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  • in reply to: Please remember Joni and Staci #15679

    Betty, our prayers and thoughts are winging their way to Joni and staci and may they find love and peace in the future xxxxxxxx

    in reply to: Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma #15552

    Hya Patricia. Our famiy live in Birmingham. It was weird reading about your hubby.
    Alan lived with his girlfriend/partner but she said for a short time that on his days of he would sleep from 11.00 pm through to at least 4.00pm next day. She was amazed that he could sleep this long and not get up to eat. She would come home from work to find he was still asleep and in bed. Of course this created a few problems and they took a break from each other prior to xmas and in January 2006 I asked him if he was eating properly as I thought he was losing weight. He was insistant that he had not lost weight. As soon as he started having problems I told him he had a gall-bladder problem but our local G.P. did not see this as the problem. His weight plummeted rapidly and he got jaundiced and 1 month later he passed away.
    like you and I suspect others, I too am convinced that there could have been no other outcome in this instance. He did have a reasonable good quality of life until the last 7 days or so. For this I am truly grateful that we had time to talk and for our home to be an open house for all of his friends who still continued to be part his life until the evening before he died. love and peace to everyone

    in reply to: Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma #15550

    Hya all I feel so sorry for all of us on this marvellous site.
    Most of you know by now (see rememberance) that alan had an almost identical situation to your dad, Vivian. It is I feel completely unexpected for all of us.
    I have also thought that alan was so fit that he must have missed some sort of warning signs. I now have all of his records including all of the x-rays and am slowly reading everything. In his whole life he only ever had chicken pox and the mumps and a few stitches taken out. I have read about links to watercress and alan loved this even as a child. He travelled greatly and I thought maybe he had eaten some whilst he was abroad somewhere. I have been clutching at anything that could help me to understand what happened.
    I am still in shock and feel so fazed on a daily basis even though it is one year on the 30th of this month. I sometimes feel he is still on one of his travels and expect him to walk through the door and tell us what a great time he has had. His girlfriend is also struggling and is feeling so lonely without him.
    When he knew he was going to die he told me that in the future I must imagine him sat on a beach reading his book and listening to the sound of the sea. This is what he loved to do whilst on his travels. I hope and pray for all of us that the pains of our losses will heal with time. Teresa

    in reply to: My Beautiful Son #14555

    Hya all many thanks for your support.
    I know grieving takes a different route for everyone, grief is so painfull no matter who we grieve for we miss them all so dreadfully. I do hope that no matter what route we go we all somehow continue to gain some sort of peace.
    Jeff, I follow your course with so much interest and feel that you are one of our great pioneers with this cc.
    I know it is so hard for you and yours to go through all of the treatments.
    I pass on your story to so many people in the hope that one day there will be some recognition that this dreadfull disease will get the expertise, energy, time, and money spent in research to combat and resolve a cure.
    Let us all live in hope. xxxxxx

    in reply to: My Mum #15558

    Hya Sara I read your post and could not stop the tears, this cc is so awful.
    And I have outlived my son.
    I am still grieving for my son alan. The pain is something I have never experienced before and more recently I now feel as if I am in shock. I feel so numb and my body is so tired. Some days are slightly better and others take me back to one year ago.
    Alans story is so familiar to yours in as much as one moment he was working, happy and planning his next long trip abroad with his friends and the next he was so ill.
    I felt absolutely helpless, I begged him to go privately and pay. Alan had never been ill in his life and had faith that the doctors knew what they were doing.
    Our experience in the U.K. was that scanning machines appear to be almost non existant. Also when it appears someone is so very ill there is no hurry to get a diagnosis it is all about waiting in queues. In the end we managed to get scans done quicker because of not what we knew but who we knew. One of the nurses told me if I had not taken him to the hospital myself he would have passed away at home.
    Within 8 weeks he was gone from being a working non smoking, non drinking, active fit sport fanatic to dying in his sleep at home with me. I am not sure if there were errors made by our local G.P.or one of our most famous hospitals BUT I do know they appeared not to have a clue about what was happening to Alan, or they were not telling us the whole story.
    Our local hospice were fantastic with alan and came to our home to visit him and they have been marvellous to me. I know I will never be the same again, but I have now realised every day must be lived as if it were my last. Whether it is a tearful day or a day for me to try and do something to honour the legacy of my sons life on this earth.

    On all levels alan has left us with so much.
    Everything was all neat and tidy, this is how he was in his life. There are albums full of pictures from when he was a young boy and all of his adventures. They all have the dates and countries noted on the back. The tears are so near to the surface daily but the pain does ease very slowly. I know that one day it will seem as if the sun will shine again and I will be able to smile at some of the things that alan has done.
    Sarah I hope and pray that one day you will find peace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    in reply to: Bone Metastasis #14243

    Hya Mary Alan had quite bad pain but eventually ,no tumers in this area.
    but as I have said he had only visited the docs for removal of stitches,chicken pox and mumps in his whole life. He had never been ill.
    It took him a while to make his mind up to visit with this pain.
    The pain gradually worked its way around to the upper right front side of his body.
    Everything was located in that one quarter of his body.
    His heart and lungs were in their words A-one.
    love and light teresa

    in reply to: Bone Metastasis #14239

    Hya LaineyA
    This is the first time I have read of anyone else having a first symptom of tendonitis in the shoulder.
    My son (alan) see rememberance first visited our doctor as he had pain in the shoulder blade area. He was given pain killers and was told he had a torn/ pulled muscle. He told me he knew it was more than that as he had torn muscles in the past.
    He felt that as he was an extremely fit young man the medical people did not listen to what he was telling them.
    However his mets were on both lobes of the liver.
    I hope and pray that your spots will be eliminated by the chemo and all goes well for you and yours.
    Alans mom

    in reply to: MIL just diagnosed #15306

    Hya Whirlgigs so sorry about your mother-in-law.
    Hope you and your family will find some peace.
    My heart goes out to you all.

