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  • in reply to: Treatment Centers/Physicians #29919

    Hello, I had all my treatments at MD Anderson in Houston, TX. Excellent cancer centerl! My doctors at the time:

    Dr. Nicolas Vauthey – surgical oncology
    Dr. Melanie Thomas – medical oncology
    Dr. Ahmed Kaseb – medical oncology
    Dr. Christopher Crane – radiation oncology

    MD Anderson Cancer Center:

    in reply to: Surgery success #38326

    Bob – so glad to hear the surgery went well. I had a similar surgery in 2004. I had Stage 2 CC. I had a liver resection and they removed 3/4ths of my liver, and gall bladder too. My surgery took about 6 hours. My recovery in the hospital was about 8 days, then I went home.

    It was kind of rough, and ached, but day by day I could tell a difference and I was getting better, and I continued to get better. About 2 months after my surgery, I developed a fluid build-up near the incision area. It was called “seroma”, but I was told that was a somewhat common occurrence during recovery. They put a small drainage tube there, and after about 1-2 weeks, it all drained out, and no further problems afterwards.

    I wish your dad continued success in his recovery!

    – Dale

    in reply to: by the grace of God… #38314

    Hello Bob. Welcome and thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story! Your survival is a miracle and I wish you continued success in your journey. God bless …. Dale

    in reply to: New to the Discussion Board #37908

    Linda Z: I

    in reply to: Wanted: Survivor Stories #38085

    Hi Marions – I sent my story via email to Rick earlier this week. Along with a link to a blog of my cancer journey. Thanks!! Dale

    in reply to: Wanted: Survivor Stories #38074

    Kristin – awesome!! That’s a great story! I wish you continued success in your journey!!


    ladybug02142004: no I didn’t have any hernia problems. Sorry to hear about Dave’s. About the only real issue I had was few months after my surgery I developed excess fulid build-up at the surgical site, called Seroma. They attached a small drainage tube there to a bag gizmo, and the excess fluid drained out. In about 1 week it drained all out, and they removed the tube. Hope Dave’s hernia issue gets better!

    in reply to: Wanted: Survivor Stories #38072

    Hi Rick, I met you and the others of this foundation at the symposium last week. I’ll be glad to share my survivor story, I’d planned to do that sometime when I got back from my trip. As you know, I’m a 6-year survivor of cholangiocarcinoma, with no recurrence or ongoing problems. I’ll plan to draft my story and send to you via email. Thanks – Dale


    Wonderful story!! And congratulations to Dave as Honory Survivor in his RFL! I wish Dave continued success in his cancer journey. I’m a 6-year survivor of cholongiacarcinoma, and there is Hope for us all with this rare cancer. Best to Dave and God bless!


    This is a wonderful story! I can relate a lot to what Dave is going thru. I’m currently a 6-year survivor of Stage 2 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. In May 2004, I also had a liver resection, about 75% of my liver was removed. I had follow-up adjuvant treatment of chemo (pill form – Xeloda) and radiation for 6 weeks.

    I am now basically “cancer free” and a survivor. I’m also 52 years old (I was 46 when diagnosed). I also do cancer events like Relay For Life. I also just completed my second half-marathon in January this year.

    I’m happy for Dave and agree with him, there is HOPE!! My best to Dave and wish a belated happy birthday! And continued success in his cancer journey!

    in reply to: New to the Discussion Board #37905

    Thanks all. Just a follow-up on my cancer journey. As mentioned I’m a 6-year survivor. In May 2004 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. I had a liver resection, about 3/4ths of my liver was removed. I had follow-up adjuvant treatment of chemo (pill form – Xeloda) and radiation for 6 weeks. In 6-9 months my liver

    in reply to: New to the Discussion Board #37898

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. I look forward to helping with this foundation and postings on the discussion board!

    I also do volunteer support work for two cancer organizations in the Houston area … MD Anderson Network, and CanCare. I will definitely refer this site to them as a resource as they are going thru their journey with CC.

    Sue, it was great to meet you too at the symposium! You were the first long-time survivor I’ve meet with our same rare type of CC (i.e. intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma). I wish you continued success in your survivorship too!

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