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  • in reply to: A new update on Dad #50908


    I have been thinking of you and your family 24/7. I’m so glad your Dad is still painfree and the Hospice sounds a wonderful, caring place, like home from home.

    Reading your post has brought it all back to me, my Dad had a tear fall when Mom and I told him it was ok to let go, he was going to get better and it was time to share him with our other family and friends.

    My Dad asked for Me, my Husband and Nan on the Friday morning, after he’d seen us all and told me yet again about his blue folder (which contains all his legal paperwork and bills) he went into what I call a deep sleep, occasionally saying “I’m not ready yet”. At 10.30pm the nurses came to check and they said he was peaceful enough and decided no syringe driver was needed. After they went he suddenly shot out of bed. This alarmed me and Mom as he hadn’t been out of bed for 2 days and wasn’t strong enough to even scratch his face let alone get out of bed. He wanted to get to the corner of the room and said “I’m coming in a minute”. Mom and I settled him down and phoned the night team as Dads breathing had become fast. They came and set up the syringe driver about 12.30am Saturday Morning and Dad passed away at 2.45am. The look on Dads face when he passed away was one I will never forget. It was pure peace and happiness. His jaundice had gone, he was wrinkle free and his cheeky smile had returned to his face.

    I truly believe, having witnessed it, that your Dads past loved ones are waiting for him and will be there to help him on his new journey.

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. We are all here for you Jen.

    Much love

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: Intra-hepatic diagnosis #51149

    Hi Julie,

    I would just like to welcome you to our cc family.

    In the UK I found you really do have to push for the treatment you want, with second and third opinions, as it’s such a rare cancer. I second Marion in recommending, the UKs only charity for Cholangiocarcinoma. Lots of useful information and contacts on there.

    Best wishes to you and your Husband.


    in reply to: English newcomer #51160

    Hi Cindy,

    Have you checked out It is the only UK Charity for Cholangiocarcinoma. The website has lots of information.

    Where about in the UK are you from? I’m from the West Midlands, near Birmingham.

    Welcome to our cc family


    marions wrote:
    Percey….you can count on a tidal wave of good wishes coming your way. Although, we can’t hold hands literally we can however, utilize the cyber way in this special way.
    Crossing fingers and everything possible and will be thinking of you.

    I second that, prayers will be coming your way.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Don’t know what to do #50173

    Hi Katie,

    Yes I’ve got your email, thank you. Thinking of you too on Fathers Day, it’s going to be a tough one. xx

    in reply to: A new update on Dad #50904


    I am so glad Dad is in no pain, that is such a blessing. I bet Teddy, my Dad and other cc members past are there at the table waiting to share stories about us!! My Dad loved his food too.

    The curb interested me as my Dad needed to get to the corner. After not getting up for 2 days he suddenly shot up in bed, desperate to get to the corner of the room. His eyes had been fixed there over the past few days and when he talked to past loved ones, it was to the corner. After days of saying “I’m not ready yet” he said “I’m coming in a minute” and a few hours later he did. We reckon the corner was the passage to his next journey.

    Thinking of you all xx

    in reply to: A new update on Dad #50898

    Dear Jen,

    Thinking of you and all your family at this time. 4 months ago I was where you are now, it is such a bitter sweet time. My Dad had conversations with relatives that had passed away, it was amazing to hear them. A sense of calm and love filled the room. We had never experienced anything like it and we just knew it was all Dads loved ones preparing to welcome him on his next journey, and everything was going to be ok. Keep strong, we are all here for you.

    Love and hugs

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: Unable to swallow pills, #50982


    Can’t the drugs be prescribed in liquid form, and then given orally through a syringe? Or even in skin patches. I would urgently get in touch wilth the Doctor/District Nurses.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: SENSITIVE: Dads last week #50979

    That is one thing I am constantly grateful for that my Dad passed away peacefully and painfree. He was in bed from Tuesday pm until he passed on Saturday morning. From the Thursday he was mainly asleep, the syringe driver was fitted 2 hours before he passed away, to ease his breathing that had become fast, has he had tried to get to the corner of the room a few hours before. We were one of the lucky ones as Dad never suffered physical pain but I suppose he did mentally.

