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  • in reply to: Questions about changes before diagnosis #85742


    Interesting topic. My husband never took any medications but had been advised to try statins for his cholesterol levels. I often wonder if that triggered the CC in his liver. They constantly test liver enzymes when on statins, but interestingly enough, his were always normal until close to the end. One of the many reasons it was hard to diagnose.


    in reply to: Coming to the end #85712


    If you can’t be honest about your feelings here, where else? This is the place to vent all you want. You have every right and we all understand. Many of us have been where you are now and felt just as you do know. I was 60 and my husband 62 when he passed away and I felt that was too young to have to deal with this, but at your age it is even more so. At the end I felt they should have been more honest with me, too. I too knew he was dying, but the doctors did not tell me it would be hours, not days. I’m sure they were just trying to soften the blow, but I would have rather known how quickly it was happening. I totally understand how you are feeling. Please continue to vent your feelings all you want. We are all here to listen, help and support you in any way that we can. Thinking of you and your family and sending you strength. You can do this. One day at a time.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Dealing With Loss During the Holidays #17933

    Beautifully said by all. Brings tears to my eyes.


    in reply to: Daughter of Newly Diagnosed 58yo Mom #70612

    Dear Stephanie,

    I am so sorry to hear of the loss or your mom. Yes, the pain is there and nothing anyone says can make it better, but please do try to take some comfort in the fact that at least for her the fight is over and she is no longer going through all the pain and suffering. She truly will always be with you in your heart and all the wonderful memories you have of her and in time those memories will help your heart start to heal. It is a long and gradual process and it never truly goes away, but it will slow begin to get better. You and your family have my heartfelt sympathy at this very sad and trying time.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma; no treatment. #85599


    I can only agree with the others. Unfortunately this is common with this disease and the ups & downs are just the nature of CC. You definitely did the right thing. I know your mom understands and appreciates your concern, help and support. Let us know how things are going.


    in reply to: Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma; no treatment. #85593

    Dear Christian,

    Thank you so much for sharing the details of what is going on with your mom . I am so sorry for what you have all had to deal with the past few years and now this. I do totally understand as I lost my husband to this disease and have lost several other close friends and relatives since and although we do begin to handle things differently than others who have not been through any great loss in their lives, it still is not easy.

    Stick with us, we are all here for you and truly understand what you are dealing with and going through. Let us know how mom is doing and how things are going. We truly do care.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: I can’t believe I’m here #85586

    Hi Christian,

    Welcome. Glad you found us, but sorry for your reasons for having to. You are in the best place to get help and support when dealing with CC. You will get all the help, support and knowledge we can give you. I too will watch for your post with more information on your mom and how she is doing.

    Hang in there. You are not alone.


    in reply to: Our Kris. #48035


    Think of you and Kris often and even more so as another year passes. Kris was an inspiration to all who knew and loved her. Thanks for checking in and updating us on your life. Always good to hear from you and know that you are doing OK.


    in reply to: In Memory of Andrea Scott #85530

    Dear Jason,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Take some comfort in knowing that she is now in a better place and no longer suffering or in pain. Keep her with you forever in your heart and memories. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers at the sad and trying time.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Ascites #85484

    Dear Erin,

    I am so sorry for what your mom, you and your family are having to deal with. Know that we are all here for you to help and support in any way that we can. Thinking of all of you and hoping that mom is comfortable and not in pain. Please let us know how she is doing.


    in reply to: 5 year re-scan #85476


    Good to hear from you and glad to hear that all is well. Hoping the rescan will be the same. Pop in when you can. Always good to hear from you.


    in reply to: My dear mother #85409

    Dear Kris,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes these things go quickly and before we are even able to wrap our minds around the fact it is over. My husband passed away 7 weeks after the first indication that there was anything wrong. Although when it goes this quickly it is hard for those of us left behind, try to take comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering or in pain. Remember all the good times and keep her with you forever in your heart and those memories.

    My heart and thoughts are with you and your family at this sad and trying time.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: 4 year scan not too good. Please help #85391

    Hi Angela,

    I can’t really ad much more than what has already been suggested, but understand that even just responding is supportive at a time like this. Please don’t ever think that people don’t care or are distancing themselves as I don’t believe that is the case with anyone on this site. We all care and will do what we can to help and support you in any way that we can. We have all dealt with this disease either as a patient, caregiver, family or friend and know what you are going through. I’m hoping you can get answers to some of your concerns on Wednesday. Please let us know how you are doing. We truly do care.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Introduction #85273

    Dear Jim,

    A warm welcome from me too. I also think a second opinion is a good idea at this point. Keep us informed as we do care and you will get a lot of help and support from all of us here. You and Kimberly have found the best place to be when dealing with this disease.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: New to site #85338

    Dear NolaPat,

    Ditto from me. A warm welcome and be assured you will be glad you are here. I too am concerned about the pain and feel it needs to be addressed. I’m thinking you may also want to get a second opinion. Let us know how things are progressing. We care.

    Love & Hugs,

Viewing 15 posts - 451 through 465 (of 2,618 total)