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  • in reply to: My first posting. #90867

    I hope that the biopsy goes well Ben. My fingers are crossed for your wife with this and please let us know how it goes.

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: My Dad #90961

    Hi Mac,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your dad and what you are all going through right now with all of this. I can so relate to your situation with everything as I was there where you are right now with your dad myself with my own dad back in 2008. Head spinning with having to take all of this bad news in and everything else. Yep, exactly where I was as well with my dad.

    I am so glad that you have joined in with us here on the site as I know that you will get tons and tons of support from everyone here. We so know exactly what you are going through with all of this right now and you are not alone in this anymore, we are here for you. And as far as the whole being from a wee country goes, yep, got that too as I am from Scotland and my dad was diagnosed and treated up here as well. We may be wee as it were but us Irish and Scots can kick ass big time can we not!!!

    My dad had just recently retired from his work as well when this CC showed up. Nearly 50 years he put in with the same employer as well, one job he had in his life. So the whole looking forward to life part after retirement I can get on board with as well.

    You are right in that we are one family from all over fighting this and now you are part of this family. I sure wish that you didn’t need to join our family but you know what I mean about that. Please keep on coming bakc here and keep us updated on everything and if we can help we will do. Just ask and we will do what we can.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,


    in reply to: My Introduction #90988

    Hi Jack,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear what you and Diane are going through. But glad that you have joined in with us here as you are in the best place for support and help and will get a load of each from everyone here. Just so you know, I deleted the other introduction duplicate posts that you made today just so that we can keep the place a bit tidier as it were! Hope that is okay with you and just thought I’d let you know in case you wondered where they had gone.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you so please keep on coming back here as much as you want to.

    My best wishes to you and Diane,


    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64779

    Congrats to you Randi on a few fronts, that is majorly kicking some cancer but!!

    60??? No way!!

    Congrats and happy birthday to you!!



    in reply to: My Mum, Australia #90312

    Thanks for the update Sandie. Making this Christmas a good one, I like that idea! Hope that you and your family do indeed have a good one!



    in reply to: Liquid Biopsy (blood sample) for Cholangiocarcinoma as well? #90856

    Thanks for that Marion.

    in reply to: Understanding Investigational Drugs #90854

    Thanks for all of these chemo posts Marion, very useful to everyone.




    Looking forward to hearing all about the conference as it happens, very exciting as always!

    Wish I was going!



    in reply to: Faces of Cholangiocarcinoma #89799

    A great reminder!!

    in reply to: Highly informative – Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Videos #90837

    Great idea Marion as the webinars and video’s here on the site are excellent and will be of great help to patients, carers, family members and everyone who wants to learn as much as they can about things CC related. Personally, I find it much easier to learn through videos and webinars rather than ploughing through websites and medical stuff, but maybe that is just me.

    Hugs to all,



    Agree! Personally, I wanted to know everything although I know that not everyone is like that. And it is the same with my mum in that I want to know as much as possible about everything so that I am prepared for everything and anything.

    in reply to: Christmas Diet #90831

    Food???????????? :)


    Now that would be very nice indeed Marion, would love to see that happening! But alas I can’t really see it happening. Must be getting too cynical in my own age………..




    Thanks for that Marion and I am sure that this info will be of great use to others.



    in reply to: Time to say Hi #90780

    Hi Steph,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and sorry to hear as well what you are going through with everything but glad that you have joined in with us now as you are so in the best place for support and help and I know you will get a load of each from everyone here. Thanks as well for sharing everything that is happening for you.

    Real glad to hear that the treatment that you are doing at MD is working for you and I will keep everything crossed that this of course continues to work and deals with these tumours for you. Not so good to hear about the bone mets and mets are quite common with CC, and as Marion has said Jeff had some issues with these and posted a lot about them here on the site. You can search for his posts using the username Jeff G.

    Hope that you keep on coming back here and keep us updated with everything that is going on. Please know that we are all here for you.

    My best wishes to you.


Viewing 15 posts - 751 through 765 (of 6,160 total)