up with a treatment plan for you. At our house, we call a biopsy a bop-to-the-bopsy, so I see we are on the same page. Take care and best wishes to you.


    in reply to: Yay! Lauren gets to have chemo. #55131

    Thanks everyone for your wonderful words of encouragement. We are home now. We got home yesterday at around 5pm. Lauren is doing great. She is usually really tired after chemo, but this time she seems to have a little more energy. She decided she needed yet another haircut. Her new short pixie cut was getting too thin. So last night her boyfiend, Giovanni, (he is also a barber) cut her hair even shorter. It is closer to her head. Kind of looks like baby hair. She likes it much better. The best news is my son, Ryan, (aka Wolverine) finally broke down and got all his hair cut off to support Lauren. My handsome boy is back! Gio is getting his hair cut short tonight. My husband, Mark, is getting his cut short next week. He has to film some training videos for his company next week and didn’t want to have a shaved head for that.

    Margaret- You have to be one of the sweetest people. Offering us a place to stay if the weather is bad. I just love you. Unfortunately, we are not anywhere near Green Bay, but thank you so much. We live in Uniontown, Ohio , near Canton, Ohio. An hour away from Cleveland. It is 200 miles to Michigan. (A little over 3 hrs. each way.) I am praying that things get easier for you.

    Thanks again, everyone. I don’t know what I would do without you.


    in reply to: Miles Krowicki #55242

    Dear Jen,

    I just read Miles’ Facebook. What a courageous man. How heartbreaking.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: gemcitabine/ cisplatin questions #55145

    Dear Lost soul,

    My Lauren has the same itchy head. Poor kid is really looking bald on the top of her head. She had a doctor’d appt. yesterday and I asked him which chemo was making her hair fall out. (She is on gem/cis and 5-fu). He said none of them were actually known to make hair fall out, just thin a bit. He said the combo of all three together probably is the culprit. I think she is getting pretty close to shaving her whole head. The one positive that will come out of that is that my son will have to shave his head too. My husband and son said they would shave their heads if Lauren did to show their support. Right now my son looks like Wolverine. Long sideburns and a huge mop of hair. It was funny, yesterday at the oncologists, the doctor said to Lauren, “Your hair is really thinning, do you want a hairpiece.” The way he said it cracked us up because it sounded like he had a little wig shop in the back and could go whip one up for her! We had fun with that all day. For all the sadness, you gotta have a little humor. Personally, Lauren and I don’t care for wigs. We think a bald head shows a person to be a warrior and they are fighting. Not to say people who wear wigs are not warriors as well. Everyone should have that choice. Well, I hope everything goes well for you.


    in reply to: Dealing With Loss During the Holidays #17911

    Dear Michelle,

    I am so sorry that you are so sad. I wish there was something I could say or do to make you feel better. I think you are going through the grieving process and you gotta do what you think is best. Nobody can force you to be in the holiday mood. I understand what you mean when people complain about the most trivial things. Sometimes I just want to scream at them and say well at least your daughter doesn’t have cancer, but I never do. I just think it in my head. Some people don’t have a clue what people with CC or for that matter, any other cancer, go through or the people that take care of them. But we do and that is why everyone here is special. Please take care of yourself and I hope in time things will get easier. You have many friends here if you feel like talking or venting. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – The fight has ended #55095

    Dear Margaret,

    I’m glad Tom had a service fit for a Hero. Because he is a Hero to all of us. He fought so long and hard. You must be so proud of him. Thank you for sharing the details of his funeral. Now I hope you get some rest and find peace in his memory.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: acupuncture #55199

    Dear Susie,

    I will cross my fingers that the accupuncture will make you feel better. It’s not fair that something that should make you better (radiation) makes you feel so crappy. Hang in there girlie.

    Love, Pam

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