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  • in reply to: Remaining hopeful during difficult times #29262


    More positive thoughts and prayers coming for you both. I hope you both have a better day today.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Article on PDT (Canada) #29286


    Newfjam’s husband was treated with chemo and radiation before undergoing PDT and is getting PDT every 3 months under a trial at the University of Virginia. Maybe something worth looking at?


    in reply to: Not a good scan #29309


    I am sorry to read this news. I hope you have managed to talk with your family about it. You have every right to be angry and I like what you say when you talk about not giving up and just accepting the doctors predictions. You sound like a fighter to me and I agree with everybody saying to fight this as you want to. As Kris points out, there are a lot of different treatment options to investigate.

    I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Article on PDT (Canada) #29284


    Many thanks for posting that link, makes very interesting reading.

    Thanks again.


    in reply to: prayers for kim #29238


    My prayers and positive thoughts are with you all. I hope the surgery will be a great success for your sister.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Update on my Dad #29117

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for that. My dad also did the same test your husband did with the paper bag over his hand to test his skin for light sensitivity. He tested it 4 or 5 weeks after the treatment and his skin came up really red the next day, and it wasn’t even a sunny day that day. He kept fully covered for the next 2 weeks then did the same test again and his skin didn’t burn that time so the gloves came off. Then 2 weeks later he would go out without the hat and then 2 weeks after that the dark glasses came off.

    Getting glasses that were dark enough was a bit of pain for dad seeing as he actually needs glasses to see. The optician couldn’t get ones that were strong enough to protect his eyes, so we gave the optician dads actual glasses and he put the strongest tint he possible could on them in line with the data provided with the Photofrin.

    My dad never had his stent removed before the laser, he had only had his stent in for a short time before the treatment took place. Here’s hoping that the study at University of Virginia and other trials will prove succesful and that perhaps this type of treatment can be looked at for treating other types of cancer, and also in more detail for treating patients with CC. I had read somewhere that it has been used for skin, lung and pancreatic cancers using varying amounts of Photofrin and other drugs.

    It’s good to hear that the 80 something patient you met feels that the PDT is helping her with her quality of life, and I hope that this will also be the same for your husband.

    Best wishes to you both.


    in reply to: Good thoughts please #29202


    Loving your positive attitude! When sounds so much better than if regarding your surgery. I hope the iv fluids work and that your next cycle of chemo goes well so you don’t have to go back to hospital for the week again.

    More positive thoughts coming your way.

    Best wishes


    in reply to: Please Pray for Joe #29221

    That is excellent news. As you say, a very very good day indeed! Here’s hoping for more of the same for the 16th.

    My best wishes to you and your family.


    in reply to: Remaining hopeful during difficult times #29252


    More positive thoughts and prayers coming you and Jim’s way.

    My best wishes to you both.


    in reply to: Long night tonight/ Scan tomorrow #29227


    You posting here never bothers anybody. We are all here to help, support and encourage each other so you are not being a bother or a wuss.

    I will keep my fingers crossed for good results for you .

    My thoughts and best wishes to you and your family.


    in reply to: Diagnosed early #29180

    Hi Carolyn,

    Like Kris and Lainy, I would also like to welcome you to the site although I am sorry that you have to be here. That is good that you are doing well and that your doctors managed to catch this early. The earlier this is caught the better it seems. In my Dads case it was caught too late as he showed no symptoms at all, and once diagnosed, it was too late for surgery to be an option. This is indeed a sneaky little devil as Lainy says so i hope your doctors manage to keep a close eye on things.

    This is a great site, everyone is very helpful and supportive so you are in good company here. Feel free to ask any and lots of questions and I’m certain you will get loads of help and support.

    Wishing you all the very best.


    in reply to: Good thoughts please #29190


    Loads and loads of good vibes coming your way and I am thinking lots of good thoughts for you. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope that you get everything that you want and can give us more good news. What a fighter you are.

    Wishing you the very best.


    in reply to: Photography to raise awareness of Cholangiocarcinoma #29145


    These pictures were excellent and anything that helps raise awareness is always welcome.

    Glad to hear that you’re feeling a bit better Lisa.

    Best wishes to everyone.


    in reply to: Recently Diagnosed #29173

    Hi PRP,

    I just wanted to join with the others and welcome you to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. This site is excellent and the people here are amazing and will give you so much help and support. My dad was diagnosed last summer and everyone here has been so good to me through these tough times.

    I guess there is no right or wrong answer as to how each person should deal with all of this. However, I do agree with the others and feel that talking about it and opening up to others will not only help you in this fight, but also those around you. I know that when my dad was diagnosed, I wanted to find out as much about this as I could. It sure is overwhelming at times having to deal with all of this so I believe it will help to have people to turn to, or even yell at if need be! My mum likes yelling at me so I guess that works for her!

    As far as waiting mode goes, everyone here has been and goes through all of that. Waiting, for treatment, scans, results and to see doctors. Yeah that gets to be a bit of a drag, but when you come here and talk to others, at least they know what you are going through so it helps knowing that you are not alone in that feeling.

    My best wishes to you and your husband.


    in reply to: Infections and antibiotics #28985

    Hi Sarah,

    Like Tess’s dad and Lisa, my dad also had bouts of sweating that like your boyfriends, used to just come and go. When it happened, it seemed to last for a few hours at a time then would just stop. My dad has a metal stent inside and when he got these bouts of sweating, he would feel pretty rotten in general.

    Best wishes


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