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  • in reply to: Mistltoe Therapy #85566

    Hi Angela,

    Great to see you here again and brilliant news about how you are doing now after going through MT!!!

    From what you say it has had a dramatic impact for the better to your quality of life and long may this continue! Any info or links you find on this please feel free to post them here as I know that many will be so interested in reading more about this. Say hi to Juan from me as well.



    in reply to: GI ASCO 2015, San Francisco #86161

    Thanks for the heads up on this Marion! And yes, you know me too well and know that I will be scouring google for the news that will come out of the meeting as quickly as I can! And of course, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on how it goes.

    Nice for you to be able to attend a conference that you don’t have to fly to!

    My thanks to you and all the team for running the booth again!

    Hugs to you all,



    Good luck with the trial esammoytz, I hope it goes well and loads of positive thoughts are heading your way.

    Best wishes,


    in reply to: My dad’s fight came to an end #86156

    Dear Carrie,

    I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your father, please accept my sincere condolences. I too lost my dad to this cancer and I know how you feel right now. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Coming to the end :-( #86063


    Yes this is a difficult one and I would say that there is no right or wrong answer here. What works for one person may not be right for another. In my dads case he had a good long talk with the palliative consultant and they talked about everything including the end and timing etc and that helped dad make his decision to stay in hospice rather than come home for a few days towards the end. Personally if it was me then I would like to know everything but that is just the way that I am. I wanted to know everything about my dads CC and if it was me that was in that situation I think I would like to know everything as well. But as I said, what works for one does not for everyone.

    I so agree with what Marion has said to you and also about how you are doing everything right here too. Please do not doubt yourself.



    in reply to: No chemo today #86107

    Need to start a recipe thread!!! :)

    in reply to: difficult to say the word” Cholangiocarcinoma” video #86148

    Jordan put the links up an hour ago Marion.

    in reply to: difficult to say the word” Cholangiocarcinoma” video #86147

    Thanks Marion, will do!

    Hugs to you too,


    in reply to: No chemo today #86104

    Uncle Duke,

    Sorry to hear about the numbers and you not being able to do the chemo, major GRRRRRRR to that and hope next week’s numbers are better and that chemo is a go! If anything gets these numbers up it will be the thought of Lainy turning up with her noodles to whip them into shape! I hear what you say about having to live like a hermit sometimes in order to protect yourself from stuff. My mum has to deal with that lots and avoid people with colds and stuff as an infection can mean 3 weeks in thge hospital again for her if she gets a bad one.

    Loads of positive vibes coming your way!


    in reply to: difficult to say the word” Cholangiocarcinoma” video #86145

    Wish I had a phone like that to take part! Great idea this is Marion, do you want a link to it on FB as well or do you know if Jordan is handling this one?



    in reply to: The upcoming 2015 Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Conference #85378

    Done Marion.

    in reply to: The upcoming 2015 Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Conference #85376


    Do you want me to post some links to this over on our FB page?



    in reply to: Swollen Abdomen with discomfort/pain #85136

    Hi Kate,

    Sorry to hear about your mums swelling in her abdomen, grrrr to that. Does your mum have swelling anywhere else, legs or anything? The CT will hopefully show much more info as to what is causing the troubles for your mum and then what can be done to help ease this for your mum. Please let us know what the CT shows. How long ago was it that she had the nano knife treatment>

    My best to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Newbie Caretaker Post #86032

    Hi Dot,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry to hear what your mum is going through right now. But glad that you’ve joined in with us here as you are in the best place for support and help and you can expect loads of each from everyone here. Thanks for sharing about your mum and dad as well.

    You have so done the best thing in seeking out and learning as much info as you can about CC as the better informed you are the better you will be in helping your mum with everything. Top marks go to you for your learning!

    I do hope that the radioembolization goes well for your mum and does it’s job. And yes, fingers crossed that down the road it will lead to shrinkage and surgery being an option too. Remaining cautiously hopeful sounds like a plan and please let us know how things go. You are not alone in this. We are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,


    in reply to: Nine Years ! #84957


    So agree with Marion on you reading the good news section of the site. There are many, many, many good news stories there of our members and their loved ones who have and are doing so well after treatments of various types. I know that sometimes it can be hard just to think the bad thoughts, but please try and stay positive if you can and focus on what you can do to fight this thing. You now have a ton of people worldwide who are in your corner fighting with you.



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