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  • DianeC

    Dear andyuk — I’m so sorry you have to come to this website, but as others have said, you will receive exceptional support here.

    My sweet husband Brad just passed on August 17 from CC. That is of course the bad news.

    But the good news is that he was diagnosed in 2006 and was able to live a quality life for many many months. His CC was even suspected in 2005, although the docs failed to mention it.

    Brad began radiation in 2006 along with receiving chemo (Gemzar & 5FU) through February 2007. The oncologist kept monitoring him with CT’s, and he again began chemo in the summer of 2007, due to changes (tumors)in the scan. With even more changes, Brad again began chemo, this time with Oxalyplatin and Gemzar. Unfortunately, in July this year, he developed an infection and sepsis, which greatly compromised his health, and ultimately lead to his death.

    No doubt CC is a miserable disease, but Andy, don’t let statistics get in the way of your mother’s (and your) life. Fight!! And know that you have an army of supporters at this extraordinary site.


    My dad was diagnosed in Nov 07. Surgery was not an option. He had two stents put in to open up the bile ducts as he was very jaundiced and itching alot. Dad started a treatment of 5FU with radiation…6-7 weeks. There was a little growth with suspicion that it had spread to lungs. He then started 6 wks of Gemzar. The tumors got worse. By this time it was July 08. He was told that he had 4 weeks left to live. Then we found a new oncologist who suggested treatment with Tarceva and oxyplatin. The new oncologist said that had he been involved he would have started dad with this protocol from the very beginning. Dad has been 4 weeks on Tarceva and two rounds of oxyplatin. His last CT scan showed no change which is a good sign. Before the cancer had been quickly spreading. We’re hopeful that this new treatment will help and control or shrink the cancer.

    We were told that there is no cure for choloangiocarinoma. It’s a terrible disease. You’ve come to the right place to get information. This site has an abundance of information from people with large hearts who are willing to share.

    Good luck and God Bless


    irenea……..I would like to share this: (I am sure to be corrected if stating anything wrong.) Oftentimes, the criteria are strict: No metastases, limited or, no prior chemotherapy, sometimes no multiple tumors or, sometimes tumors not exceeding a specific size. I have learned about some clinical trials where a controlled group of patients is being treated with a conventional therapy and the results are then compared to the control group receiving another drug or, another drug in addition to the conventional drug. For example: Group A receives 5FU and Leucovarin and Group B receives 5FU, Leucovarin and Oxyplatin. The results are then compared. However, a new drug for Cholangiocarcinoma would fall under the Orphan Drug status meaning: it is a rare disease affecting fewer than 200,000 patients or: less then 5 people per 10,000.


    In reply to: Low Point


    Thanks for your support. I’ll ask again about stents and bile thinners. His problem is that he doesn’t have just one big tumor, he has many little ones all over his liver. I think most doctors aren’t prepared to deal with this sort of thing, which is why some treatments were automatically ruled out by his oncologist. No radiation, chemoembolization, or Cyberknife; only 5FU, which has had limited effect but seemed to be the only thing keeping the tumors at bay. I don’t know if he’ll ever go back on it.


    My Dad was diagnosed with intrahepatic bile duct cancer in Nov. 2006 at the age of 74. After an unsucessful surgery due to metatasis. He underwent several months of chemotherapy (5FU) and seemed to hold his own. After good results from that they performemed Cyberknife radiation treatment which after waiting a few months, results showed shrinkage of the tumor but still cancer growth around the abdomen. he also seemed alot weaker and confused.

    In April 2008, 14 months after diagnosis he started another round of chemo.This did not seem to be successful and after an MRI showed that the tumor had actually doubled in size. The doctor has recomended radiation to break up the tumor to avoid spinal damage, but also hospice.

    Dad also is acting very confused and sleeping almost 18 hours a day. Is this normal? The confusion is puzzling because he did have a test for Alzheimers which was negative and yet we really can’t seem to have a converstion with him. Is it the medicine? He really isn’t taking too many pain killers. He resists the Hydocordizone that the doctors encourage him to take.

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you Elizabeth


    In reply to: Bile Duct Surgery


    Hi Lana,

    Found a similar thing with my wife after a visit to M D Anderson. Liver functions too high to get into clinical tests. What a surprise, someone with Liver disease has high liver functions. M D did recommend a triple cocktail for her, 5fu, irinotecan, leucovorin which we are going to try here at home. This cocktail has worked on Colon Cancer so this will be a new attempt on CC. She previously has tried Gemzar + Zeloda and they did not work. I wonder if any one else has tried these Chemos ? If so how rough were they and did you get any results?



    Hi again to all,

    I’m posting under chemotherapy this time becauce John has decided to give it his all and go out fighting. The doctor gave us the hospice talk then told John there was one more treatment he might want to try but the success rate was only about 5%.

    John said 5% was better than no percent. It’s quite a cocktail. First he gets panitmumab for 1-2 hour then 5FU for 1 hour then a 46 hour bottle of Avastin. After the 46 hours they then gave him 2 units of blood. He hasn’t been sick as such just very weak. he won’t eat and sleeps about 16 out of 24 hours. Anyone else had this combo of chemo ?

    July 5th was his birthday, he turned 53. We had family from out of town and all got together for a party. It was great but he was exhausted and slept all day and night Sunday.

