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  • gavin

    Hi Donnie,

    Great to hear from you! Thanks for the update on everything and Fleetwood Mac tickets, nice! I know that you will enjoy that and it is something to look forward to as well.

    So tumour is stable then, glad to hear that Donnie. Keeping it in jail, lol, love that idea! No breaking out of Barlinnie allowed and solitary confinement for the tumour please!

    I hear what you say about the bag and can understand your initial reaction to it, totally understandable. But like Lainy says, you can have a life with it as well and I hope that the issues with it start settling down pretty quickly. My mum was the same when she went on home oxygen 16 hours a day, was so not into the idea of that at all but she got used to it pretty quickly once she realised that it was benefiting her with her quality of life etc.

    Don’t give up on the idea either Donnie of the bili levels coming down in time. They take time to go up and will take time to drop again and none of us knows what lies around the corner do we. Great to hear from you Donnie and looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

    My best to you and Lorraine,


    in reply to: My Introduction #80364

    Hi Matt,

    Great to hear from you and thanks for letting us know what is happening with everything. That would be great if you and Julie could meet up, and remember, we need pics of you both if possible!

    I hear what you say about getting tired of treatments and no wonder, you have every right to talk about that and I wish I had some answers for you. I do like Marion’s idea about seeing if you can take a break from things for a while, would that be a possibility for you?

    Hope you 2 can meet up!

    My best to you Matt,


    in reply to: Good News for my Sis #88780

    Hi Michelle,

    I’m pretty certain as well that here in the UK someone who is going through treatments of whatever type, chemo, radiation etc will have bloods taken quite a lot throughout that treatment. My dad had blood taken quite a bit before his PDT treatment but he did not do chemo so can’t share anything specific as to that and bloods etc. But I am sure that if your sister was to start a treatmnet, SIRT etc then they would be doing bloods before and after.

    And just let me say that you are so doing the right thing here in seeking as many answers and info as possible for your sister and I know how much that she will appreciate all of that. Never be afraid to ask questions Michelle!

    My best to you and your sister,


    in reply to: Vision changes with gem/cis #88599

    Thanks for the update on how everything went, and hope that the eye drops do the job for you.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: PTC/biliary catheter placement #88684


    Sorry to hear this news about your husband. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for your husband and hope that he continues to improve with the treatment. Please keep us updated on everything.



    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64768

    Brilliant news Deb, thanks loads for sharing that! Absolutely no sign of recurrence, love it!!! Hope indeed.



    in reply to: Good News for my Sis #88775

    Hi Michelle,

    This is excellent news about your sister, thanks so much for sharing this with us all! Your sister did indeed respond well to the chemo and news such as this will give hope to so many people as well, thank you for this.

    Glad to hear as well that SIRT has not been ruled out as a future treatment option for your sister should she need it but right now I would be focusing on the present great news that you all got. My fingers are crossed for the good news to continue with the MRI in August and yes, everyone is indeed unique and the stats are just that, numbers!



    in reply to: New Diagnosis: Faith Hope and Love for Mom #88564

    Dear Jason,

    I am sorry to hear this today from you and having been there with my dad back in 2009 I so know how you feel and what you are going through right now. As the others have said to you, you have done everything that you possibly could for your mum and I am sorry that things have gotten to this point.

    Your mums comfort is of the utmost concern and I so know that you and the rest of your family will do everything that you all can to keep your mum as comfortable as possible. Please cherish this precious time and know as well that we are all here for you.

    Thinking of you and your mum right now.


    in reply to: My husband #88771

    Dear Arlene,

    I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your husband John, please accept my sincere condolences. I wish right now that I had words that would help ease the pain that you feel. Please know we are here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Vision changes with gem/cis #88593

    Hi there,

    Thanks for letting us know how things went with this. Glad to hear that you have been referred to the opthalmologist at MD and I am sure that you will get more answers there. Please let is know how things go for you there.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: New to this group – stage III/IVa ICC #71254

    Hi Elaine,

    Brilliant news, well chuffed for you! Glad to hear as well that you are back home now and recovering well as you say, fingers crossed for that to continue and let us know how that goes. I am sure that others who have had surgery followed up with chemo will chime in with what chemo’s etc that they had.

    My best to you,


    in reply to: New Diagnosis: Faith Hope and Love for Mom #88558


    I am real sorry to hear this latest news about your mum, not the news that anyone wants to hear. I so know and share your frustrations about all of this and so wish that I could help right now. I really hope that both you and your mum get some good news from Dr Chapman and please let us know how that goes.

    We are all here for you.


    in reply to: PTC/biliary catheter placement #88680

    Hi Lee,

    Excellent news, thanks for letting us know! Keeping my fingers crossed for the improvements to continue for your husband and also for him to continue with that feeling better feeling as well!

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: My dad #88752

    Dear Kerry,

    I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your dear dad, please accept my sincerest condolences. Your tribute to your dad is lovely and your dad sounded like a real character as well, I know that he will be missed by so many people. I too lost my dad to this cancer and I so know how you are feeling right now.

    Please know that we are all here for you and please know as well that my thoughts are with you and your family at this time.



    in reply to: Managing Stress #88650

    Thanks Kris. I lost an absolute ton of weight over the last few years and have got a bit lazy since the start of this year/end last year so decided to get back to my healthy eating plan, exercise etc a few months ago. Walking is great exercise and have heard that pilates is good too although never done that. I like the gym with the machines and that but was going far too much last year and ended up damaging my ankles. Went 42 days in a row and that did no good for my ankles so my doc told me! Going back again but not that much again ever!

    I hear what you say about having to set your mind to this and you are so right in that it will be hard for you to do so right now. Maybe I can motivate you! I should have done a sponsored weight loss or something for the CCF, we would have raised loads!

    And Lainy, cleaning being your destresser…… that does not surprise me at all! Ha!! The cooking I can get on board with but the cleaning, whoa!! Think I’ll stick with my sit-up’s and all of that!!

    Hugs to you both,


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