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  • in reply to: Not a good update #27886


    Please know that we are praying for your family and wish you all peace.


    in reply to: Missing my best friend :( #27862


    I am so sorry for your loss.

    When I read threads like these, hear others comments and know my father’s story, I am left angry at our health care system. If such a good number of us find our way here, how many don’t know about this site or don’t use the internet or have something rare besides CC and on and on. It is such a sad situation.


    in reply to: New to the site #27781

    Jamie, good for you! What types of supplements did you take?


    in reply to: out of nework care #27777

    This is a near and dear topic for me at the moment. I honestly don’t know how some employees of insurance companies look at themselves in the mirror. The scam du jour for us is that my dad has successfully petitioned BC for OON care. What stuns me is how this plays out. The specialist writes his letter of medical necessity and gets his reply including which insurance codes they will cover such as surgery, hospital stay of up to 5 days, etc. The doctor relays that to us. However, BC sends my dad a letter saying they will only pay for office visits, not surgery or hospital stays etc.

    My conclusion is that typically the patient will believe BC and not the physician resulting in the patient opting for in network services or no care at all. Is there anything more devious?

    I would love to hear others’ stories on this as it is an ongoing issue for us. So far, the specialist has been great. I think it helps is that his practice is a “designated BC cancer center for rare and complex cancers”. It just happens to be OON for my dad and I am not sure if there are any other similarly designated centers in network. Certainly, none in his hometown.

    in reply to: Chemoembolization worked well #27760

    Great news! So happy the treatments were successful!

    in reply to: The latest “Plan of Attack” #27096

    Tess, Jim:

    Was the AFP mentioned? I have copies of my father’s labs and haven’t seen the CA 19 on there and I am wondering if it goes by something else. AFP is the only of my dad’s numbers that are a tip off for liver trouble, that and, oh yeah, he has a mass as big as his hand….

    I found this informative on CA19


    in reply to: Newbie from UK #27722

    Fingers crossed for the surgery for you!

    in reply to: The latest “Plan of Attack” #27094


    I understand the size of the tumor can be reason to cancel surgery, but I don’t understand why they would cancel the chemoemoblization. Was there another reason than size? My father has an 11×14 cm tumor and never has size been mentioned as a reason for not doing chemo embolization.

    I defer to others with more experience, but one thing I have learned is not to take the first no as an answer.


    in reply to: New & Canadian! #27632

    Hi Daniela,

    What a wonderful support you are for your friend. Your efforts are invaluable to someone in his position.

    BTW, I spent a wonderful couple weeks in Burlington and Hamilton areas a few years ago.



    in reply to: Death and Grief #27351

    Hi Tess,

    I have thought of you often in the last week and wondered how you are doing. Words seem so inadequate at times like these.

    Friends of mine who have suffered losses (one of a partner, one of a child) found comfort in their afterlife questions from several books: Conversations with God, Forever Ours and the Tibetan Guide to Living and Dying.

    I wish you peace,


    in reply to: What can I do? #27317

    When is the appointment? You may try calling the surgeon to see if he can see him sooner.

    in reply to: SC and NCarolina Doctors #27301

    UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill and Duke University in Durham are both cancer centers and many on the board have experience with them.

    in reply to: My father has cholangiocarcinoma #27296


    All of us have stood in your shoes and there is a wealth of info here. Glad to hear you have a CC specialist; that for us was the biggest part of the battle. Forget the prognosis! I find it irritating that doctors are so willing throw around dates and timelines knowing that attitude is such a part of the battle and further they have no idea what time someone may have.

    One of the things to always remember is to make time to spend together LIVING, not just discussing cancer related things. In the beginning I found that difficult; it was so easy to obsess and make CC and losing my father the first and last things I thought of each day. That part will pass, but it will take time. I think it is a conscious decision not to grieve someone who isn’t dead yet.

    If your father has no symptoms, then he is like mine. My father has ignored his prognosis while seeking (non sickening) treatment. He has decided to continue living and not simply wait to die. I visited my parents on Thursday and had the best visit in a long time. We didn’t discuss cancer, treatments, hospitals, etc. It was so enjoyable.

    Good luck. I wish your dad and your family peace on this journey,


    in reply to: Have you ever heard of this… #27268


    How far from Charlotte? You may want to check out Dr. David Iannitti.


    in reply to: tragedy and more trauma #27263


    Sorry to hear all you are dealing with, but glad your son is improving. Remember to take care of yourself through all this!


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