    I was really scared how we would cope but when the time came we got the strength and calmness from somewhere. It will be 4 months tomorrow since Dad passed and I can still remember every moment of his last week.

    Like you I wanted to read about the end stage symptoms when my Dad was nearing the end but like Lainy said everyone with cc is different and all we can hope for is a peaceful end. God answered our prayers on that one.

    in reply to: dads battle has ended #50944

    Dear Kim,

    Sending my love and sympathy to you and your family at this sad time. You all did your Dad proud.

    Thinking of you


    in reply to: A new update on Dad #50892

    Hi Jen,

    I have been thinking of you and your family. I’m so glad you had a good day with your Dad, he certainly is a fighter!

    As for hospice, I agree that it is best to hold out for the one that in your heart feels right.

    Your Dad sound so much like mine in regard to his independance. My Dad was so out of breath just getting washed and dressed but he would use every last bit of energy to do it himself, this was so important to him. In the end though he did let Mom help him.

    I pray your Dad has many more good days and you are able to have more days together having those precious Father, Daughter chats.

    Sending all my love to you all, keep strong.

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: Question on behalf of “M” #50882


    Years ago my Dad had Colon cancer and surgery. After the surgery the Doctor wanted Dad to have chemo. He described it as a “mop up” treatment. Killing off any stray cells that may be lurking. Dad had previously had bowel cancer 3 times, once at 38, then returning at 51 and 52. Dad was cancer free for nearly 10 years after the chemo until he was diagnosed with cc.

    Perhaps this is the Doctors reason for having chemo.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Don’t know what to do #50168

    Hi all,

    Well I took the holiday and had a wonderful time. The time apart also did Mom and I good too. I phoned and text everyday and I also know that family and friends phoned and visited Mom daily.

    Since I’ve been back I don’t know if it’s a mixture of jet lag, being ill with a throat infection and also my son not being well but I feel so emotional and missing Dad more than ever. I was so sad that he isn’t here to see the photos and share the stories. He would have been so proud of Jamie on the big rollercoasters and would have loved the dolphin swim. Sometimes I feel angry “why my Dad?” sometimes i wake up and forget he’s gone then it hits me like a tonne of bricks. I have been dreaming of him alot lately but the strange thing is I can’t remember the dreams only that I have seen his face. It’s Fathers day next weekend and I think the cards and adverts are making me more emotional too.

    Mom isn’t doing to bad, she has taken to going to bed early as she said it’s evenings that are the worst and she feels closer to Dad when she is in bed, as this is where he spent his last few days. She is trying to break the habit of going to bed early but I have told her if this is what she needs to do then it’s fine. She watches TV in bed and takes a drink and snacks, so if she’s happy then I think that’s ok.

    I also think that after Dad passed I was busy with the funeral, then sorting out finances etc, then I planned Florida and now I have come to a standstill and have more time to think. It will soon be the 6 weeks holiday so I suppose I wont have time to think then!

    Thanks for listening, love to all my cc family x

    in reply to: Disappearing stent ….. ? #50491

    Hi Jemima,

    I’m so glad to hear your Mom is doing so well. As for the stent, well that is a mystery??? Good luck for your Moms appt with the Oncologist.

    Best wishes

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Remember me? #50574

    Hi Graceful, It will be my first Fathers day without my precious Dad who also passed away in February. I know it’s going to be hard, I burst into tears the other week when I went into the card shop. I am donating what I would have spent on a gift to the UK CC Charity AMMF, I have a memorial page for Dad on there and plan to donate on special dates. This way it also helps other cc patients and their familues. I’ve also brought a Dad Pandora charm to add to my bracelet and I also plan to buy a Rose tree.

    Thinking of you x

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