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  • in reply to: Magic mushrooms? #94517


    Her nausea could be relate to the pain meds as others have had the same reaction. It does sound as if her pain is related to issues with the liver as that is where the pain generally manifests. Unfortunately, I am not an expert or in the medical field so these are just my observations. These are things that need to be brought to the attention of her physician. Hopefully you can get some answers and find a way to relive both the pain & the nausea for her.


    in reply to: It must be March… Bad news #94202

    Kris, I was so surprised to hear this after you had been doing so well that I was at a loss for words. Still am, but want you to know I too am thinking of you and hoping you will get some answers and a plan to move forward with. It sounds like right now everything is up in the air and you aren’t sure which way to go on all of this. Hopefully after talking to Dr. Javle and a few others you will be able to begin to sort it all out and get a plan of attack in place. Take care and make sure to update us all when you can.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Recently diagnosed Grandmother #93959


    I am so sorry you have lost your dear grandmother. You have my deepest sympathy. Thanks for sharing the experience with us. It sounds as if her last days were spent with those who loved her. I am sure she could feel all the love around her and her passing was peaceful and pain free. She will always be near you in spirit and in your heart and memories. Yes Derik, one day you will all be together again. My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad and trying time.


    in reply to: Treatment Has Begun // Week 1 #93418


    So sorry to hear all of this. It’s good that side effects are minimal, but I’m hoping she is getting help controlling the pain. I’m sure that losing the doctor she is familiar with and who is familiar with her case is hard to deal with. As if dealing with this disease isn’t enough. Hopefully who ever replaces her current doctor will be someone familiar with her case and this disease and also someone she will be comfortable with. I too will be hoping for better times ahead for your mom.
    Take care.


    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89938


    So sorry the news wasn’t better. Please keep us updated as how things are progressing and what you find out. Hoping for something positive. Thinking of you and hoping for the best.


    in reply to: My Mum, 49yo in Australia #89934


    Hoping for some good news for your mum tomorrow. Update us when you can. Thinking of you.


    in reply to: Riding the roller coaster #94387

    Gail, I have so much respect for you knowing what you are dealing with and how you are handling things. I know what I all went through with my husband. When I think back I wonder how I managed to do it all and I didn’t have 3 young children to deal with at the same time. Take all the help that is offered and don’t be afraid to ask for more when needed. Take care of yourself too. Sometimes we forget to do that in the midst of all the chaos. Wishing you well and hoping that you will get some positive info from the doctor tomorrow. I will be thinking of you.


    in reply to: Riding the roller coaster #94381

    Dear Gail,

    Welcome to the group. I am so glad you found us but also sorry that you had a need to. It sounds like you are doing all the right things for now. Yes, just take deep breaths and take it one day at a time. Some times you may have to go to one minute at a time. Please update us on how things are going as you can. Know that we are all here to help and support you in any way that we can.


    in reply to: Bill Walsh #94355

    Dear Jacqueline,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest sympathy. Thanks for sharing his obituary and other posting. He sounds like an amazing man. Yes, try to take what comfort you can in the fact that at least now he is no longer suffering. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad & trying time.


    in reply to: Sean Kelly #94371

    Dear Tim & Julie,

    I too would like to extend my condolences to you on the loss of your son. You have my deepest sympathy. Thank you for sharing his obituary. What a fine young man, lost way too soon. My heart breaks for all of you. Try to take some comfort in remembering the good times and all you shared. Take care and know that we are here to help and support you in any way that we can.


    in reply to: Husband’s Case #92662

    Dear Googily,

    I am so sorry to hear of Bill’s current situation. Hospice will be a great help to both of you and keeping him as pain free as possible is a priority. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you both and that we are here to help and support you in any way that we can.


    in reply to: Source of CC: Background Information about you or family member #94189

    In my husbands case there was no inflammation initially. His cholesterol levels were not serious, just boarder line and the statin he was taking was a very low dose. Not sure if the amount makes a difference or if just the fact that it was there could be a factor. So many variables.

    in reply to: Source of CC: Background Information about you or family member #94185

    Tia, I agree that the involvement of statins seems to be a common thread. I have often wondered if this cancer was lurking in his bile ducts for years and the statins triggered something that activated things and made it so aggressive. Without the statins would it have just stayed dormant? I will never know for sure, but my hope is that in the future questions like this and others will be answered and there will be a better understanding of this disease and earlier detection and treatment.


    I am answering for my husband who died 8 1/2 years ago at age 62 from CC less than 2 months after first symptoms of any problem.

    No other medical conditions other than recently having started with a low dose statin for border line cholesterol.

    Average activity level and pretty much ate what ever he wanted with no health or weight issues.
    Had not smoked or drank alcohol for many years.

    No inflammation or GI issues previous to this. No family history of liver or gallbladder disease and his liver enzymes levels were normal until well into the diagnosis.

    Adding that he was on an air craft carrier in the waters off of Vietnam and there is some thought that either liver flukes in the fish and water or possibly Agent Orange could be a contributing factor although I have no proof of this and can not substantiate it.

    in reply to: Liver Tests #94088

    Great post Gavin and I totally agree. :)

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