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  • in reply to: Mom’s (Mary) changes #28179

    You have come to the right place, and you are not alone. My father right now is exactly where your mother is at. We are in the final stages of his life, and my heartache is imeasureable. I lay next to him alot, message him, hug him, kiss him, and know my world will be a much sadder place without him in it. I am so sorry for your moms and your own suffering that this cancer brought and is still bringing. You are a wonderful daughter, and I am certain it gives your mom great comfort that you are right there by her side as she takes this journey.
    Peace and Prayer in the days, weeks, months to come

    in reply to: please give me your experience #28108

    I am so sorry for you and your husband. I think your doctor is a bit clueless or indifferent, either of which is a bad thing. I think you said you are meeting with the Doctor again, is that in two weeks? can you call the Dr. and ask why a stent is not an option to relieve the jaundice? It just seems to me, something can be done to relieve his discomfort.

    in reply to: Scan today #28137

    Love it!! Thats great news. Prayers do get answered!

    in reply to: Mom Newly Diagnosed #28121

    My dad didn’t have much of a appetite b/f his resection, but after the resection, his appetite slowly came back, infact he gained back all of the 30 lbs he had lost prior to surgury and initial diagnosis. As for intaking nutrients prior to surgury, I bought a really good juicer b/c it was easier for him to drink then eat. I juiced anything from carrot/beet/apple, to pinapple(which is supposed to be a great detoxer for the liver)orange, grapefruit. You name it, I tried it. It will be important to for your mom to have strength going into the surgury, and that is what I told my dad everytime I forced a drink down him. It worked, he always cooperated with me. Good Luck! “Stage Two”, in and of itself is great news for this Cancer!!
    Peace and Prayer
    BTW, do you live in the Chicagoland? my father was operated on at Evanston Northwestern, and I absolutely loved our surgeon, he did a great job on my dad.

    in reply to: No appetite #28085

    Hi Lwilson,
    I want to welcome you to the site and express how sorry I am your mom is having to battle this awful disease. My father is on Hospice as well with this cancer, we are not having so much luck with food intake either. He pretty much wont eat anymore, but he is very, very thirstly due to all the morphine he is on, so we give him poplsicles and lemon ice. He gladly takes them b/c of his continual thirst. I’ll also juice fresh apple, strawberries, blueberries, and water it down a bit and have him drink that. Good luck! you have come to the right place for support, from honest, caring people.
    Peace be with you

    in reply to: Absolutely conflicted #27976

    Your post made me cry a lot and I guess made me feel like I am not alone. I am sorry you had to lose your mother at such a young age. She did have so much more life to live. I can only assume there is no date on grieving, I dont know how it could ever possibly end. You have every right to rant and rant often. This is a maddening, cruel and relentless cancer, how can it not evoke anger? I will be thinking and praying for you and eveyone else on this post.

    in reply to: I got chemo and good news #27965

    You told this Cancer where to go, and it listened!! Your positive attitude sprinkled with lots of anger toward this stupid cancer is what we all need to hear. Keep on getting great reports, enjoy your visit with your sis, and you and Hans enjoy that wonderful cottage!!

    in reply to: What are the signs of impending death? #16372

    Natasha, I am so sorry for your loss of your father and then pain and suffering your mom is enduring with CC. I truly don’t think I could endure so much sadness and stress at one time, you are an amazing person. I am kind of baffled by the treatment of your mother at the hospital. Have they done ultrasounds on your moms abdomen to see if there is a bowel obstruction? Are they giving her laxatives of any kind? has a suppository been suggested? Your mom needs relief now. Also, what kind of pain therapy do they have your mom on? Is she wearing a patch of any kind, morphine? It seems at this point the goal should be to get the pain controlled.
    You are an incredible daughter, and I am sure your mom is so grateful for your loving support. I pray for strength for you and the pain to be relieved for your mother.

    in reply to: Help, My mum has nonresectable CC #18685

    Hi Andy,
    I am just reading your posts for the first time, and I just want to tell you I am sorry for your loss. You seem like wonderful loving son and your moms final words were a great reflection on you and your brothers, who clearly loved her very much.
    Peace and Prayer

    in reply to: Another 3 month check-up….another good report. #27992

    Awesome!! It is so great to hear a good story. It just proves every situation with this cancer is different and statistics are just a bunch of numbers, and should always be taken with a grain of salt. Look forward to many more good reports.

    in reply to: My Mom Helen Louise Whitfield Davis #27912

    Dearest Pam, I am so sorry for the passing of your mother, but I am happy to read it was peaceful and her closest family was with her til the end. I am certain it gave your mom great comfort that you were with her until she passed over, just as you have been with her every step of the way with this dreadful cancer. It is a great testament to waht kind of mother she was, because of what a wonderful, loving, and caring daughter your are. I am also certain there is a void in your life now with your moms passing, but hopefully that will be slowly filled with loving memories of your mom and your life together. You are in my thoughts and prayers

    in reply to: Not a good update #27893

    I have been thinking of you a lot lately. I am deeply sorry for you and your family. Even if we know it is inevitable, when it is no longer months or weeks, but days before our loved ones depart, the finality of it seems unbarable. My thought and prayers are with your mother, you and your family.
    I pray for your strength and courage

    in reply to: Missing my best friend :( #27859

    Sarah Lindsay,
    You have found the right site. We all in one way or another understand your pain. Whether we are patients, caregivers, family, friends, we are all here because we have been effected by this brutal cancer. Your mom was way to young to die. This disease is unfair and relentless and many don’t have a fighting chance. I am so sorry for your loss, your mom should have had much more time on this earth. Feel free to rant, vent, scream, cry, people are hear to listen.
    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers

    in reply to: Drained but still very distended? #27658

    I am really glad Fiona got some fluid out. I can only imagine she feels much more comfortable.
    I am thinking good thoughts for the latest CT results.
    Peace and prayer


    This is what I was told by our Hospice Dr. In my dads case, the tumors in his liver and pancreas are causing them to shut down and therefore releasing toxins in the body, those toxins will travel to the lungs and the brain. That may be what is causing your sister to be “confused”. The toxins can also cause fatigue and loss of appetite. I am sorry you are going through this and it is appearing to be a rapid deline for your sister. The one area where this cancer is consistent, is that it isn’t consistant and it isn’t always predictable in its progression. If Hospice comes, there are certain signs they look for and can predict somewhat accurately a time span. ie heartrate, blood pressure, breathing, circulation(a blue hue to fingernails) but again, every person with CC is different.
    BTW, this is just a thought and just how our family has chosen to handle hospice- we told my dad that we were having a nurse from the hospital examine him at home so he didnt have to travel to the hospital. We have never said “hospice” and neither has the nurses or doctors. We prefer him not knowing everything. We feel it wont change the end result, and if anything, it might make his last days. weeks, months? less sad. Again, this is an approach that is working for us.
    Sorry for all your sisters and families heartache.
    You are in my prayers

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