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  • in reply to: In the middle of this nightmare and seeking info……. #68512

    Hi welcome to the site and sorry you had to find us.
    My case is different than yours. I am 33. I had a liver resection followed by chemo and radiation.
    The chemo I got was gem/cis, but my tumor was completely removed by surgery so I have no way of knowing how I responded to it.
    I know many others on the board may not have good results with one agent and then move on to some other chemo combo and can see results.
    Gem/cis seems to be what is tried first.
    I’m sure others will share their stories as well.
    I was not treated at MD Anderson, but I think others have been.
    Best of luck to you and please keep us posted on your treatment!

    Take care!


    in reply to: New to Board #68340

    I am honored you have “followed” me! Lol. I agree, our cases and treatment plans seem very similar. When I was diagnosed, I was desperate to find someone similar to me.
    I got 3 opinions on my case, especially regarding the adjuvant radiation. But I, like you, wanted to be aggressive.
    Chemo did not get tough on me until towards the end when it destroyed my counts.
    Radiation got really difficult around 4 wks into treatment and I was kind of miserable for about 2 wks after it ended . If you start to show signs of acid reflux, I would ask for a proton pump inhibitor right away. I would even think it would be a good idea as a preventative measure.

    I have had no medical cancer treatment since February. If you remember, I got a benign ovary mass removed in May 2012, so had to recover from that, but it was not a big deal.

    To give you an update on my current status, I am feeling good. So far, I have no regrets about my treatment, except maybe having the ovarian surgery open, probably could have been laprascopic. I feel good. I don’t look sick. I am 5’5, was 118lbs prior to surgery, went down to 104 at my sickest during radiation and now am a healthy 123lbs. I work full time, travel a lot and have started skiing again. My next scan is in April.

    I was a runner prior to my dx. I still run every now and again but not like I used to. I would never qualify for the Boston Marathon but look forward to cheering you on!!

    If you ever have any questions for me, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will warn you, some people have tried to email me from this site and it doesn’t seem like I get the emails, so if you have tried that, please don’t think I was ignoring you.

    I wish you the best with your treatment and can’t thank you enough for sharing your story.


    in reply to: MY CT SCAN RESULTS!!!!!! #68439


    Love it. Keep it coming and congrats!! So happy for you! :)

    Take care!


    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #68433

    Welcome to the board but sorry you had to find us.
    I am very similar to you. I am a 33 yr old female, diagnosed with intrahepatic cc at 31 on 5-11. I went to the ER one day after having some abd/chest pain where they found spots on my liver. I was told I had the flu or food poisoning but should get the liver spots worked up.
    The spots turned out to be a mass on the left lobe of my liver. I had the left lobe of my liver removed 5-11 and that’s when I was told I had CC. After the resection, I had 3 cycles of gem/cic, 6 wks of chemo radiation, and 3 more cycles of gem cis.
    I was really healthy at the time of diagnosis and was trying to get pregnant. I don’t have any other medical issues.
    Where are you getting treated at? I live in Oregon but used to work at UPMC in Pittsburgh so went there for my surgery. My surgeon was David Geller and he is excellent.
    Did they do a biopsy? I am not a Dr, so this is just my humble opinion, and I’m sure others will chime in, but I’m a little surprised they are giving you chemo instead of getting you into surgery right away. If it is CC, the amount of patients who are eligible for resection is very small and that is the only chance of a cure.
    CC is very rare and members of this board tend to encourage getting treated at a large medical center by someone who has experience treating this disease. We also encourage second and third opinions. I got 3 opinions on my case.

    Best of luck with your treatment and please keep us posted.


    in reply to: New to Board #68332

    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us!!
    I tend to be private about my situations as well.
    Your case is similar to mine. I am 33, had intrahepatic cc and a left hepatectomy 5/11 followed by 3 cycles of gem/cis, 6 wks chemo radiation and 3 more cycles of gem/cis. I had negative lymph nodes and negative margins, but one margin was close.
    This group is such a wonderful resource. Welcome to the site but sorry you had to find us.

    Take care,


    in reply to: Lauren’s MRI results. #68236

    Congratulations!!! Great news!

    Take care!


    in reply to: 3-year scan results!! #67825


    What wonderful news!! Congrats to you!!!


    I will be praying for a successful surgery and easy recovery! I had a liver resection if you ever have any questions about recovery.

    Take care!


    in reply to: 3 Years Ago Today #67510


    Thanks for sharing the memory and thanks so much for being so active on the board. You always write the nicest things and are so supportive. We appreciate you!

    Take care,


    in reply to: New Member #67372

    Hi and welcome to the site!

    I am 33 and had intrahepatic CC. I was lucky enough to get a liver resection. I live in Portland, OR, so we are pretty close.
    I would try to get a second opinion. CC is so rare, you want to be sure to get someone with experience. You want to make sure he has good pain control.

    Take care,


    in reply to: Scan results for Lauren #67292

    Great news!!

    It will make for a very Merry Christmas indeed!


    in reply to: Natural ways to reduce nausea? #67274

    I used to drink ginger tea prior to chemo.


    in reply to: My First Post… #66834

    Welcome to the site Helen and congratulations on your two years!!


    in reply to: question??? #66848

    Steroids can raise blood sugars. A lot of patients getting chemo get steroids to help with nausea.

    in reply to: My husband’s molecular testing results #66853

    Thank you for sharing! Best of luck with treatment.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 477 total)