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  • in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58006

    I’ve never heard much discussion about port or using IV, I figured I’d try the IV and see how I handled it. I only had one very small issue with the Gemzar about 3 weeks ago for only 4-5 minutes of the 30 minute treatment but it was in no way ‘unbearable’, just slight irritation and that’s it. Nothing today either and the cisplatin is flowing in! Then 500ml of Magnesium and 500ml of Potassium and I can go home (after I pee 5 more times… :) )

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58004

    Well, I’m sitting in chemo, labs from this morning:
    wbc 2.6 (5.0 last week)
    Hgb 13.9 (14.1)
    hct 42.3 (44.2)
    Plat 230 (191) (went up again after chemo…???)
    ANC 1.0 (2.6)

    Even though these numbers are similar or better than a previous 2nd day of cycle report, they want me back on Tuesday to check blood levels again. I took off this week from the gym to start builidng our cabinet for the murphy bed in the guest room, that’s the only change I’ve done this week. I’ve felt a little more tired than usual, but just yawns and not even remotely “I can’t move I’m so tired” at all.

    Gemzar done, vein from last weeks treatment got a little hardened so we used the right arm for the first time this week (that’s 5 treatments in the left arm, 1 in the right so far!). That’s the first time any vein had a bad reaction, but the first time Gemzar was 1700 versus the previous 4 at 1600. Hope everyone has a great weekend, since I can’t sleep until late, I’m planning on a late night fishing expedition like last week. Got 3 crappy ladyfish and one nice 24″ snook last week, hoping for a spotted sea trout tonite so we can have some dinner this weekend!!!

    in reply to: embolization on monday #58285

    All the best Kris, hope this is the start to a road to recovery!! Keeping fingers crossed that the surgery stays scheduled as planned!!

    in reply to: Less Than 48 hours #58230

    At this point, you’re on the “other side” as it is Friday and I sit in my weekly chemo session trolling the boards to see what is new… Shardy’s posts were all positive yesterday, and we’re all waiting for an update. Take what Marions says to heart, get one of those pillows, cause if you cough, it freakin’ hurts! Also, DO NOT try to use your abs to sit up or shift, use the hanging bar and your arms. I learned this the hard way and saw stars… All the best….

    in reply to: What next? #53973

    While I am sincerely sorry about the loss of your father, your last post was very well said. I too discovered this website after my surgery and it has definitely helped me out through my current treatment. Everyone on this board has a vested interest in bringing this disease to the forefront to hopefully give everyone else who encounters it a better fighting chance. My sincerest condolences…

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58003

    Very true Eli. I think that my reduced dose may also have something to do with the fact that we’re not trying to shrink tumors also… technically I’m clean, but who the heck knows! Me and my big mouth, I asked about it and ended up getting 100mg more Gemzar, 1700 instead of 1600. Cisplatin is the full dose too.

    in reply to: port for chemo #58157

    I didn’t have a port put in, and with the Gem/Cis combo via IV so far have had no issues whatsoever. Some want the port, some don’t, and my oncologist said we can start without it and see how you handle the IV. 2 weeks ago, the Gemzar slightly irritated me for about 3-4 minutes, then it went away. I have a big vein on my forearm that they have used 3x (being used right now as I type this) and the regular veins on the top of my arms 2x, the discomfort was the top veins. I think the weightlifting that I do helps ‘thicken’ my veins as they start to pop out as the weight training works on the muscles. That’s my excuse or reason for good veins, I’m sticking with it!!!

    in reply to: End of our Story #58083

    Very sorry to hear the news… Do know that mom is no longer in pain and definitely in a better place joining those who she lost earlier. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58001

    OK, sitting in chemo now, drugs done, getting last 2 bags of magnesium/potassium, about 45 minutes to go. Spoke with ONC today, and he said the first 2 doses I got of Gemzar when it didn’t include the Cisplatin brought my white blood down almost as low as he wanted to see it. So although the protocol is 1000mg/m2, he would rather have a bit lower of a dose and be able to give me the 2 doses back to back Friday’s and then the off week versus having levels go so low that I can’t get the chemo… However, me and my big mouth asking the question today, they bumped me to 1700mg. I think per my calculations I should have 2080mg based on the math (2.08m2 surface area) so I’m still a bit lower. Since this is adjuvant and there is no active cancer present, no tumors, etc. I feel that I’m getting sufficient quantities. The Cisplatin is spot on for the amount based on the protocol. He also said that he has a lot of experience with Gemzar and has yet to see someone get the protocol amount without having levels drop at some point which would cause missing a dose so that justifies why I’m a bit lower also. Anyway….. that’s what I found out this morning!!! Thanks for the comments everyone, it’s appreciated!

    in reply to: Hi #57264

    My onc has been doing them monthy, but I brought it up today (sitting in chemo now, drugs done, getting last bags of magnesium and potassium and I can leave) and he did order it again. I think I get a liver function panel on the 2nd dose of the cycle, and each one has shown completely normal liver function so I’m pretty good there. Yes, 22 on the CA19-9 is good, I’ll find out next week what the test from today shows.

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #58000

    I think it still may be a bit smaller than normal. I will ask about the reduced dose to see what they say about it tomorrow morning. I’ll post what he says as I sit in the chair!

    in reply to: New thread – am I getting enough???? #57998

    I am currently getting 1600mg of Gemzar and 50 mg of Cisplatin. They are following the protocol dose of 25mg/m2 for cisplatin, but for the gemzar are using 784.3mg/m2. Not sure why it is a bit lower, I’m going to have to ask. My surface area was 2.08 m2 also per that link you sent.

    in reply to: Hi #57262

    I did have another CA19-9 test done on 1/27, one month after the other one. It was 22 (other was 37). Downward trend?? Not sure. I will ask about the frequency of this test. My liver function tests show everything is fine also…

    in reply to: Hi #57261

    I’m going to have to ask my oncologist about that for sure. My local oncologist has and will consult with the oncologist at Sloan, so maybe another call from my local guy up there wouldn’t be a bad idea.

    in reply to: Hello from a frustrated wife #57785

    I agree with Jim, can’t worry about what you don’t know. I just thought to mention what actually happened to me since it sounded like the surgery your husband was having is going to be so similar to mine. Wish you guys tons of luck and prayers!

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