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  • in reply to: Good scans #86672


    Your anxiety is understandable, but I sure am glad your worries were unfounded and that everything is “normal”.




    A big thank you to you for being there and sharing your story. Your excitement and enthusiasm for the experience shines through in your posts. Thank you again for your efforts and dedication to this cause.



    Thanks Marion for the update on the conference. I would like to add my thank you’s to Lainy’s to all those who participated. It sounds like the conference was a great success and a very positive, uplifting and supportive effort for all those involved and also for all of us who have been touched by this disease. It is good to know that out voices are being heard and that things have progressed so much in the effort to promote, treat & ultimately to find a cure for CC.

    Hugs To All,

    in reply to: A bit about me #86522


    I think we all have had similar experiences and feelings both as patients, care givers and those left behind. Those you thought would always be there for you are no longer there and others will surprise you. I agree with Lainy, it is on them, not you and you don’t need the stress of those who do not want to be there in your life right now. Just come here and we are happy to listen. :)


    in reply to: 22 year old son just diagnosed #86402

    Taylor’s positive attitude will go a long way. He is young and that is also in his favor. It sounds like you are doing all you can for him and I am glad he is getting some advice and treatment. I’m not sure about the clinical trials, but it would be something to look into. Update us and let us know how he is doing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all and especially Taylor.

    Love & Hugs,



    Sounds like things are heading in the right direction and you will be getting more information and input into his situation. Let us know how things are going as you hear more.


    in reply to: I am a CC survivor! #86249

    Anna-Marie, Such good news. So happy for you. Enjoy!

    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86461

    If it includes the Dobash torte, I’m in!



    Glad you have found us, but sorry you have a need to. Yes, we are global and several people on here are in Australia. You will get all the help and support we can give. Please update us as you know more.


    in reply to: My husband has CCA #86613

    HI Amy,
    Glad to see you have joined us. I too was sorry to hear of Matt’s latest developments, but know that here you will both get all the help and support we can give. Thinking of you both and hoping for the best for Matt and you, too.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80258


    I too am sorry you are dealing with this. Don’t have much to add to all the good advice you have already gotten, but want you to know that I too am thinking of you and hoping for the best for you. Please let us know how things are going when you can.


    in reply to: a year later and a second resection…. #86549

    Porter, I agree. Good news for a crappy situation. I too will be thinking of you with everything crossed next week. Hoping for the best results.


    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86455

    Love It! I’m really grounded! The only real down side to being short is that every pound shows. :( Same here. Nothing much on TV and it has been nice sharing stories with you. I’m sure we have kept they others amused too. :)

    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86453

    I am proud of you! Never could understand how he could fly but even in a car was terrified. He enjoyed driving and did most of it, but I had to drive us through the Smokey Mountains at night while he slept. With all the traveling we did you would think he would have gotten more accustom to it, but I guess it doesn’t work that way. Interesting that we went on several cruises, one on a 5 mast schooner and being on deck looking out at the sea didn’t bother him. Go figure.
    I guess the fear of heights is a very personal, quirky fear.

    We were pretty much like your parents. We had friends and acquaintances, but it was pretty much just us against the world. Nothing else mattered and we knew that together we could handle it all. So you can imagine the shock I had having to face going it alone. Never thought I would be the one left behind. Amazingly, I am still here and doing OK. For all the others out there, you can do it. Back to one of my favorite sayings. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

    On a total different note. I have always been a short person. Was 5’1″ and have now shrunk to
    4′ 11″. For all those short people out there, a saying I came across:

    God only lets thing grow until they are perfect. Some of us didn’t take as long as others! :)

    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86451

    Forgot to add this. I’m thinking you didn’t do the Golden Gate Bridge, huh? The Florida Keys was also not a drive Jim would attempt. I told him he could sleep and I would drive. Never did get past Miami tho’.

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