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  • in reply to: White blood cells and cancer #73751

    I have faith and hope in this line of research (immunotherapy) for targeting cancer cells and leaving healthy tissue alone.

    in reply to: Another new member #73361

    I sure hope they can get him in right away. He has every right to be discouraged about missing the wedding and delaying chemo again. Sounds like The sooner he gets stent replaced the better.
    Wondering Peggy, you are registered as from Singapore but sounds like you’re in the US(?)
    Hang in there…you’re a good advocate for your brother. Sharing his experience and learning from others here really helps.

    in reply to: How things are going #73711

    How wonderful to spend time with your family in a beautiful place. I know It doesn’t take away your grief at the loss of your dear Lauren, but it is good for your soul to rest and even enjoy yourselves. Keeping you in my thoughts and heart,

    in reply to: Another new member #73353

    Chemos not “chemist”!

    in reply to: Another new member #73352

    Hang in there. Get multiple treatment opinions and know that you and your brother aren’t alone. Once treatment is in place it gets easier to breathe. My sister has made it a year, is stable and stage 4. Surprised they said no to radiation…there are many types that target tumors while avoiding healthy liver tissue. If he responds well to one of the chemist, treatment options can change.

    in reply to: Xeloda alone is helping! #73598

    Thats very good to hear of your husbands successful transplant!. just wondering about the Mississippi miracle mud? I looked it up and its mainly for topical skin conditions (and very expensive). Surprised to hear it relieves pain…do you mean from neuropathy pain on skin of hands and feet?

    in reply to: Home…kinda of! #73736

    Congrats Tiff, on yet another milestone!! You’re an inspiration, truly!
    Take it easy…seriously. And God Bless you.

    in reply to: New to the Site #73632

    That’s great news..it definitely feels better when a plan of action is in place and your husband feels better simultaneously. Like alainey says “fright turns to fight” once you’re in treatment.
    Keep up the great attitude!

    in reply to: CA 19-9 is normal! #72636

    Wow , Kris! Glad to hear this good news. And you’re so funny about your new clothes being lonely ! Keeping you in my thoughts as always,

    in reply to: Daughter of Newly Diagnosed 58yo Mom #70597

    Funny, Percy! I love Chinese food! But you’ll have to compete with the Mexican restaurant my Dad just opened..he makes a mean chile verde!

    in reply to: Stay the course. Update from our consult visit. #73686

    Hi Carl,
    I understand your anxiety… you are wanting a concrete plan administered in a timely fashion with a generally predictable outcome. That’s what is so difficult and anxiety inducing about this particular type of cancer…it’s so variable as are the treatment options and responses. I too find myself worrying about the future of my sister and her little boy but I am trying to stay in and enjoy the present with her. Not too hard since she happens to be doing ok right now, even at stage 4…she’s made it almost a year and feels pretty good. She chose not to “spin her wheels” second guessing her Stanford docs by getting multiple opinions (because it would require more decisions to make, she knows little about medicine and she was afraid to delay treatment) so she puts her trust completely in her doctors at Stanford. She doesn’t research CC or participate in this blog as it is too scary to her hearing what others are suffering or horrible stats and so she copes mainly by trying to focus on home improvement projects, parenting and on organizing the mountains of insurance/medical paperwork. Ironically, she has sort of listemed to friends who insist on outrageous and even dangerous cures (like laetrile aka vitamin B-17) while literally begging her not to do chemo (“its poison pushed by doctors and ‘big pharma’ to make money!” they tell her). I vehemently insist she run anything by her Drs and look at the scientific facts. Im more analytical and so can’t stop searching for scientifically proven answers and ideas, even though my sister may not qualify for many of the treatments out there. Hang in there, Carl, you’re not alone. Many, like Kris and Lisa, and Cathy are great examples if survivors who roll with the changes CC brings, treating it like a chronic condition.

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53503

    Astounding is right! That’s great news!

    in reply to: New to the Site #73624

    Wow, what a ride you and your partner have been on! This site has been a Godsend to me as I help my sister navigate CC.
    You are not alone here and will find lots of information and support here. This disease is tricky and complicated with several types and mutations that respond variably to treatments. Sounds like your partner is in good hands finally, though I know you are holding on and waiting for some good news from tomorrow’s scan.
    Best to you,

    in reply to: Xeloda alone is helping! #73591

    Thank you all. It’s great to see my sister enjoying time with her son too. Just want him to grow up with his mom and for her to enjoy the milestones and joys of raising him.


    Thanks, Marion! Been so long since I studied genetics as a biology major (UC Davis), but still have a deep seated desire to understand more about cancer. Knowledge base has expanded hugely over the last 25 years. Thanks for continuing to provide links to information!

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