    I think on this site, it so very much proves that this awful cancer
    does not go in the same way for everyone.
    We here some fantastic stories.
    On the other hand some of our beloveds go so quckly we do not
    have time to realise what is happening.
    love and light Teresa

    in reply to: cholangiocarcinoma #15338

    Hya Carolann it is 5.43/pm thursday now.
    Good luck to you and your mom tomorrow for stent insertion.
    Hopefully your mom will not feel too bad.
    You will feel dazed and numbed by all of these things at the moment.
    However, if need be personally I would either speak to docs over the weekend and find out as much as possible.
    OR E-MAIL, FAX or telephone the number given for prof lodge etc.
    Whilst I know most doctors are quite quick many in this country are not informed enough concerning this type of cancer and tend to take too much time.
    There is no harm in making enquiries and having more information and more options.

    Every little helps and please make use of all of us on this site as there are some marvellous stories. love and light Teresa

    in reply to: cholangiocarcinoma #15332

    Hya Carolann Just read your mail.
    So sorry about your mom.
    However. I am in Birmingham and lost my son.
    Like jmoneypenny advise that you get as much information of this site as you are
    able at this time. If need be get second or even third opinions but make sure the docs and you have as much information as possible. Some on this site have spoke about a prof. lodge at leeds. ?
    I found that my biggest concern with alan was how to stop him losing the weight that he had so quickly. There are lots of threads on here about food and vitamins etc.

    At the time alan was so ill I offered to pay for some scans etc but was advised not to do this by the hospital. I now wished we had gone ahead and got them much quicker
    as time was of the essence.
    If you need to speak or mail someone please feel free to contact me by mail and I will give you my number and help in any way possible. All of my best wishes go to you and yours.
    love and light Alans Mom

    in reply to: Hello All-Mom with Liver Mass #15228

    Hya Bernie
    I hope and pray that your mom is not in too much pain.
    I found your mail so moving as we had many similarities.

    I admire both you and joyce for your articles as I have been afraid to write in such detail about our journey. (Alans mom see remembrance)
    We live in england and had a horrendous time with alan.
    Alan was still at work in feb 2006 but our doctors did nothing and I took him in to hospital myself in the end. On March 1st 2006 alan was told he had 6 months to live.

    On the 2nd march alan and myself were told there was virtually nothing to be done but they would try some chemo for about 6 weeks if this did not work it would be stopped. We finally got to oncology unit beginning of April and he passed away on the 30th of April.without any treatment. He asked if I would look after him to the end which I did and our local hospice (st Marys Hospice selly oak birmingham england )were magnificent in helping me on a daily basis.
    Like Joyce, alan was still going out with his mates, he even managed to go to spain to see Rossie at the motorbike racing in march although he could not eat much and if he did it came straight back up. He organised the trip for himself and two of his friends, flew to portugal and he drove into spain. He was still going to do his banking etc until about a week before when he got an infection in his stent.

    However, I keep repeating please everyone get second, third even fourth opinions.
    Do not accept everything at face value.

    I have had to pay approx

    in reply to: Rest in peace mama #15261

    Hya Maggie I feel so much for you and yours. xxxxxxxxxxx

    I know that she will remain in your heart for ever.
    Changing your options would be a wonderful thing for you to do in memory of your mom.

    I have to say as lots do on this site cc. shows in many different forms and time spans.
    It is a terrible disease and so vicious in the way it attacks the body.
    I often repeat always get second or even third opinions, but allow the patient to deal with this in their way if they are able.
    We all wish we could do more but always,
    we are only able to do the best we can
    with what we have got at any given time.
    My thoughts are with you love and light
    Teresa (Alans mom)

    in reply to: Betty Moneypenny, my mother, 1942-2007 #15132

    I am so sorry.
    I have felt so much for you whilst reading of your mom’s struggle.
    You were able to hold her hand and help with her peace.
    Our prayers are with you.
    You are not alone, my alan passed away within 8 weeks so very peacefully.

    It is so intense and frustrating as we travel this road and I hope that one day
    we will all be able to walk a little easier along the the path.


    in reply to: Mark Clements #15086

    Stacie and rick
    I feel so much tenderness for you and your family. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    MARK will live on through this site.
    This site is such a marvellous memorial to mark.
    It is an inspiration for all of us who have known cc.
    Many of us are in various places around the world and
    What a wonderful legacy we have and we will all continue to benefit from this
    in many ways. love and light Teresa

    in reply to: My Husband-Ken 04/23/60-12/27/2006 #15008

    Hya Terri- I know how you have felt and are feeling. xxxxxxx
    lots of thoughts and prayers are being said for you and yours.

    As Alans mom (see remembrance) I also believe it is the hardest thing I have ever been through or will in time to come.
    I think all of us on this site hope and pray that a cure will soon come to light. Even a more rigorous campaign and research programme highlighting this terrible type of cancer would be a step in the right direction.
    one of the things alan asked for us to do before his death was to raise as much money as we could for our local hospice, even though he did not go in. The hospice came to us on a daily basis and left telephone numbers for day and night if we were in need. They were magnificent.
    From his funeral we raised

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