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  • in reply to: My Introduction #83843

    I cannot stress how important attitude is, and it sounds like your wife has a great one. I lost 34 pounds in six months and regained it in the next eight. Small frequent “grazings” worked best for me in the beginning. It was a long time before I slept through the night – I regularly got up at 0200 and 0600. I am partial to Kellogs’ ToGo but Carnation IB was good, too. Lots of protein bars – I alternated between high protein and high fiber. There are many of them so there are lots of opportunities. Some people have problems with no longer enjoying foods they have loved over the years. Keep looking until you find foods she likes.

    Trials require a lot of research to determine eligibility. Depending on her onc and the hospital system, your wife might have better luck if you did preliminary research and presented the onc with options. That’s my plan for when trials seem the best option. IMHO this is my life so I can’t expect the doctor to do something I am not willing to do myself. I am part of my team so this is something I can do. This may sound a little militant, but I don’t want to look back and say, “I wish I had done something else. I just didn’t know.”

    Walks, fresh air, being with people, all help attitude. You will frequently see the statement (or very like it), “This cancer sucks!” It does. Say it. Shout it. OK. Now get on with doing everything you can to help your wife. Put on your best face for her. Reading posts, it sometimes seems that this is harder on the caregivers than the patients.

    Wow. This post took a strange path. Not at all what I had in mind when I started. Definitely not my normal light-hearted post.

    Sam – all you can do is all you can do. You can’t do any more, and you owe it to your wife and yourself not to do one iota less.



    Going back to the original post, I think the new site or the new compilation of data, has corrected the issue as long as you don’t include your last name when you register.

    Can others check this out?


    in reply to: Crazy Good 1st Meet up with new GP #83582

    Yeah, but I bet you traded in some 40 year olds for a thirty year old. I hope your insurance company sends you a thank you card for cutting expenses.

    I love to sing, but have many stories why I only do it in the shower (and that even backfired on me once).

    In eighth grade I was forced to try out for choir – and was rejected.

    I sang to my kids almost every night to put them to sleep. I can sing “We Three Kings” in one note – probably one that doesn’t even show up in the score. When they woke up in the middle of the night my wife sent me to sing them to sleep. When I sing it at church, my wife starts to yawn.

    The shower thing. I was in a shower in college, singing away. Someone snuck in and recorded me. After I got back to my room, someone knocked on the door to invite me down to a bull session in the RA’s room. A few minutes into it they started the tape. Most embarrassing thing was that I didn’t recognize my voice at first. What are friends for if not to humble you?


    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64715

    The longest journey begins with the first step. My first step is one year. With God’s help, counting on many more. It took a while but I’ve come to terms with my new life.

    Tumors are stable. Chemo is still easy. Alk-phos is hanging around 130-140 since March and CA 19-9 is 60-70 since November.

    Unrelated note: My wife insists that I concentrate on doing things that are at least a 7 (0-10 scale). Trouble is, planting flowers and bushes is a 9 but weeding is only a 1.


    in reply to: Progression #83489

    Coming up on my first anniversary of diagnosis so I looked back now that I have an idea what this is all about (as much as anyone).

    What prompted my question was that in October 2012 my alk phos was 348 and increased to 449 a month later. It was about 70 the year before. It increased to 856 by the time I was diagnosed in July 2013. I know it is not proof of cc, but it should have prompted my PCP to do something other than order two retests that confirmed it was high. This is something that impacts both the Registry and the Mayo study since they want the diagnosis date. Which begs the question about what my treatment options could have been. But that train has left the station. I’ve come to grips with that.

    More importantly, it highlights the importance of following up when things don’t look right rather than thinking “doctor knows best.” That’s the message everyone who reads this post needs to take to their friends and family. Doctors are human. Second opinions and all that. Plus numerous posts about clueless doctors.

    This has been pretty much a downer, so to attempt to lighten this up:

    If it doesn’t look like a duck, walk like a duck, or quack like a duck, maybe you should buy your ducks somewhere else.


    in reply to: REGISTRY EAZY PEAZY #83357

    I agree that registration is easy.

    Plus, there are results already available. Patience is required to wade through it. No obvious “Ah Ha’s” but did not expect any. Only 89 responders so far. It will take time.

    What are they looking for in the way of lab reports? If I can get my onc to put everything into a PDF file, can I just upload that? Or is that something to be added later?


    in reply to: Informing patients and local physicians #83199

    Marion –
    Just be slow and steady on the new section, recognizing that it will be a work in progress for a while.

