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  • in reply to: Newbie here #82550

    HI and welcome to the site. I too was diagnosed with intrahepatic cholangio and I had my surgery in January and a 13cm as well as a satellite tumor was removed and. They were able to achieve clear margins and no lymph node involvement. I am currently going through adjuvant chemotherapy and I started about 7-8 weeks post op. I hope he continues to have a well recovery and please feel free to ask my any questions. :)

    in reply to: Update from LA (sensitive post) #82438

    Caroline agreed with all that has been said. Beautiful post yet heart wrenching as well. Bittersweet as I would say. Last year I went through this with my mom (she has stage 4 lung cancer) and she held on strong to the very end, and in the end she was surrounded by those that loved her and all we wanted was for her to be comfortable and pain free, and thank the Lord she was able to achieve that and pass quite comfortably and calmly. So I completely understand what you are going through. SO happy that you guys get to have these moments with her and the discussions, and sending you and your family lots of love and blessings. Hugs.

    in reply to: Aspirin and cancer – the picture becomes clearer. #59125

    Thanks Susie. She also told me that it has only been proven for colon cancer :) it is something I might try when I am done with treatmentb (chemo) and said go for it, a baby aspirin. I will be asking my surgeon and my PCP to get their opinions as well.

    Julie, I am sorry you are having a hard time. Sounds like you are going through a lot all during the midst of also finding new docs and such. I have also had problems with them accessing my port, a lot of the time it takes forever for blood to draw and they often have be turn head, lift arm, cough, deep breathe, do a little dance :) This became almost an everytime infusion occurrence and I remember they mentioning at some point they were going to scan me to see if they could figure out why mine was so finicky. Is this an option for you? When my fluids go in now, I wouldn’t say they sting, but I do get almost a “stinging” like sensation but it goes away in seconds, very fast and I don’t feel anything “weird” after that. I hope you start feeling better soon and on the mend to heal all your wounds. Hugs and blessings to you.

    in reply to: Doing Much Better #82423

    Oh what wonderful news! I am so happy Mark is on the mend and feeling better! Hugs and blessings to you both.

    in reply to: Aspirin and cancer – the picture becomes clearer. #59120

    Lainy good to know. Thanks guys.

    in reply to: I’m ALMOST Baaaaaack! #82354

    Lainy! Glad you’re back and hope you starting feeling wonderful soon. Hugs to you my friend.

    in reply to: Aspirin and cancer – the picture becomes clearer. #59118

    Thanks Gavin for your input. If u don’t mind me asking how much were u taking daily?

    in reply to: Aspirin and cancer – the picture becomes clearer. #59116

    Hi Julie. I totally agree with you about the aspirin being small on the scheme of things and in so many words my onc said that as well. She also said for me personally after chemo a baby one daily won’t cause any alarming damage…so “why not” so once chemo is complete I will probably start. How are you feeling by the way? ;)

    in reply to: Liver enzymes, blood work and chemo #82158

    Thanks again all. With the week off last week numbers bounced back to normal and nothing of importance was elevated. So that helps alleviate some of my anxiety. They also lowered my dosage of Oxaliplatin to help with platelets , counts, and side effects. I would imagine this could be common. I also brought up Melinda’s story and the kind of immunotherapy that has been benefial for her. My onc hadnt heard of it but I’m glad I brought it to her attention. ;)

    in reply to: Aspirin and cancer – the picture becomes clearer. #59114

    I brought up the discussion of aspirin and cancer to my onc today. She said that the only benefit that is has proven as far as relating to cancer has been colon cancer.? She said she would recommend me to start taking a baby aspirin daily but only after I’m done with my chemo treatments. ;)

    in reply to: Help – Any suggestions? #82088

    Kris I am so happy to see and hear that Mark is starting to feel better and had a good day. ;)

    in reply to: New to the Group #82277

    Hi Diana. Just wanted to extend another warm welcome to the site. Sorry about the diagnosis and that you have a reason to be here but this group of people and foundation has been such a gem and I hope you all get the care and support you need.

    in reply to: 3 yrs cancer free #82175

    Susie this is awesome news. So happy for you. Congratulations hope u go out and celebrate . blessings.

    in reply to: Liver enzymes, blood work and chemo #82156

    My ONC not once. ;)

    in reply to: Liver enzymes, blood work and chemo #82155

    Thanks again all for the support and responses. As my once and surgeon know I get very anxious about all this sstuff which I know is totally natural and normal :) but they are both assuring me that there is no reason for concern. My surgeon literally said “don’t panic, there is no reason to panic.” The once said the ca 19 9 is normal and don’t worry about it going up and the absolute value right now as its still in normal range. So I’m gonna do my best and take their advice and trust them for now. Its comforting to hear that others too saw their numbers bounce around during treatment as well and sounds like a common and normal effect.
    Lainy I will be coming thru this sued I just don’t know when yet ;)

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