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  • in reply to: Waiting is the pits! #31913

    Hi Louise,

    Keeping everything crossed for your speedy recovery from the pig flu or whatever is causing the problem – good luck for your PET scan SOON!

    Val x

    in reply to: Free NHS prescriptions for cancer patients #31729

    Hi Ron

    Many thanks for the website info – I’ve had a browse & will set about investigating the relevant bits soon with pensions trustees. At least I’ll know for future information & can get things straight – I’m feeling the need to get my life sorted out.

    I would like (& hope) to get back to some sort of work in the not too distant future – just have to hope that the docs are right in my case but i will never take whatever time I have left (however long that might be) foregranted again- as we can see only too often on this site, you just don’t know.

    What’s that quote about ‘Lies, damn lies & statistics’? If it’s only the statistics we can get to work for us then we must do just that!

    Take Care, best wishes, Val

    in reply to: Dealing with body image change #31668

    Hi Betsy,
    I’m still in the dark on my itching I’m afraid. When I have the next round of blood tests my doc is going to check for antibodies to whatever list of foods i can provide as possible culprits.
    It certainly seems allergic but i do wonder if there’s a relationship to the surgery & certainly to the huge amount of antibiotics I’ve had to take, which inevitably cause candida problems, which then makes you more sensitive….

    I had a bile duct resection (May 14th ’09) only (only?), the docs were not at all sure if I had cc or not (I did, the tumour was at the cyctic duct), the surgeon had originally said that he would do a liver resection as a matter of course but as time progressed seemed to back off this option & his letter to the hepatologist said that the liver & pancreas ‘looked very healthy’ during the operation so he just re-routed everything else he could find, hence the digestive changes.
    I’m due my next scan in November – I’m on 6 monthly CT checks, bloods more often, due to the abnormal liver enzymes, both my AFT & ALP are raised although the AFT had dropped by around 50% last month. I think that’s the right way around!
    My main problem has been wound infection, it still hasn’t completely healed although having started using manuka honey dressings only last week it’s shown a staggering improvement. Only 6cm long & 5mm deep now – that from 8cm & 8-9mm deep a week ago (When I came home from hospital in June I had the whole 30cm ‘roof-top’ incision open).
    I feel that having this almost constant infection (although low-grade) has been dragging me down for months & has to be affecting blood results. Time will tell I guess!
    Good luck with yours next week – I hope everything remains stable – keep us posted!

    Best wishes Val

    in reply to: My very embarrassing emotional break down. #31941

    Ah Kris
    You are such a star. I cannot imagine that your classmates would be anything other than glad to see you back – we all love you & don’t have the priveledge of spending time with you in person!
    I’ve had enough problems with anaesthetic brain – I’m sure chemo brain is far worse – but, I’ll bet you can remember your name, Hans’ name & what to order at the Chinese- that’s pretty good for a bad day!

    I’m still musing on your idea of a ladybird (ladybug!) tattoo (sorry, late reply to this thread) around/along your scar(s) – should it be sitting on a Steel Magnolia? Oh yes!

    How about telling your class mates you have OCD when you start the disinfecting?

    You take good care, stay strong & if that’s not possible on a bad day, eat chocolate! Val x

    in reply to: My brother is gone… #31736

    So sorry for your loss Sandy,

    Condolences to you & yours


    in reply to: Free NHS prescriptions for cancer patients #31727

    Hi Ron!

    Many thanks for clearing up the details on my ‘one statement fits all’ effort – I should have realised each individual parliament would be doing it’s own thing!
    You’re right on it being a Catch 22 but I guess there has to be some compensation in this damned disease.

    Thanks for the other info too – I was just thinking I should look at pension conditions – forearmed and all that!

    I don’t think the DWP are going to let me off the hook just yet – I have a medical later this month & an interview at the job centre for my ‘Return to Work Pathway’…….. Yes, well, just as soon as the wound is healed eh?

    Thanks again, Val

    in reply to: Dealing with body image change #31666

    Hi Betsy!
    I’ve also had problems with diet – I had thought that how it was with the drain into the bile duct is how it would be after the bile duct resection – oh no! Small meals seem the way to go, I find it much easier with white meat, fish, vegetables, fruit & not much in the way of red meat, cheese etc unless low fat versions.

