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  • in reply to: Online Birthday Party…Favorite Thing??? #33120

    Hi Kris…sending warm wishes for your birthday…regretably a day late, still very sincere. It is amazing how one can feel such friendship with another without ever meeting in person…that’s a testimony to your character and personality which is so very evident through your posts of wisdom and experiences. Thank you for being you; the world is so much brighter because you are here.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! –Did you get the red coat? I do hope you did. Whenever I get the blues, I wear something red…I feel so…’sassy’. ;)


    in reply to: Dad is coming home #19957


    Sending you hugs and best wishes. Take care of yourself that you might appreciate this time with your dad. I know all too well how valuable these moments are. You have the strength within you to endure whatever comes up. Trust your instincts as to what to say, and when. I’m sure your family has so many confusing thoughts that can run the whole spectrum of life. This is the time to have the conversations that you will hold dear in your heart and revisit throughout your life. I am so very thankful to have had many opportunities to talk with my dad. Our visits are my most cherished treasures.

    And when you feel that you can’t take much more, know that we are beside you, holding you up.


    in reply to: Johnny Ur #32061

    He accomplished much in his young life, a life truly well lived. My condolences to his family and friends.


    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #26452

    I tried getting in the chat room one late night looking for someone to talk to, but I’m not sure I did it right. Couldn’t find anyone.

    Marion…beef barley soup. OH BOY…one of my faves. In fact, just had some with my mom tonight. I like it really thick.


    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #26429

    God bless you, Ron. I want to join in with the rest of you non-sleepers. Last night was not so good. I woke up hearing my dad call for me to help him. Crud! No one to talk to. So I made some coffee, convinced my Beagle that even though snow fell last night he still had to go out, tried to think of a solution to Kris’ hair dilemma and settled down to watch tv. (Did you know there is an oven that actually bakes a frozen turkey in record short time??) Perhaps we could start some type of late night chat line…

    Would popsicles help with the thirst? My dad ate boxes of them a week. They come in so many flavors, now. And sugar-free, too, which my dad needed. He also loved watermelon, which he also devoured in massive amounts each week.

    Hang in there, Ron. And thank you for sharing your message. I am grateful to this site to have met such strong, wise people – worldwide – I am honored to call my ‘cyber’ friends. We may have come together here searching for answers and support in a desparate situation, but we have found so very much more. I think of everyone, EVERYONE daily; we have cried together, laughed together, prayed together, gotten angry together. We have celebrated birthdays, grieved end of life, honored many cultural holidays, and laughed at an array of jokes. I just can’t imagine surviving this period of my life without any of you, and can only hope I have been a little helpful to you all, as well.

    Hang in there, Ron.


    in reply to: troubling symptoms reappearing #20426

    Hang in there, Lisa…sending you my love and best wishes.


    in reply to: Missing my Mom…. #31970

    Pam, thinking of you and your mom. You were so loving and considerate to her, I know that she is watching over you with pride.

    A very happy birthday to your mom,

    in reply to: My very embarrassing emotional break down. #31944

    Hoping you had a better day, Kris. How was class today?


    in reply to: Waiting is the pits! #31916


    Sending you hugs and prayers and best wishes. Take care!


    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31756

    Gavin, just wanted to send best wishes and good thoughts for you and your parents. I remember that it wasn’t easy to hear that chemo won’t get rid of the beast, just slow it down…but my dad was all for it, and tolerated it pretty well. He always thought…just maybe—! Like your dad is looking to you, my dad also asked me to make some of the decisions, I just went with my instincts as to the changes he experienced…and encouraged him to share feelings, desires, etc with me. It created an amazing amount of personal conflict…not only because it could be life altering…but, because it would affect my wonderful dad.

    You have it inside of you to do what you must do. Your parents must be extremely proud to have raised such a loving, compassionate man. You honor them.

    My very best to your parents; they will be in my prayers. I will light a special candle at mass tomorrow for your strength.

    Peace be with you and your family,

    in reply to: introduction #31925

    Hi Mary’s son, wanted to send my welcome along to you and your family. My dad tolerated the chemo fairly well. He had some nausea, barely noticable thinning of hair-a good thing as he was vain about his thick mane, remained as energetic as could be expected and mentally sharp. He would run a slight fever a couple of days after the treatment, but we just kept an eye on it. He wasn’t a candidate for surgery, either. His chemo treatment was purely palliative, but he looked forward to it. He enjoyed socializing.

    Everyone is different, though…my dad had other health concerns as well as CC. I wish the very best for your mom, and for you.

    in reply to: My identical twin and exactly what the hell diagnosis? #31703

    Hi Heather,

    Before my dad got the ‘”official” diagnosis of CC, the docs said it could be either pancreatic cancer or cholangiocarcinoma – interesting, they never used the phrase bile-duct. Up here in the northwoods, the docs hadn’t really experienced many cases of cholangiocarcinoma/bile duct cancer. Further, while dad rehabbed at the nursing home, they charted him as having pancreatic cancer never changing it despite the doctors or myself attempting to correct it. X-rays showed that while the liver, kidneys, etc were affected, his pancreas was in pretty good shape?!?! Go figure!

    I bumped into an aide that worked with dad at rehab, commenting on Patrick Swayze’s passing of pancreatic cancer. She mentioned how dad was the only person she knew of that had PC. Oh well, other than pointing out the differences in an attempt to bring awareness, what can one do?

    Even when dealing with insurances, other med agencies, etc…no one heard of cholangiocarcinoma, and it was difficult to obtain info or get services or get answers. UGH! Not until I found this site…thanks be to God and his angels at this foundation.

    So, I wish you well on your search…be vigilant, and be strong!


    in reply to: Dealing with body image change #31662

    Hi Betsy, welcome. Wishing you only good things and sending you good thoughts. Sorry, I can’t offer any suggestions however, even though our temps will dip to 23 degrees tonight, I can offer you warm Minnesota hugs.

    Be strong!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Dad! #31654

    Stan, It is so great to hear from you again! How are you doing?

    Your dad gave the world a treasured gift in such an amazing son. How proud he must be as he watches over you and your family. I’m sending cyberhugs out for your mom, that she finds some peace during her great loss.

    Please take care of yourself, and keep in touch.
    Birthday greetings to your dad.

    in reply to: My lovely sister #31011


    So very sorry to hear this latest update. My thoughts are with you, your sister and your family.

    Kris has a great idea, from another post…name the beast and give him HELL!!!

    Sending you love and hugs to share,

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