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  • in reply to: Not a good day #38769

    Glad the light of hope is shining again.


    in reply to: Not a good day #38759

    Sometimes I hate doctors. Some really think they are being helpful. I try to stay realistically positive. For me that means coming to terms with being terminal now, but also accepting that neither I nor more doctors really know what that means. Does it mean 5 months or 5 years? There is a difference.

    Yesterday, I was in a complete funk because I was reading too much on cc again and came across some shocking statistics. I am at 3 1/2 since my original diagnosis and 1 1/2 years since my reoccurance. Statistically, I shouldnt be here, but I am and I dont plan on going anywhere soon. None of my doctors have given me any time frame and I havent asked. They can tell me what might and what probably will happen but not what WILL happen. Perhaps I have another 3 years in me and by that time something new will come along. They dont know, I dont know, and your dads doctors dont know either.


    in reply to: P38delta mitogen-activated protein kinase – MAPK13 #38978

    Just the title sounds over my head but I am going to give it a try! :)

    Thanks Gavin.


    Ok, NOT over my head. Basically it said that they found a protein that could help detect the cc earlier and may help with treatments. It looks like it was a joint project between researchers in Singapore and the US. Great news that people are doing such collaborations.

    in reply to: one less tumor #38840

    Be careful about the lungs. When you have surgery in the abdomen, a not too uncommon problem can be fluid on the lungs. I found this out the hard way. The fever isnt too high and I was also told not to worry about it after surgery since that can happen. Nice to know we got the same information.

    Hoping they get Judy comfortable and breathing great. Pass on my best wishes.


    in reply to: I am so frustrated with this DRAIN! #38934

    I feel so bad for you. The drain pain is something you cant describe if you never had it. I travelled with the drain to visit a friend in Copenhagen (a 4 1/2 hour train ride). I suggest bringing loads of medicine, several pillows so you can prop yourself in different ways on the journey, a bottle of antiseptic gel, and a good understanding of how to live within your limitations. For me that meant not going to the antique district in Copenhagen and taking taxis (I am the cheapest person around and spending money on taxis hurts. But I needed them so that was that.) It meant not lifting the baby (which also was hard not to do) and all sorts of other things. I remember having the constant struggle of what I wanted to do versus what I could do given the drain and its pain. But I managed and you will too.

    Have a wonderful time.



    You nailed it.

    And let me state again how much I hate hemorrhoids. I cant say it enough.


    in reply to: What We Expected-Shocked to Hear It-Teddy #38947

    I to am sorry to hear the news. I did VERY well on gemzar/cis. For me, the only side effects were tiredness and once in awhile wonky blood values…but I never felt any different with wonky blood values.

    I have never heard of chemo being given for the effects of cancer…only to shrink it or keep it stable. We all have seen people respond very well to chemo (wish I was one of them). Who knows what the future holds? Chemo doesnt work for me, yet here I am 18 months after reoccurance still going strong…despite some tumor growth and spread. Even my doctor thinks I should be dead by now. But instead I skipped, yes skipped down the hall to the radiation room. Like you said attitude is everything.


    in reply to: One Million Dollar Limit On Insurance #38856

    I did some reading on the web and from what I understand, by October, insurance companies will no longer be allowed to have a lifetime limit. This is part of the new healthcare bill. Between that and insurance for people with pre exisiting conditions, this bill seems to be very beneficial to us cancer patients.


    in reply to: Now with God #38911

    Donna, I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


    in reply to: Dad diagnosed with inoperable klatskin Tumour oct 2006 #38863

    Welcome to the site and I am so happy your dad is doing so well. May this long continue.


    in reply to: I’m at the beginning of this frightening journey. #38879

    I would do chemo because I personally would want to know that I did everything possible to prevent a reoccurance.

    For me, I had the easiest time on genzar/cis. It was such an easy combo for me to take.

    Just my opinions.


    in reply to: I’m new here. Hi Everyone. #38846

    Hi Marni.

    Welcome to the site. I take primperon for the vomiting. If she is vomiting too much for pills,s they do have those in supositories (sorry for the bad spelling). There are studies that show ginger also helps so have her drink some ginger ale and perhaps see if there are ginger tablets. I think I read somewhere that high protein also helps.

    Let us know how it is going.


    in reply to: one less tumor #38835

    I remember my first surgery when they weaned me off the drugs. Straight from morphin pump to ibruprofin. When I was crying over the pain and that I needed pain medication and questioning why they took it away, the nurse replied but I was getting pain relief…ibroprofin to which I responded that is what you take for a hangover, not for having half your liver removed.

    in reply to: Tough news today #38789

    Let us know what the doctor says. I have had my share of doctor screw ups but nothing like this. Hang in there and listen to what mayo says.


    in reply to: one less tumor #38827

    What wonderful news for both you and Judy. I wish for a speedy recovery for her and dont party too much…if they give her morphin she will already be partying!


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