    Love to all,


    _Hi everyone…my dad was dx in 12/13/07,wipple done in 01/03/08,followed by 5 weeks of radiation and 5FU.he had a month break and than aftr his scan we found out that he had mets to his liver.they were sure about one 7mm,but there was this other lesion that they were not sure,but he started on GEMOX,had his 5th treatment today.he’s doing good,gained all of his weight back,he’s the same that he was when dx.but my biggest concern is that his CA19-9 keeps going up,it has never been this high not even when he was dx.i’m going crazy over this.when i look at him i can’t believe he has this horrible can’t tell he’s sick when you look at him.i know that this chemo he’s one is the strongest one ou there and if this isn’t working waht else is left?i don’t wanna think about it…he’ll have scans on tuesday and i just can’t stop thinking about the worst.I do bellieve in a god of miracles but at this point i’m just not sure if the miracle will happen to my dad.what if god wants to take him?i’m not ready for this.he’s everything to me.i wanted to be in his place….i’m very glad that he’s not in pain and i don’t wanna see that happening.but anyway,does anybody have anything to tell me about the ca19-9 level going up?has anybody experienced that?
    please help..i’ll keep praying for all of us…



    _Hi everyone…my dad was dx in 12/13/07,wipple done in 01/03/08,followed by 5 weeks of radiation and 5FU.he had a month break and than aftr his scan we found out that he had mets to his liver.they were sure about one 7mm,but there was this other lesion that they were not sure,but he started on GEMOX,had his 5th treatment today.he’s doing good,gained all of his weight back,he’s the same that he was when dx.but my biggest concern is that his CA19-9 keeps going up,it has never been this high not even when he was dx.i’m going crazy over this.when i look at him i can’t believe he has this horrible can’t tell he’s sick when you look at him.i know that this chemo he’s one is the strongest one ou there and if this isn’t working waht else is left?i don’t wanna think about it…he’ll have scans on tuesday and i just can’t stop thinking about the worst.I do bellieve in a god of miracles but at this point i’m just not sure if the miracle will happen to my dad.what if god wants to take him?i’m not ready for this.he’s everything to me.i wanted to be in his place….i’m very glad that he’s not in pain and i don’t wanna see that happening.but anyway,does anybody have anything to tell me about the ca19-9 level going up?has anybody experienced that?
    please help..i’ll keep praying for all of us…


    They think the same mix of gemzar and cisplatin or maybe 5fu and zelodia. The two drs. are going to figure out what they feel is the best for him at this point.

    I’m very nervous about the lymph nodes. It seems once it spreads it goes every where. My mom started with cervical cancer that spread to her kidneys,spine and finally the brain. I just have to keep thinking it’s going to be ok.

    I hope you’re feeling better soon. May God bless you.



    In reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin


    Just Joined this site, I unfortunately have CCA, (had liver resection) -still got some nasties hanging around. I too have undergone Gemzar & 5FU. Gemzar was quite tollerable but 5FU gave me abdomen pain. My counts (CA19-9) shot up with 5FU. Gemzar seemed to have no effect. Radiation treatment is next.

    Steve F


    My dad just started his first round of gemzar/dex last Friday and by Saturday he started hiccuping. He previously went through two different chemo series (first was 5FU+adrucil; second was 5FU+avastin+oxaliplatin+leucovorin) and didn’t have any hiccup issues. He’s got an ERCP coming up next Monday and I’m concerned that the constant hiccups will make the procedure difficult, not to mention that the hiccuping is uncomfortable in general.

    Any successful rememdies out there? I noticed that someone indicated brioschi as a good remedy but I’m concerned about the high sodium content.



    Hi Jeff,

    Well I have had a look for info on Escozul and it looks like it is blue scorpion venom that has had some success according to Cubans in treating cancer. Unfortunately, it looks like it is not widely available, the only apparently reliable source of this is Labiofam S.A in Cuba, and also it has not been approved for wide distribution (apparently Labiofam is in the process of getting it approved). Apparently other providers of Escozul don’t really sell the real product and some might sell it but in unsafe quantity. It sounds like a dead end to me unless travelling to Cuba but will let you know if I find out more.

    Currently looking into the Davanat-5FU clinical trial but our European insurance doesn’t cover the costs so not sure we qualify for it.

    All the best and keep it up!


    Hello everyone,

    It has been so great to have all your feedback over the last month or so. Thanks all of you. We need one more piece of advice. As I mentioned in a previous posting the latest on my dad ia that he was taken back into hospital because he had a liquid in his right lung. It turns out it was probably inflammatory and infectious (cna’t confirm which) rather than tumoral. He also had another scan done which shows that the tumor is mainly in the bile ducts. He is now recovering from that and awaiting to start his chemo/radio treatment. The onchologist wanted to go for the radiotherapy in combination with 5FU that some of you have recommended but she now sudenly said that because the latest scn shows some liquid around the abdomen that radiotherapy is now not an option. I know that it is not good to doubt experts opinion but wanted to check with all of you as this is so important to us. Is this true? When there is liquid in the abdomen no type of radiotherapy can be given? How many types bu the way of radiotherapy there is? Has any of you had this happen? I just find it difficult to believe as some liquid in the abdomen must be something that happens with tumors. Anyway, your advice is invaluable.

    All the best to all and thanks a lot again.



    I wonder if this is the trial you are refering to:

    5FU has been used for a number of years against CC, I hope (we always hope), will come up with a breakthrough.

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