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  • in reply to: update on mums ercp #73758

    Hi moonpie,

    I’m relieved for you all that this has now been done. Waiting is incredibly hard but I hope you get a plan of attack in place this week. I hope the stent gives your mum relief from her symptoms.

    in reply to: Hello, new member!! #73507

    Hi Heather,

    I hope the stenting goes well today for your husband and that he starts to feel better and in less pain. My sister had 2 external drains – one was put in before they bulked her liver in the run up to her resection.

    How is your little boy doing?

    in reply to: good news-aintree referral sooner than we think! #73546

    Great news Moonpie.

    This must be a relief to get it brought forward.

    in reply to: Hello, new member!! #73480

    Dear Heather,

    Welcome to the forum although I wish you had not needed to come here. There will be others along soon to help answer your questions but surgery being possible is what you want to hear. There is always someone that can answer a question here – it is a pretty amazing place to be honest.

    Infection and stents are fairly common but with the right treatment can be dealt with.

    I too thought it didnt happen to young people but sadly it seems the numbers Re creeping up.

    in reply to: Newb #73432

    Hi Erica,

    I am bowled over by your post and blown away with your amazing attitide Your personality runs through every word. I am truly sorry that you have had to find this forum but now that you have you will get reality, support and answers in abundance.


    What a great post to read this morning. I am sending a tin of positive vibes for Tiff.

    in reply to: Sensitive Questions #73393

    Dear Shellina,

    This must be immensely difficult for you and you are so brave for coming here and asking. To give you some background, my 41 year old sister died in March 5 months after being diagnosed.

    She had an external drain that started to leak from the drain site. Her doctor re-scanned her to see if it was blocked or needed repositioned but it couldn’t. It ended up with little bag over it to hold the bile. I would get hospice team to look at it in the first instance and sort out a dressing or bag at the drain site as you don’t want the bile irritating your husbands skin.

    There is no perfect science to knowing when a loved one will die but I do believe that nurses and doctors experienced in looking after those that are dying can give you a good indication. When my sister was told she had at best 2 months to live, I said to her Gp and nurse specialist that she didn’t – she had 2 weeks -and when pressed, they both agreed. She died 2 weeks later.

    In her last few days I felt she was hanging on and I was desperate to say to her it was OK give in. In the end it was the humanist celebrant, who on the Friday afternoon after discussing with my sister what she did and did not want at her funeral, said to her she could relax now as she had done everything she needed to. I thanked the celebrant for saying that to her. The next morning my sisters passing started and we all spent tHe next 2 days by her side and she died on the Sunday.

    Use this precious time do say and do all the things that you both want to so that if your husbands decline is rapid, you won’t regret not saying and doing those special things. Please use the forum and everyone here and I am happy to answer anything about a loved one dying if it helps you.

    in reply to: Dad Journey Ended #73347

    Dear Rena,

    I am so sorry to read that your Dad has passed. You are in my thoughts.

    in reply to: So glad to find this community! #73331

    Hi Riddlesdarkangel15,

    Lainy and Gavin have said it all really but I too just want to say hello and welcome you to the site. I am sorry that you have had to find it but I am in no doubt that you won’t regret joining here.

    Everyone is incredibly supportive and patient and you will want to support you as much as your Uncle.

    in reply to: Aintree, pre-op and spyglass #73320

    Hi Moonpie,

    Anyone can request their medical notes. Your mum can apply for copies of hers no problem. For the private referral – does Professor Lodge consult privately? Even if he does, his professional opinion and judgement should be the same whether you see him via Nhs or privately. I know what you mean about money getting you seen quicker and some situations in the NHS, going private can expedite things but CC is so specialist that I’m not sure a private facilty would be the best. From Gavin’s AMMF post about Aintree is looks like that although, the referral has been very badly managed, Aintree is exactly the kind of centre that people with CC should be getting treated.

    Is there no way your mum can be put on the list that runs prior to 30th July or is that the next spyglass date?

    A pre-op assessment is where they will go through the procedure with your mum, take bloods, check her medication, general medical history, possibly consent her for the procedure.

    in reply to: referral to aintree hospital #73267

    Well said Gavin!

    in reply to: Another Newbie #73288

    Dear Denise,

    Welcome to the forum. I’m sorry that you have been diagnosed but as Lainy said, you have come to the best place. The advice is credible and the support is phenomenal.

    I to am a nurse and again as Lainy said, there is no way you could have seen this coming. Until my sister was diagnosed, I had no inclination that she was ill – neither did she. Knowledge is most definitely power and there is so much knowledge here that will help you get empowered. Now that you have had the scans and investigations, your doctor can piece it all together and get the best plan of attack in place so that together you can both fight it head on.

    in reply to: Husbands chemo has been stopped #73283

    Dear Michele,

    I just want to say hello and how sorry I am that you have both been dealt this news. It must be incredibly hard to explain to your children. I have recently been there with my sisters children. I agree with Lainy – hospice can help with so much including telling children and emotionally supporting you and your husband. Time is so precious – put all your energies into the time you all have.

    in reply to: Aintree Hospital Liverpool – AMMF Visit #73280

    Love this story:-)

    in reply to: Hello #68157

    Dear Suz,

    I am sorry that your sister has not been able to resume her chemo and that she is deteriorating. There is still much that can be done to prevent your sister from experiencing pain and other symptoms that she might have. It might take some adjusting, but the narcotics can be increased – there is no need for her to be in any pain.

    Do you have any support in terms of emotional and physical care?

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