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  • in reply to: Photodynamic therapy #36704

    Hi Matilda,
    Welcome to the board. Our Gavin is a great resource on PDT. I am curious as to why you are looking for another treatment when chemo seems to be working for your father?

    I think I probably have a different perspective than many here on going to Britain for treatment. I live in a foreign country with the most wonderful caring husband and I have some good friends. However, I would never chose to be away from my home during this time. I dont know how much longer I have to live and considereing cc is usually not curable, I would much rather be home. I ask a simple question…what are you hoping to accomplish? Is more time worth it if it is spent alone in a foreign country without the support of other family members and the joy of being around your friends?

    I am not trying to be negative, but I know that I would rather be at home in the US instead of in Sweden right now. Depression is a magor side effect of having cancer and moving to a new country during this time could cause this.

    Best of luck.

    in reply to: Chemo Postponed by Fever #36647

    Hope Marc feels better soon so he can get back to fighting and living.


    in reply to: repairing hole in bile duct #36605

    Let us know what happens. Hearing others experiences means we can offer more insight to the next person. Good luck on mending (without major surgery)


    in reply to: A virus, not the cancer #36683

    I am so happy for you! Good news is fantastic and that is very good news indeed. I am sure you are feeling wonderful now …not only from getting pysically better but from the mental release as well.

    Take care.

    in reply to: Treatment options and survival rate? #36573

    This is very coonfusing to be sure. I just talked to my surgeon today and asked about RFA if they cant remove the tumor. He was very negative about it and suggested SIRT spheres instead. Basically he said RFA wasnt so good with this type of cancer, yet I too have read the studies that say it is. perhaps each drs ideas are based more on their eye-witnesses than in studies that are usually small.


    in reply to: Article about my mom and I #36546

    Thanks for sharing- it was very positive and uplifting. And tell your mother she looks like she drinks from the fountain of youth. Did she have you when she was 10?


    in reply to: low platelets? #36224

    Hi Thomas,
    Good luck on your journey.


    in reply to: Abdominal Pressure #36518

    I am so sorry for this news. Go back under that rock and take the time you need to digest this information. We will be here when you are ready or have more questions. Please let us know what your dr. says.


    in reply to: Possible link between fertility drugs and CC? #36554

    I havent heard of it before, but that doesnt mean it isnt what happened. That is probably something that is so recent and cc being so rare that it will take awhile for any connects to be made if they are there. Good that you pointed it out to your doctors. If there is a connection, it might make him look out for it.


    in reply to: MD Anderson Holding Off #36507

    I just cant figure out why your body would run a fever from dehydration. To me it doesnt make sense, yet I know it was true for me.

    in reply to: MD Anderson Holding Off #36505

    Great news Jeff. How is Marc doing liquid wise? I ran all types of fevers and had severe pain when I got dehydrated from chemo. If Marc is having problems with his stools or is not drinking enough, perhaps this could be the problem? I know it sounds funny, but I know this is the case for me.


    in reply to: Abdominal Pressure #36516

    I get more “full” and have pain in association with my period. I think my ovaries get inflamed and then press on other organs causing that problem.

    I have also noticed I get that feeling also when I have had too much dairy over a period of time.

    Hope that helps.


    in reply to: week off from trial drug #36544

    Are you a teacher? My sister is and she is learning all about how school can run without her. It was hard for her at first, but now she is learning to put herself first. She actually asked me if I wanted her to come for my surgery. Although I said no, this was a big step for her. So many teachers need to learn that they are as important as their students. So hats off to you for taking care of yourself.

    My blood counts drop on this chemo sometimes, not always. This time they really got wacky and despite I havent had chemo in 4 weeks, my bloodwork is still on the wonky side. I guess that just shows that chemo keeps working for weeks after it is infused.

    Let us know how it goes.


    in reply to: devoncat, lainey, marion #36415

    I know nothing yet. Surgery is still either the 22 or 23 of March. My oncologist still hasnt got a firm list of the surgeons. The only thing settled is the apartment Hans and my parents are going to rent for the time I am in the hospital. The snow is JUST starting to melt so I am looking forward to the first spring flowers…hopefully just in time for me to be discharged from the hospital. I am doing well and the only thing I have to complain about is my dads feet sure do stink and are making my flat smelly. But I am so happy that my parents are here and it is so good to see them that I am just going to deal with stinky feet.

    So how are you doing?

    in reply to: Date set for surgery #35861

    I havent heard too much yet. Iwill meet with part of the team on Wednesday. The 3 ways it can go are 1) I die on the table 2) They cant do anything and close me back up or 3) the remove Leroy and Jr.


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