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  • in reply to: 3 Month Check #88238

    Thanks for the update Nancy. Hoping that the next scans and stuff continue to show numbers heading down and all that and for Ron’s improvement to continue.

    Hope you both have a good holiday as well!



    in reply to: David Michael Kovalcik #87957


    Thank you so much for sharing the picture with us all, I love it. Loving the smiles and you know as well that we are always here for you too.



    in reply to: 4 year ct scan #88218

    Hi Susie,

    Brilliant news on the scan results, thanks for sharing that with us all! Sorry to hear about your miscarrige but will keep my fingers crossed for you in the future for all the best possible news for you and your family.



    in reply to: My Mum Mags #86933

    Hi Kevin,

    It is indeed good to try and if your mum does not like it then she can just say no and not go back. Nothing ventured nothing gained I would say but each to their own.

    As to my dad partying at the day care centre, you could be right on that one. Here is a pic of him at their Halloween day…..


    LOL!!!! :)

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: My Introduction #80356

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the update and wow, sure have been through a lot these last few days and weeks have you not! No mets, excellent news!!! Fingers crossed for the IMRT and you know we are all wishing you every success with this!

    My best to you,



    Thanks for these Catherine, much appreciated!



    Indeed Marion, stomp all over these cancer cells! Thought this was a pretty amazing video!

    in reply to: Abdominal discomfort after stent placement #88013

    Brilliant news Lee! Well chuffed for you and your husband, and he is getting home too, excellent stuff!!

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My Mum Mags #86931

    Hi Kevin,

    I so hear what you are saying re day care centres, hospices and all of that and that was what initially put my dad off from going when it was suggested to him from his Macmillan nurse that he go and try them. And, the day care centre here in Dundee is attatched to the local hospice too which didn’t help! My dad also equated hospice with dying and so many of our family over the years had spent their last days and weeks in that hospice and indeed my dad did as well at the end.

    However, let me just say that the day care centers are not what your mum or my dad for that matter imagined they would be. I took my dad for the first just to see what he thought of it and what they offered etc as he was sceptical as you could imagine. When we got there they showed my dad around, what they did and what they got up to and he liked it so he agreed to go once a week. He ended up loving it so much that he started going twice a week. They have male only days, female only days and mixed days. They have Macmillan nurses who run the days and they take great care of everyone and they have gp’s that you can see if need be. They offer a wide range of activities there, various complimentary therapies and you get fed loads too! In Dundee they had a chef that would come in and cook specially for everyone and they also got singers and other acts to come in and perform too.

    My dad also used to get a reiki massage each time to help him relax and he loved that loads. I do think that your mum would enjoy it and perhaps in time you could suggest taking her yourself to see what it is like. She might enjoy the company too of people of a similar age in the same circumstances as herself.

    People here on the site who know me and read my postings back in 2009 of my dads experiences of the centre would be able to vouch for how much my dad enjoyed it! I wrote quite a bit about that back in 09 if you want to search for my postings from back then. I’d put a link to them in this post but linking to old posts does not seem to work now and we all have to search ourselves for old posts etc.

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Hello everyone #87816

    So sorry for your loss Aiste. I replied to your other post on the site tonight. I know that the coming days and week will be tough for you and your family and I know as well that your son will indeed grow into a fine young man and make his Grandfather proud of him.



    in reply to: Abdominal discomfort after stent placement #88009

    Glad to hear that the vomiting has passed Lee and so hope that it does not come back either! Keeping everything crossed for your husband with all of this. How is the abdominal pain today?

    My best wishes to you both,


    in reply to: Marijonas Bondzinskas #88195

    Dear Aiste,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear dad. Please accept my sincere condolences. Having lost my dad to this cancer back in 2009 I so know the pain that you feel at the moment and I so wish that I could help ease that pain. Please know that we are here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Please help me about my mum #88186

    Hi Erashid,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your mum as well. But glad that you have joined us all as you have come to the best place for support and help and you will get loads of each from all of us here. And please, your English is fine so no apologies needed for that.

    I am glad to hear that your mum was able to have surgery and has had it now as so many patients after diagnosis are not able to have the surgery.My dad was not able to have surgery so I can not share any personal experiences from him but I know that others will be along soon to share their experiences with their surgeries. From what you say about how it went and with the test results from April it sounds like it went well apart from the pain that your mum is experiencing just now.

    Has your mum spoken with the surgeon or her doctor to see what they say about the pain? Pain is something that should be looked into and if she has not already done so then I would recommend that she speak with them to see what they say about this. The gas problem and burping could be due to a few factors and these are quite common with this cancer. My dad had issues with them as well and it could be down to digestion of food. The pain could be down to quite a few things and it is hard for us to know what is causing this, hopefully others will have some thoughts on that. The itchy scar could just be that it is healing. Does she have itching anywhere else on her body, any yellowing of the eyes or skin etc?

    Glad that you have joined us here Erashid. Please keep coming back here and we will help if we can, you are not alone in this now.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Abdominal discomfort after stent placement #88005

    Sorry to hear this Lee. But fingers are crossed and hoping that tomorrow everything will go smoothly and as it should and then that the stent will start doing it’s job! Loads of positive thoughts coming your way and please let us know how it goes.

    My best to you and your husband,


    in reply to: My wee dad #88030

    You’re most welcome Carol. Hope that today is a good day for you and your dad.



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