    Maybe you could go back to say, the beginning of 2014, to Introductions to look for comments from new users to see if they had trouble finding something or had questions. That should be your target audience for now.

    One thing I have noticed is that some Boards seem to get comments from a somewhat limited population even though they are read by many others.

    And as I’ve said before, Gavin’s posts on new stuff are tremendous. How do we “advertise” the Board more? When you take time to read them, they provide a wealth of new ideas and options. Do people get overwhelmed before they get that far down in the list of Boards?

    If someone out there has experience with web site design, maybe they can chime in with the philosophies/psychology of site design and give Rick some ideas. This is the only collection of Boards I participate in so I have no specifics in mind.


    in reply to: Mayo Research Study #83280

    FedEx shipping is prepaid and labeled by Mayo.

    in reply to: Informing patients and local physicians #83196

    I’m trying to get approval from the hospital to put out cards, but seem to have run into someone with a severe case of lack of interest. Plus, I’ll contact my PCP to see if he is interested.

    Something to consider adding to the new section would be a more elaborate description of the other sections, plus the Search function. This site can be overwhelming to someone wandering through it without a clear idea of what they might find and the best places to look.

    Maybe add a description of the various designations, e.g., “moderator”.

    Add a small vocabulary section. intrahepatic, extrahepatic, Klatskin’s, cyber knife, resection,, metastasis, etc.


    in reply to: Mayo protocol has 65% BDC cancer free at 5 years #83031

    Liver transplantation for cholangiocarcinoma: current best practice.


    Gavin’s posts don’t seem to get the traffic they deserve. They are not the most optimistic or the easiest to decipher, but they present the cutting edge of research.


    in reply to: Mayo protocol has 65% BDC cancer free at 5 years #83029

    From Gavin: (Who finds the greatest stuff. Now I just need a medical degree to understand it.) I will find the actual link and post it next.


    Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare tumour with dismal prognosis. Only radical resection offers a chance for cure with reported survivals ranging from 25 to 45% at 5 years. Considering the low rate of resectability and lack of efficacy of other treatments, liver transplantation has emerged as a reasonable approach to cure selective patients with unresectable diseases. The use of liver transplantation, however, is associated with the inherent risk of early tumour recurrence due to the need for immunosuppression and the poor survival rate. This review will focus on the role of liver transplantation in treating patients with cholangiocellular cancer.


    The indication of liver transplantation for cholangiocarcinoma has evolved over time moving from an absolute to a relative contraindication until eventually becoming the best indication for a small group of patients presenting with unresectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma, when associated with a neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. In contrast, the indication of liver transplantation for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is far from being established and should be offered only under protocol, mainly for small tumours in the setting of cirrhosis.


    The poor outcome of cholangiocarcinoma, irrespective of the therapy, justifies the search for novel approaches. Only selective patients with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma subjected to a neoadjuvant protocol may qualify for liver transplantation.

    [PubMed – in process]

    in reply to: Mayo protocol has 65% BDC cancer free at 5 years #83028

    I think the “bar” Matt is referring to is no metastases. Hopefully, this will be one of the factors presented in the Foundation Registry.

    Whoever has a copy of the report, please post the list of the 12 centers referred to.


    in reply to: Update and Hearing Loss #82873

    Not too much muffled. Biggest problem seems to be that I have to listen carefully which takes some of the enjoyment out, espcially when listening to music. I’m listening rather than experiencing.

    Hearing did not seem to get any worse. But, there could have been a slight gradual degradation so I won’t say it didn’t happen. Some people are harder to understand and some situations are harder to hear in (background noise, etc.). With the hearing aids, some sounds are just plain irritating, example, folding a map or scraping a plate.


    in reply to: Mayo protocol has 65% BDC cancer free at 5 years #83039

    MSK is supposed to be top shelf. Unforgivable that they missed this.

    Which gets back to the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. And getting the word out to oncs who have little or no cc experience. And second/third opinions.

    in reply to: Port Problems and chemo side effects #83019

    I’m fortunate to not need a port. There were times that I thought a port would be a wonderful device, but, reading your posts (and others), I’m not so sure now. There is a lot more to it than I ever thought.

    As everyone else has said, you are strong and will get through this. You have to. There is no “what’s behind Door #2” option. Therefore you will. QED.

    Would it help to imagine us with you, sharing the anxiety and pain? It wouldn’t take more than three or four of us to dilute it to a manageable level. We’ll be there for you.


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