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  • in reply to: Rejected by Mayo? #94900

    Well said Marion! Please Taylor don’t allow a doctor to place a time table on a patient’s life. They may be speaking in general terms, and in reality they don’t know. One oncologist spoke statistically if patients who are similar to my mom’s case don’t get chemo they have about 6 months, but not the case, as a date cannot be placed on anyone. Yes, it does instill fear, disappointment, worry, and sorrow, but ultimately the patient chooses their treatment.


    Thank you so much for sharing Karen! As a daughter with a mom with CC, emotions can overwhelm you when information is being processed at a rapid rate. This included knowledge on the condition and the many symptoms and negative talk the doctors are sharing at this time. As a caretaker/advocate it was extremely important to take quiet time and absorb everything and not act in haste with treatment. One will drown and be exhausted as a family member. I chose to be proactive and I continue to be making smart decisions, even though not accepted at times, but doing what I believe is the best in our individual case. That is extremely difficult, but rather be a participant then accept and not do anything. Every case is unique, and some patients may have more than one medical condition.

    in reply to: Husband has cholangiocarcinoma #94947

    I am glad you found a place in which the medical team will work with you, and you feel comfortable with them. That is crucial to connect well as I have found. They listen to your needs and give suggestions and are patient. Are they going to use the standard treatment of gem/cis or is there an alternative?

    Thanks for sharing.

    in reply to: My mom has passed #95060

    Thank you so much for sharing. There are incredible people on this forum. You are an amazing daughter for being there for her in this journey. I am also a daughter of a mom with CC. I send my deepest prayers and it shows how people can live with this condition for a long time. She gave enough encouragement for being here and that will remain forever.
    Thank you!


    Yes, we have to be very careful and wise as patients and caretakers as to the treatment we are willing to pursue to control our condition. Some conventional treatment based on the individual patient may do more harm than good and the same would go for a natural treatment. This is the road I have been taking for months now. It is a constant observation and modify as we continue with this chronic condition. I didn’t want to use cancer, and prefer chronic condition.

    in reply to: Latest Report on Chemo Treatment Xeloda #95002

    No, I have not looked into it.
    I am currently reading about freezing cells in a procedure called Cryosurgery. I don’t think our forum has a lot of information on this procedure, and how it can be useful for CC.
    Eventually I want treatment for CC to expand and have more choices.

    in reply to: Good Scan Results – Diagnosed 2 years ago #93276

    Thank you Carla!

    in reply to: Dr Canady helped my wife #95042

    Thanks for sharing this information. My mom does not have the option of surgery, and we decided not to pursue this route or find a doctor who will say otherwise. Took risky at this point. This sounds familiar, but it was by the name of cryosurgery in which cells are frozen. I brought it to the attention of an oncologist, but it seemed he dismissed it due to being so adamant of the standard treatment for all patients.


    Yes! So true. People get desperate for cures, but please choose wisely if you go the alternative route. First, think about controlling the condition, symptoms, or cancer before the cure.

    in reply to: Sorafenib or Keytruda? #95032

    Please do a search on our site for Keytruda. There have been success stories on our forum. Can you address the questions to a researcher or oncologist?

    in reply to: Good Scan Results – Diagnosed 2 years ago #93273

    Thanks so much for sharing! I love success stories, and every month living with CC is a success. I helped my mom change her diet which I found incredibly important whether getting treatment or not. It was not an easy process to make lifestyle changes, and it’s something we work with on a weekly basis. This is the new life as I look at it.

    Continued Success!

    in reply to: Hi From Puerto Rico #93699

    Great news! I hope she will be done with treatment soon, and can maintain her quality of life by eating highly nutritious foods.
    Thanks for sharing, and keep us posted.

    in reply to: Husband has cholangiocarcinoma #94945

    Thanks so much for sharing Diane, and let us know both experiences at COH and USC.
    It takes courage and determination for all of us to be here.

    in reply to: Latest Report on Chemo Treatment Xeloda #94999

    Thanks so much for sharing your detailed experiences Cathy and Mary!
    Once oncologist suggested Xeloda and stereotactic radiation to my mom, but we decided not to use it. I don’t know if that decision will change in the future. At the time she was too unhealthy and weak to undergo that treatment. It is wonderful that it has helped patients with no spreading of the disease.

    in reply to: Inoperable Cholangiocarcinoma #94970

    Correct, gem/cis is the standard treatment and that should change based on each patient. Oncologists need to look at overall health and some patients may have other health conditions that they are dealing with in which this chemo combination may not be a good choice. Also, molecular or genetic testing should be suggested early on, not after determining if the chemo is not working. Why can’t there be more choices then an automatic gem/cis for all patients?

    Isn’t there a chemo sensitivity test to give the patient to determine if this chemo would work or not? That way the patient doesn’t have to endure extra toxins in body. My understanding from some doctors and research, CC can be resistant to certain chemo.
    Maybe someone else can respond to the chemo sensitivity test.

    Thanks for sharing!

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