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  • gavin

    Hi Alison,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your father in law and all that he is going through right now. But glad that you have joined in with us all here as you are so in the best place for support and help and will get loads of each from everyone here. I too am in Scotland, in Dundee, born and bred and I can only imagine what it is like for you and your husband being so far away from your family at this moment in time.

    As Lainy says, we so understand what you are going through right now and please know that we are here for you. I can still remember everything about how I felt and went through when we got the news that my Dad had CC and not only that, but it was deemed inoperable as well. I’ve never been hit in the head with a baseball bat but hearing this news like I just had been.

    Getting that second opinion for your FIL sounds like a great idea to me if you can do so, we are big fans of further opinions around here, especially from those who are experienced in treating patients with CC. Your FIL does not indeed sound like your average 86 year old and that is great to hear! If we can help then we will, all you have to do is ask and we’ll do what we can. we don’t have all of the answers but please know that we are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you and all of your family,


    in reply to: Data-Driven Treatments as Unique as Your Own Body #86581

    Thanks for the links Marion and Duke, very good. And hope your presentation is all done and rehearsed Marion! You’ll be fine! :)

    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86439

    Saw footage of the Grand Canyon just before the Superbowl kicked off, looked very impressive indeed!

    in reply to: It has been a 6 month roller coaster, but #86547

    Brilliant news Dave! Ecstatic is so the right word to describe how you both are feeling right now, and we are all ecstatic for you both also!

    My best to you and your wife,


    in reply to: A bit about me #86519

    No wordy limits here Julie! And Mary, so glad that you are feeling better after sharing about stuff here. I did that lots when my dad was fighting CC and I so know that it helped me loads. That and the wonderful people here as well helped enormously too! Keep coming back Mary.



    in reply to: A bit about me #86514

    Hi Mary,

    Welcome to the site. So sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear everything that you have been through so far, you sure have been through so much haven’t you. But I am glad that you have joined in with us all here as you are not alone in this now, we are all here for you and we care.

    Thanks so much for sharing everything with us and I hope that it made you feel even just a wee bit better getting that out. Here you are around people who so know what you are going through and how you feel. So you share as much as you want to and if it helps then please feel free to shout and screan as well if it helps!

    My dad never had surgery so I can’t share any personal experiences of that with you, he had PDT. But I know others will be along soon to share their surgical experiences with you. And it is great to hear that you were able to have surgery as many are not.

    Keep coming back Mary as I feel that coming here will be of great help to you. And remember that you are not alone in this now, you now have an instant worldwide family and we so care!

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: My mom’s new journey with cancer #85691


    I too am glad to hear that hospice is coming today and they will help take good care of your mum. I am happy as well to hear that you were able to share your birthday with your mum and I know how much that would have meant to you both. My thoughts are with you and your mum right now and you know as well that we are all here for you too.



    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64762

    Thanks for that Kathy, brilliant news!!! Love it!! And of course, looking forward to hearing more good news from you after your 5 year scan as well!



    in reply to: New York Times Blog: Living with Cancer #86543

    Thanks for that Marion.

    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86433

    Ouch Momma! See, I was right about dentists inflicting pain!!! Hope they didn’t charge you at least for this treatment!

    What a great weekend to be in Phoenix, guess it will be very very busy to say the least!

    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86429

    Agree Momma! Life is stressful enough without us being lied to about things! Chemist now has new staff here, told me it can take up to a week to get a prescription filled now if they pick up from the docs, wrong! Have only been doing this now for coming up on a decade and know that it takes 3 days max to get repeats done. Sigh…

    Hope the colonoscopy goes well, let me know how you get on. Superbowl Sunday, will be staying up for that one as is shown on the normal channels here! :)

    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86427

    Hope your teeth are feeling better today Momma! Hear what you say on the pharmacy front. The chemist I go to for my mum lost one of her prescriptions this week. Claimed they hadn’t got in the first place, wrong answer!! Went straight to the docs who told me the dat it was written and collected by the chemists. Doc went berserk at the chemists to say the least as mum had to do without her early morning meds for a few hours until they got an emergency one filled. GRRRRR again!


    in reply to: running for a cure in Boston Marathon #86502

    Thanks for that Marion!

    in reply to: Not only a Plan B, but Plans C and D, and maybe even E #86412

    Tooth pulled…..ouch! I hate the dentsist’s, GRRRRR!!! £ under your pillow for it though!

    Dentists inflict pain, then hand bill and compound the pain……GRRRRR! lol!

    in reply to: 22 year old son just diagnosed #86393

    Hi Wensdi,

    Welcome to the site, but so sorry that you have to be here. And I am real sorry to hear about Taylor. I wish that I could chime in with some thoughts here that would be of help and use to you but I think that the others have said it best. I would add that please do learn as much as you can about CC as the better informed you are the better equipped you will be when it comes to helping your son. Information is power so please learn as much as you can.

    I can only imagine how stressful and tough this time is for you both right now. Please know that we are all here for you and will help as best as we can. Do keep coming back here. You are not alone in this, we are here with you.



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