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    You’re welcome Melinda. I thought you would be adding that to your scrapbook!!



    in reply to: Treasure in Saliva – early cancer diagnoses? #85320

    I’m always asking my mum about the colour of the phlegm that she brings up each day. She brings up a ton of it each day and yellowing or sightly brown means the sign of an infection brewing which is a big thing for her. Usually means a trip to the hospital or anti-biotics at a minimum. Amazing what spit or phlegm can show and it so makes sense to me that in time it may possibly be used to detect signs or disease or at least warrant further investigation. If stuff can be found through urine and blood then why not spit, phlegm etc?



    in reply to: Long-Term Side Effects of Cancer Treatment #85323
    in reply to: Treasure in Saliva – early cancer diagnoses? #85317

    Thanks for that Marion, very interesting. Would be so good if saliva was shown to show early or indeed any signs of cancer or other diseases too. Would make everything so much quicker and easier etc. Thanks!



    in reply to: very good news!!!! #85308

    Hi Moontje,

    Excellent news on Tom!! Many thanks for sharing that, love hearing news like this! Definitely time to celebrate as you say and loads of positive thoughts coming yours and Tom’s way for the next scan. Hope it’s as good or better than this one, time to be greedy!!



    in reply to: Introduction #85270

    Hi Jim,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your wife. But glad that you have joined as you are in the best place for support and help and will get loads of each from us all. And you are so doing the right thing in seeking as much info as you can as the better informed you are the better equipped you will be in making decisions about everything. If we can help then we will and please feel free to ask. We don’t have all the answers but will help as best as we can.

    Love your wife’s attitude about removing the monster! I so hope that that will be the case! Keep coming back here Jim, we are here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your wife,


    in reply to: My dear daddy #85236

    Hi Sammie,

    Thanks for the update on your dad and sorry to hear about the infection in his toe, grrrr to that. Glad to hear that you will speak with your dad about a second opinion and I hope that goes well. I k
    now that the culture we have over here is not the same as it is in the US about getting further opinions on things but I do feel that it should be done. Sometimes we should all be more proactive I feel in the UK about stuff like that, especially when it comes to CC and the rarer diseases like Marion says.

    Please let us know how things go and how your dad feels about this. We are here for you.

    Hugs to you too,


    in reply to: Just an Update #85315

    Hi Tabytha,

    What a great report, love it!! Well chuffed for you!! Indeed you should enjoy life and I hope that you enjoyed the mexican meal and the margherita! Sounds good to me! Indeed you do have options and I hope that your next report is as good as this one, or even better! My fingers are crossed for that and I hope to hear more good news from you.

    My best to you,


    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78750

    HI wmil,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us here but glad that you have joined in as you are so in the best place for support and help and you will get loads of each from all of us. Please feel free to tell us more if you want about what is happening with you, we are all here for you. But if you don’t want to share more with us then that is fine as well!

    You are so right that stories like Melinda’s do give everyone hope and I so hope that they will start a trial like this in Europe. I am from Scotland by the way, just a hop over the North Sea from you. Like your name as well! I so hope that you will find a treatment that works for you, what are/have you had treatment wise?

    If we can help then please just ask and we will do our best. And if you want to introduce your self then please feel free to do so on the Introductions part of the site and I know that you will get many more responses over there. Keep coming back and I look forward to hearing from you more. Moontje is from Holland too and I am sure that she will reply to you as well.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78749

    Hi Melinda,

    What brilliant news, thanks for sharing that!!! Remember what they say about slow and steady, slow and steady wins the race!! So yep, I like that! And telling your research scientist to hurry up, I like that too!!

    Looking forward to hearing more about your shrinkage and loads of positive thoughts are heading your way.



    in reply to: Melinda Bachini, Clinical Trial – Adoptive Cell Therapy #85302

    Thanks for that Marion. I’ll put a link on the FB page as well.

    in reply to: ERCP recovery #85287

    Hi Erin,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your MIL. But glad that you have joined in with us all as you are in the best place for support and help and you will get loads of both from everyone here. Glad as well that you have been reading as the better informed you are the better equipped you will be in helping with your MIL. If you have questions then please just ask and we’ll do wwhat we can to help.

    I would have thought that your MIL’s doctor who placed the plastic stent scheduled a follow up meeting in Feb as plastic stents can last around 3 months or so before clogging can be an issue so that is my guess as to why a meeting was set for Feb. I agree with Marion and Lainy in that contacting the doc soon is a very good idea to discuss this stent issue.

    You are not being naive at all in what you say here so please do not think that! When a stent starts to work as it should the patient will feel much better. My dad had a metal stent inserted and once his started to work after his diagnosis he felt so much better. I hope that things are just taking time here for the stent to wrok for your MIL as that can be the case. But if things do not improve then I would get in touch with the doctor about this.

    You are doing the right thing in coming here. You are not alone in this now, we are here for you and we care. Please keep coming back and let us know how everything goes.

    My best wishes to you and your MIL,


    in reply to: 3rd Annual Jacques Dupont & Becki Mignogna Benefit report #85280

    My thanks to you Barbara and Rob as well. What a great effort and it sounds like a great night was had by all! Looking forward to seeing the pictures from the next event!!

    Thanks for everything!



    in reply to: Three years, three resections #85244

    Thanks for sharing that with us all Genevieve, I love hearing news like that!! I hope that the Xeloda works well for your husband and also that they will be able to do something to fix the hernia issues. Please keep us updated on everything.

    My best to you both,



    And for this as well Karen!

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