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  • gavin

    Thanks for all of that Marion, loads of great info there! I haven’t had the time to watch the video yet but I will do asap and if I have any questions I will let you know. Many thanks once again for the additional info you gave us all.



    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78757

    Brilliant news for you Melinda, love it! Doing my Highland Fling YAY dance for you here tonight!!

    So hoping that this treatment and trial can and will be rolled as quickly as possible to the so many other people that you talk about as well. Fingers crossed.



    in reply to: medicine tool could help personalize cancer treatments #87094

    This is excellent news Marion, thanks for this. Link on the FB page now as well.


    Thanks for that Marion. Tons of great and relevant info in all these links that you posted. Maybe this thread can be pinned to the top of this section so that folk see it more and I know i will be putting this thread into some of my replies to newcomers now as I know it will help them.

    Thanks again!



    Hi Donnie,

    Great to hear from you! I’m okay thanks. Glad to hear that you are enjoying some quality of life at the moment and this is to be cherished isn’t it. I am sure that as the bili numbers keep on dropping then the itching will also cease as the jaundice clears up. This took some time as well for that to happen but it did happen and hopefully it will for you as welll.

    Hope that you get some good news at the Beatson on Weds and please let us know how that goes and what they say. How do you like going to the Marie Curie hospice classes? My dad used to go to the Macmillan ones here in Dundee and he was sceptical at first. But he loved it and started going twice a week. He thought it would be full of patients all feeling really down about everything but it was the total opposite. Lots of laughs, jokes and they all enjoyed it loads. Hope that you will get a lot out of it too. The physio and relaxation classes should give you a lot. My dad loved them too and he used to get a reikki massage every time he went. Do they do reikki there? If so you should give it a try!

    Great to hear from you Donnie and looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

    My best wishes to you,



    Glad to be of help Fred.

    My best to you and your son,


    in reply to: One Year and Counting #87053

    Happy anniversary Julie!!! This is great news indeed and yes, it should be celebrated! Sounds like your meal was a good one as it should be! Hope the news on Friday is just as good and as Duke says, we love you too!!




    Thanks for that Marion.

    in reply to: Our son who is 42…. #87029

    Hi Fred,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your son, but glad that you have joined in with us here as you are in the best place for support and help and I know you will get loads of each from all of us here.

    Thanks for letting us know what your son has gone through so far and my fingers are crossed for the best possible news from the CT and MRI results. Please let us know what they show. There is not much that I can add to what the others have said to you and you will find tons of very helpful info in the links that have been given to you.

    Please keep on coming back here, we are all here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your son,


    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86480

    Hope that these numbers start changing for you very soon Duke. And hope that you can get some good sleep as well as I know how much my dad suffered with the not sleeping at night too well.

    Cooking in the middle of the night Momma, now that’s planning ahead! Sweet/sour meatballs sound good, never had them before and I do love cabbage as well!


    in reply to: GREAT NEWS – MERCK DRUG (Keytruda) is WORKING!! #84675

    Hi Colleen,

    Thanks for the update on your mum and what brilliant news this is!!! No new growths and shrinkage as well, love it! My fingers are crossed for the good news to continue on rolling for your mum and please keep us updated on everything if you can.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Ascites #86986

    Glad to hear that the diuretic is working Duke and hope that it does not muck about with your potassium levels. Pregnant look gone, good!!


    in reply to: AMMF BBC Devon TV Interview with Mark & Terry Matthews #87044

    Actually the link works for those not on Facebook as well, just checked it.

    in reply to: AMMF BBC Devon TV Interview with Mark & Terry Matthews #87043
    in reply to: New member Wendy from Holland #85267


    Have you thought about SIRT? It is now available here in the UK. I heard from Helen again and she says that SIRT is availabe where there is evidence of clinical progression during or following standard chemotherapy. That could be worth looking into could it not?

    Here is a link to Prof Juan Valle’s page at the Christie in Manchester –

    My best wishes to you,


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