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  • in reply to: Devoncat no more #46250


    Kris choose well when she decided to marry you! Once again you have let us enter the private, loving world you and Kris shared. I am so touched that you have shared this tender, poignant moment of the last hours you spent together.

    I too was remembering Kris’ cookie jar “urn” and the debate here she raised when she felt us out about what we thought. The cookie jar is so “Kris”!!

    My heart is breaking for you but I’m so glad you are taking care of yourself. Please continue to let us know how you are doing.

    I was on Kris’ facebook page looking at her wonderful daffodils and pictures of the summer house in the different seasons. I especially love the pics of you guys wearing the flower crowns.

    I’m sending hugs, love and prayers for you and your families. Kris I’m sure is in Heaven making everyone smile and looking down on you….her beloved.


    in reply to: This made me sad #46408

    One of my biggest regrets is not having my Mom’s voice recorded. It was on her office phone for the longest time and I would call it at night just to hear her voice. I would give anything to have a recording of her…..


    in reply to: Dave’s labs..and what they mean….thoughts?? #46381

    Here is a great website that may help with some of your questions. It’s a reputable site and I use it often here at the hospital.

    Just enter ALP on the right side and it will pull all info about this test.

    Hope this helps…


    in reply to: Mom lost her battle… #46360

    Dear codergirl,

    I am so sorry to hear about the death of your Mom. I’m happy she is no longer in pain but my heart is breaking for you. I lost my Mom on April 3, 2009 so I know the unbearable pain you are in.

    Please be kind to yourself and don’t expect too much too soon. The pain will eventually ease somewhat but it’s a process and it can’t be rushed.

    Please come back often and let us know how you are doing. A lot of us have walked in your shoes and truly know how you are feeling. We are here when you need us.

    I’m sending hugs, love and prayers for strength. You were an amazing daughter and your Mom was so blessed having you with her on this journey.


    in reply to: Devoncat no more #46197

    I was having trouble sleeping tonight and logged onto Facebook where I found the news about Kris.

    I have no words….I feel as if I’ve lost a sister….

    Rest in peace my friend…I know you were warmly welcomed into Heaven by all of our loved ones that have gone before.

    Hans, my heart is breaking for you.


    in reply to: Oh the Rollercoaster! #45994

    I can’t believe it! I have all of the Harry Potter Books on my Ipod and listen to them non stop. I would get in the car to drive to Greensboro (from New Bern, NC) and listen for the next 3 hours. It was and still is my getaway time!

    I have to admit….it was and still is the most theurapeutic driving experience!

    Hang in there! We are all here for you!!


    in reply to: Oh the Rollercoaster! #45988

    Hi PrayingforMom,

    Believe me when I say we ALL know about the rollercoaster….and NONE of us wants to ride!!!

    The best advice I can give is to use the 5 minute rule…..Do 5 minutes then do the next 5 minutes!

    Please come here often and vent and yell whenever you need to !!! We have broad shoulders and numerous arms for hugs and direct prayer lines!

    We are here for you and most of us really know as we have all walked in your shoes.!

    Sending hugs, prayers and love to you and your Mom and family!

    in reply to: Mom Recently Diagnosed #45870

    Welcome to our forum but we are sorry you had to find us! My mom was given a liquid med that she took one time a day. It was called Megace and was an appetite enhancer. It worked beautifully for her. Ask your physician about this.

    There is also a wonderful site which sells protein powders that are wonderful. They are medical quality and come in 6 flavors and can be added to anything.

    Please come often and ask anything you need to know. We are all here for you!

    Hugs to you and your family!


    in reply to: Mom turned 83 yesterday! #45917


    So glad your Mom was able to have a wonderful birthday! How wonderful to make such great memories! The bed will make your Mom even more comfortable so that is a great idea. Here’s to a wonderful New Years!


    in reply to: Update on Devoncat in Germany #45922


    Thanks for the Kris update. I’m thinking and praying daily for the both of you!

    Give her a great big hug and tell her I got my wish for snow at the beach for Christmas! (Actually the day after Christmas but close enough!)

    Hugs to the both of you!


    in reply to: Holidays #43551


    The depth of your grief is a testament to the great love you had for Wayne and your Mom.

    Grieving is so hard and there is no timetable. No two people will grieve in the same way. It’s a process and you have to just work your way through.

    The holidays make it harder. I lost my Mom to CC in April of 2009 and I’m still blindsided by my grief at times. I still catch myself picking up the phone to call her when I’m excited about something. Or find myself getting teary eyed when someone passes me wearing her perfume.

    You will never forget but eventually you will remember more of the good memories and the pain will subside a little.

    You are doing everything right. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs to all of us STILL on this journey….


    in reply to: Cancer spreading #45325


    My Mom had brain mets at the end but as Marion said, Ammonia can also be a cause. Oddly enough urinary tract infections can also cause confusion.

    One of the family jokes we had was that “CHEMO BRAIN” is contagious. Anything forgotten or misplaced by anyone was referred to as chemo brain. My Mom thought this was so funny and delighted in telling us we must have caught CB from her…..

    Hugs to you and your family,

    in reply to: Teddy #45283

    beautiful…..just beautiful……


    in reply to: Thanks Mom #45270

    How beautiful…..

    I had a similar thing happen after Mom died. I was leaving Greensboro and hit the button to call my Daddy and tell him I was finished with my errand and on the way home to New Bern. I almost wrecked the car when the phone was answered with my Mom saying, “Hi!…This is Helen Davis”…..I had somehow hit the redial for her office phone and the recording was still on….

    I called it so many times after that just to hear her voice….Sadly it’s no longer there….

    I miss my Mom so much …. I would give anything to hear her voice again….


    in reply to: Busy Day for Arrangements #45248


    This is the part when you live by the 5 minute rule. You do 5 minutes worth and then move to the next 5 minutes.

    Try and get as much rest as possible and try to remember to eat! Everything will fall into place and Teddy’s funeral will be a wonderful tribute to a life well lived!

    You and Robin are in my prayers and thoughts.


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