    As for clothes, my waist is still about 4 inches larger than before – fortunately i’d lost about 28lb prior to the operation so have been able to wear trousers that were about to go to the charity shop/ebay!

    I find drawstring or elasticated waists are good, and as Kris recommends, anything which gathers under the bust then flares out is good – covers the baggy bum on the otherwise too large trousers as well!

    On a positive note I haven’t been able to wear a bra since last December firstly because of the drains & then because i was so swollen after the surgery – well this week i did the usual monthly try out & HOORAY! No pain, no discomfort – the bras are back! Cleavage – YAY! I’m hoping the waist will follow soon….
    I was very interested to read about your itching problem – I’m having problems with nettle rash (? hives) & seemingly two other rashes which keep coming & going despite constant antihistamines. I’m thinking nuts are involved as it’s always much worse after peanuts, but two of my liver enzymes are still elevated – I will do some research on that. It’s not like the itching I had with the jaundice – that was horrendous & constant, which this isn’t.
    A day in bed is extra special therapy & always allowed! Enjoy it.

    Take care, Val

    in reply to: is there anythink I can do #31615

    Hi DT,

    So pleased you’ve found this site – Katie & Gavin are absolutely right – get your GP onto it ASAP. And if your own GP isn’t helpful, see another one in the practice until you find one that IS helpful. I’m very very lucky with mine, but I know only too well this is not always the case. Keep us posted when you can.

    As you’ll see, the emphasis on this site is FIGHT!

    Best wishes to you & your mum


    in reply to: Peritoneal Spread #31554

    Hey Louise – SWAG, that’s really funny!

    I made your cookies – did I get them right? They’re quite like fudge in consistency? Really good flavour, though a little sweet for me. I did substitute xylitol for half of the sugar & wondered if that made the consistency wrong!
    Apologies for not replying before & also to Gavin & Jolene for their good wishes previously, my broadband has taken it upon itself to decide when & with who I can do anything much online, it’s caught up with this site now. Email & Facebook have been on the hit list for several weeks – I’ll be changing providers very soon!

    Having read lots on here this evening I’m currently feeling like a bit of a wuss. I haven’t worked since early last December (certainly couldn’t do the job I was doing & likely never will be able to again) due to the drains followed by the operation & the continuing wound infection – currently feeling yuck due to yet more flucloxacillin at a dose suitable for a horse – it’s been about 15 years since I had thrush this badly. Ouch.

    And then I’ll feel even more af a wuss for grumbling about thrush when there’s such horrible symtoms going on out there. My LFTs are still abnormal – that help?
    In a couple of days when I’ve finished the antibiotics I’ll be grateful for small mercies – such as;at least my still unhealed wound is not a fistula from a whipple – it’s just a pain in the guts & a damned nuisance.

    Thinking of all you guy & sending positive thoughts (I am really!) Val x

    in reply to: Introductions… #31536

    Hi Ladyria, along with all everyone else, welcome to here.

    I had surgery (bile duct resection) in May 2009, although my cc wasn’t confirmed until the histology after the op. It was suspected but the docs were uncertain if it was cc or some sort of inflammatory stricture.

    Therefore I was given the choice of having the op or not.

    My surgeon gave me plenty of info to go on with regarding how things may be after the op, he was correct on most! I had a largely uneventful recovery immediately after the op – high dependency ward, not ICU, although then developed a wound infection, which I am still struggling with.

    Very best wishes to you & your Mum, hope the decisions become clear to you all as you receive all the relevant information You’ll find plenty of information on here plus plenty of inspirational people.

    Best wishes, Val

    in reply to: My lovely sister #31016

    Hi Julia,

    You can fight for the both of you – I’m sure Billy D will do his bit too.

    Val x

    Ps Is Laura out of the wardrobe yet?

    in reply to: My treatment regime…aggressive #31390

    Kris, you are a STAR! Absolutely inspirational & an example to us all.

    Get those metaphorical stilletos on and stamp on leroy hard.

