
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Sad news. Our beloved son, Jeff, has passed away. #76182

    Dear Bob and Nancy,

    I am truly sorry to read that your brave and remarkable son Jeff has died. Your posting back in December was the first one I read when I joined this incredible forum. He was blessed to have had you both as his parents.

    Clare x

    in reply to: Brother diagnosed 2 months ago #75889

    Dear Oceangirl,

    I really am so very sorry that your brother is now so ill. Put all your energies in to the time you have with him, helping him be as comfortable physically and emotionally as is possible.

    I so understand where you are right now as my sister was only 41 when she died in March and her daughter was only 3 at the time. I just want to give you a big hug and help you get through. It all happened so fast – she died 5 months after being diagnosed. I want to echo what Gavin has said that somehow, you will find the strength to get through each day. Treasure every opportunity you get to spend time with your brother and help him make memories for his son.

    Please use the forum for support as you feel you need to. There is always someone that will support and help you through when you most need it.

    in reply to: Holding my Mom’s hand at the Hospice House #76049

    Dear Donellalu,

    I am so sorry to read that your mum is in hospice care due to this disease. Your mum will know you and your Dad are with her. My sister knew we were all with her right to the end – I am in no doubt of that. Please use the forum as you need to and let us support you through this.


    in reply to: MED Update #75991

    Good luck on Friday Lainy. Put all your energies in to getting well. I’ve said it before, you’ll get back tenfold what you give. There’s a heck of a lot of support coming your way from this forum!


    in reply to: How Does One Know They are Grieving? #76013

    Hi Lainy,

    Do for you what you feel is right. Go with it and work through whatever you need to.

    Sending you a massive hug.

    in reply to: My Grandmother/A sad update #75944

    Dear Elsy,

    I am so sorry that your Grandmother has died. Grandmothers are special – treasure all those memories. x

    in reply to: Update on my sister #75962

    Hi Suz,

    You are doing an incredible thing supporting your sister through this. My sister died in March after being diagnosed 5 months before and watching her go through what she did is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Had it not been for this forum, I’m not sure I would have got through some days.

    Please don’t feel you are not being strong – you are giving all you can and when you think you can’t dig any deeper, somehow you do.

    Please take care.


    in reply to: new #75957

    Hi Kerri,

    I am so sorry that you have lost your mum to this disease. My sister was 41 when she died in March just 5 months after being diagnosed. I’ve been nursing for 23 years and like you said, I have never seen a disease this aggressive.

    I am glad you have found the forum – you will get so much support here if you want it.

    in reply to: new to site and hoping for some answers #75316

    Oh I am sorry – I need to stop typing on the ipad. Too many mistakes.

    in reply to: my dad #75593

    Dear Kathy,

    I am so sorry to read that your dad has died. It’s transparent in your words how much he is loved and missed.


    in reply to: CAT Scan Results #75762

    Hi Lisa,

    I don’t want to belittle your concern but it is lovely news to read your ct results. It’s made me smile after crying from another post. Happy thoughts Lisa x

    in reply to: Brother diagnosed 2 months ago #75877

    Hi Oceangirl,

    Welcome to the sight. I hope it is a real source of information and support for you at what must be incredibly hard to deal with. You are right taking it a day at a time. It is very hard to support everyone so please look after you too – or let us help you. My sister was 41 when she became ill last October and suffered multiple setbacks and complications. This site and the people here always helped at some of the hardest times. I so hope folfox works. X

    in reply to: new to site and hoping for some answers #75315

    Patzel, can you contact your boyfriends husband and request an appointment to go through the results and a plan? Or your boyfriends GP can arrange this? Doctors talk to each other and the GP should be able to help push this along for you. My feeling is this should be from the consultant, not his GP as by her own admission, she is struggling to answer questions but the two of them should be communicating – particularly in a rural setting where logistics make everything more challenging. Perhaps my sister was lucky. Her care was outstanding. I worried that being in a rural area her care would be disadvantaged and before we met her consultant, I wanted her treated in Glasgow or Edinburgh. How wrong was I! I can’t speak highly enough of the team at Raigmore in Inverness.

    in reply to: Just found out. #75402

    I’ve got everything crossed that the embolisation does it’s thing and your husbands liver grow, grow, grows.

    in reply to: So God Made a Farmer… #75719

    Dear Tammy,

    I am sorry to read that this disease took your Dad. He sounds like an amazing man and the harvest will be filled with his presence this year.

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 352 total)