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  • in reply to: gemcitabine/ cisplatin questions #55139

    Hi Lost soul,
    My daughter, Lauren, is on Gem/cis and 5-FU. She has had 5 cycles so far. She is losing her hair alot. She started out with really long, thick hair. She got it cut to her shoulders and it started looking bad. So she got a pixie cut. I am sorry to say it is so thin on top that you can see her scalp. I don’t say anything. I’m just waiting for the day she will probably want to shave it all off. It is really thin and she gets cold easy. I feel so bad for her. I hope you have a better outcome. Maybe it’s from the 5-FU. I don’t really know. Wishing you all the best.



    Dear Fatema,
    I am very sorry to hear about your dear Mother. I do not have much knowledge on different treatments, but I am sure someone will fill you in soon. You came to the right place. What I can do is offer you a compassionate ear that will listen. My daughter suffers from this disease. I am scared every day for the future too. You will never feel alone when you visit this site. Continue to visit and read other’s posts. I find great comfort here and I hope you will too. All my best wishes for you and your Mother.


    in reply to: Returning to the forum with good news and bad news #55110

    Dear Jean,

    Welcome back. I am fairly new to this site but as you can tell by the number of my posts, I am an active participant. I am sorry you are facing new challenges but I have to say how wonderful that you have gone 3 1/2 years and been well. I think that is a good sign that you will be ok after your surgery. That gives everyone else hope. I hope all goes well for you. Please come and visit more often. I will pray that Wed. has a good outcome.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Radiation is kind of kicking my butt #54383

    Dear Susie,

    I am so glad you are done with radiation! Yay! No more throwing up. We gotta fatten you up, girl. You are such a tiny waif. I hope you get your appetite back. I think you could find an easier way to get your husband to cook and clean. (Just kidding) It makes my heart sing to hear you are feeling better. Best of luck and I hope you can enjoy the holiday season.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: New to posting not to lurking #55013

    Dear Sandtdad,

    I just wanted to take a minute and welcome you to the site. My daughter, age 25 has CC too. She also has one big tumor on the right side of her liver and small ones on the left side. She is on gem/cis and 5FU. Her big tumor has shrunk 2 cm. each way so far and her little ones are smaller too. She actually feels better being on the chemo. I hope your treatments keep working and one day you will be able to have surgery. Please visit this site often. The support is awesome. Take care.


    in reply to: Our new message board. #54995

    Thanks for all your hard work, Rick.


    in reply to: My husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – The fight has ended #55084

    Dear Margaret,

    I am happy Tom let you know he is ok in heaven. I bet he will be checking on you and letting you know he is ok and loves you a lot. I pray for God to give you strength to get through this weekend. I am sure Tom’s service will be beautiful. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and hope you will be ok.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My wife’s extrahepatic CC #55039

    Dear tflory,

    I would also like to welcome you to this site. I am sorry your husband is having such a hard time. Please tell him not to give up. I will pray that he will find the strength to keep fighting. I am so sorry that he has had such a difficult life. Just wanted to let you know that I care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: My wife’s extrahepatic CC #55038

    Dear Eli,
    I just wanted to say hi and welcome to the site. I hope you visit often. I have a daughter, Lauren, who is 25 and has CC. I read everything I can to try to stay informed. I learn a lot from all the members here. But mostly, I get so much support. The members on this site are always ready and willing to listen and offer kind words of encouragement. I am sorry your wife is suffering with this terrible disease. We will all fight together.
    Take care and God bless.


    in reply to: tough day #54974

    Bless you Becky. I hope each day is a little easier for you. You were and are such a great daughter and loving person. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: tough day #54973

    Dear devastated,

    I am so sorry for you, your dear husband, and family. I don’t know what to say to make you feel better. All I can say is that my heart breaks for you and I will pray for you and your family. Love your husband every day as much as you can and make his time left as comfortable as you can for him. I wish you didn’t have to go through this. My thoughts are with you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Update on my story…… #54902

    Dear Byron,

    I am sorry you had to go through all that besides having CC. I guess we have all learned something from you and that is to listen to our bodies and get to the doctor or hospital when something seems wrong. I am so glad you are feeling better. You are this big, strong cowboy but you have a heart of gold and always know what to say to make people on this site feel better. You were the first person to welcome me to this site when I first joined and told everyone Lauren’s story. You made me feel like someone cared and that in itself is priceless in my book. Glad you are back my friend. Bless you and your wife.


    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42387

    Dear, sweet Margaret,

    My heart broke for you as I read of Tom’s passing. I am so sorry for your loss. You and Tom had such a special love. I hope you take time to grieve and take care of yourself. Much love and God bless you.


    in reply to: Hello…and thank you #54879

    Dear Moo,

    Welcome! I am glad you decided to join us. This site has been a godsend for me. At first, I found it a bit overwhelming and could only look at it once in awhile. It made me too sad. Now I am totally addicted! I feel it is a good addiction though. I have learned so much and I feel whenever I have a question I can get an answer right away. I also feel we all have such a special bond we can get nowhere else. My daughter, Lauren, is battling this terrible disease. When I am feeling sad or overwhelmed, I come to this place and find comfort. I also feel I can make someone else that is having a hard time feel better by offering a kind word and some encouragement. I hope you will continue to visit, ask questions, comment, and offer comfort to others. I look forward to your insight.

    in reply to: Pallative care vs Hospice #54850

    Dear Kathy,
    I don’t know anything about hospice so I don’t want to comment on that. I would like to comment on your Dad’s last wishes. They are just that. His last wishes and he is entitled to them. I would respect them and have his funeral in New Jersey. Your sister would only be hurting herself and probably never forgive herself if she didn’t attend. I hope you can all sit down and discuss this rationally. As an outsider looking in, it seems so crystal clear to me that you and your other sister are wanting to do the right thing by honoring your Father’s wish. Bless you all.


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