    You take good care, Val x

    in reply to: My lovely sister #31007

    Oh damn & blast mate!
    That’s totally unneccessary stress added to an already highly stressful situation.
    If it helps to turn the pressure cooker down a little, I think that a lot of nurses & doctors do give a damn but the conditions they work under makes it very hard for them to prove that at times. But it’s not really any consolation when your blood pressure is way up & just a few words would put this right. As Lainey rightly says at least you now know the situation, you can all take some deep breaths & explore Sue’s options over the coming days & weeks.
    You take good care, stay strong, big hug, Val x

    in reply to: Another new member of the club no one wants to join #31328

    Thanks Louise, I’ll be giving the cookies a go very soon. Also with a bit less sugar, though they sound great – I’ll be passing the recipe on to another friend who needs help in the constipation department!

    I live in Cornwall, UK, about 15 miles from Plymouth, Devon (the original one). Just a few thousand miles or so away from you in Indiana! Isn’t the internet a wonderful thing? x

    I see that my sign on doesn’t have any info with it yet – I’ll have a teccy moment soon & try to work that out. Or is it something simple & I just haven’t pressed the right button yet?

    Hey Kris, glad you enjoyed being reminded of ‘manky’. That was the ‘technical term’ used by a radiologist!
    I would put the trouble remembering down to the drugs/anaesthetics etc. that’s my excuse anyway. I found the drain very uncomfortable full stop, always best when they’re out & gone.
    I’m glad to hear you’re over the drain now – keep on keeping on!

    Hi Julia,
    Best of luck for tomorrow, T-1 & counting…. I luckily escaped the liver resection so am guessing Sue may be in ITU rather than High Dependency Unit so she may also escape the moving about for a couple more days. I was in theatre for nearly 8 hours – my family were really worried as they were expecting somewhere between 4-7hours. Expect you’re all feeling very nervous/worried right now, think calm thoughts, stay positive & get to that good place in your mind – easier said than done but we’re all out here rooting for Sue too, fingers/toes/etc all crossed, take care x

    Night all x

    in reply to: Another new member of the club no one wants to join #31322

    Oh, the probiotics – already on some super-duper all singing all dancing ones thanks very much to you, Louise & LuLuu!

    I’ve had previous problems with candida so knew I needed heavy duty ones! My tum is settling, though i tend to ‘urgency’ rather than constipation though that does happen if I let up on the fibre intake – I find beetroot highly effective for constipation!


    I would love the recipe for your cookies – what better way to fight such problems than chocolate? They can be a special treat as due to fighting the candida I’m on a (almost – there has to be SOME foodie treats) no added sugar, absolutely no yeast, nothing processed diet.
    I know exactly what you mean about calling the doctor – I’ve had all kinds of muscle pain under the forming scar as the wound has been healing – usually because I’d done too much moving around (filling the bird feeders, getting in & out of passenger side of various cars etc etc). Fortunately I had daily visits from the district nurses to dress the wound so they were usually able to stop me getting into any panic mode. I’m a great believer in ‘leave it alone & see how it is in 24 hours’. Very difficult though.


    I thought my drain ‘wire’ looked just like my ipod charger! Two at once? ARGHhHhhhhHH.. My surgeon wanted me to have two at the beginning but the radiologist put him & me very firmly right on that one. Apparently my bile ducts are not particularly large & weren’t as distended as they really needed to be & told me that I ‘would not cope with the pain of two being inserted at once & really didn’t want to go there’. He was a really cheerful chappie……! Excellent at getting the drains in though, which is the main thing. And he was the only one to categorically say he though I had cc. Fortunately my bilirubin levels came down quickly with just one so i was spared having two together. Ouch! Not too tight a hug for Sue then!
    Have the nurses given Sue info on post-op stuff? Drains/central lines/catheter/cough pillows etc?
    In Plymouth it’s very much ‘just because you’ve had half your guts ripped out we are still going to make you get out of bed & move around – and cough! A lot!’ They were very good at providing the cough pillows though – essential. I found that the ‘press the button every 5 mins’ pain relief (I wasn’t suitable for an epidural) made me hallucinate, though not in a serious way, more like the shakey camera work beloved of crime dramas! Very strange though. And I heard things too.

    Thank you all again, very best wishes for the strength we all need!

    Val x

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