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  • in reply to: Is the end near? Update on my MIL #49966

    Haven’t been on here in a couple of weeks. Lost my dear mother in law and finding some time now to reflect on this dreadful cancer. She didnt deserve to be a victim, so was so gentle and kind. To all of you that have this cancer and the ones who love you, take time to spend time with your family. Thank you all for the wonderful relationship and a place to find information and what a great place you all made for us to lean on each other.

    in reply to: methadone #50216

    Hi Jennifer, so sorry to hear of all the pain. We are also experiencing EXTREME pain with my mother in law. She is on methadone and morphine. They doubled her dose of everything and added more morphine yester. The methadone has worked well

    in reply to: Is the end near? Update on my MIL #49958

    Hubby called Hospice today and MIL had a better day than yesterday but of course no days are really good. Hospice is coming out tomorrow to help out even more. We also have the 24 hours being covered. We just want to make sure she is in no pain or discomfort. Yesterday was a glimpse of just what is ahead, it’s just so so so sad. Thank you all for the input.

    in reply to: What exactly causes the naseau with cc? #49706

    Thank you all. Seems like everyday is a new day, of sorts. MIL is sleeping about 20 out of 24 hours a day. Morphine and methadone are knocking her out, but without it she has pain. Is there anything that would work as well where she could be somewhat alert? Nausea is under control. She seems to be just fading away from us and we dont know if the meds are making her just sleep her life away or if its the cc. Please keep praying for her and the kids. Each of them are there every day taking care of her and I am so thankful they can be by her side. Does anyone know if the induced sleep from the meds is a long term thing….or will she ever get use to the amount of pain med and be awake some more but not in pain? The only complaint she has right now is cotton mouth…any suggestions? We got the spray hospice suggested but again she’s asleep most of the time.

    in reply to: What exactly causes the naseau with cc? #49704

    Update on my MIL. The last few weeks have not been good. Finally increased the dose of med for pain and it seems to be keeping it at bay. I couldn’t believe how much it was increased but she needs it. The nausea is still come and go, but she just hasn’t had a good day in a long while it seems. She sleeps most of the day and night and is so dizzy from all the meds someone has to be there all the time. It is so sad to see her like this. It was just this time last year we saw her across the country marking off the final item on her “wish” list of things she wanted to do in her life. I know many of you on here have seen your loved ones head down this path. My husband doesnt know what to expect next. Hospice is now coming in every other day. Please just keep looking over us and thank you all for your kind words!

    in reply to: My wife diagnosed 2/2011 #49760

    My MIL is being treat at Mayo Jackson by Dr Nguyen. They have been terrific! She’s unable to be operated on and has chosen to have no treatment of any kind. She suffers from nausea all the time and can’t find a med to work. She is entering hospice at Mayo Jacksonville for a few days to see if they can help her get it under control and help her since she is so weak and can’t take care of herself right now. Family is headed down but cant seem to get there fast enough. I will update when we find out what kind of meds works for us. I hope ya’ll find some peace soon for her. I am so sorry to hear about Debbie. We will pray for you all and hope she gets some relief.

    in reply to: Seeking info from those who choose NO Treatment #49296

    Thank you all! My MIL’s oldest child, her daughter will be the person responsible. My MIL has told us all what she wants and we will do everything in our power to assure that she gets what she wants. She already has power of attorney for everything and has been involved since the diagnosis. It’s been a really rough week for my MIL, she is just not having a good week and we are wondering if the cancer is spreading somehow and the dr’s just didn’t see it. Thank you all again, it means so much to us.

    in reply to: Seeking info from those who choose NO Treatment #49294

    Hi All, I have been so busy and not written. Thanks for all the kind words. My MIL’s pain and naseau is being treated. It’s her who doesn’t want to be all “doped” up. She did get some new pain med, made her very very sick, so the doctor just upped her morphine pills and more often. This seems to be the ticket. We are just so sad to see her laying around her life away. Absolutely no energy. Since we dont know if this is any sign of her declining, we are all just scared. The doctors report looks like the cancer has grown only a little, however my hubby said the report said the tumor is growing closer and possibly will grow into the main vein that runs thru the liver. Does anyone know what that vein is called? The doctors report noted that this would more than likely be what calls her home and once the cancer invades this vein she would have 2-6 weeks maximum of life left. Any info on the “vein” and what all that really means would be greatfully appreciated. We are honoring her wishes that she be allowed to go to the doctor without us kids and not discuss her situation with her. She wants to go without the kids really knowing what she’s experiencing…this is so hard, but we have to do it for her- it’s what she wants.
    THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE! and thank goodness for this board and all the moderators!

    in reply to: no symptoms but still cancer? #48187

    Hi Bushra, welcome! My mother in law sounds just like your uncle. She was diagnosed in August 2010..absolutely no symptoms except the jaundice. She was pretty much symptom free until around Jan 1st. The doctors must tell everyone the same thing 3-6 months as a precaution since there is no two cases of this dreadful disease the same. My mother in law now 6 months later does have discomfort and pain which is being managed by medication. She’s very tired and rarely gets out of the bed for more than a few hours a day, she’s doesnt have alot of energy–otherwise she feels fine, not a very good appetite but still eating and drinking alot BUT, she’s really doing great given her prognosis, so I can only hope that your uncle continues to do well and have great days and that you all enjoy him while he is still feeling good. This board has been a great reference for us and you can learn so much from everyone–it’s about the only place you can search for any of the questions you will have. Keep us all posted and I hope your uncle continues to do well.

    in reply to: CC is just sitting there, now what? how slow is slow? #46180

    thank you all. we hope for slow being so slow she’ll be with us forever. And, Lainy you are right on when you say enjoy and make memories. We are so fortunate that we are soon going to beat the doctors odds of the very first visit without any more symptoms than originally had at the doctors appointment. I hadn’t read to much on dormant or really slow growing, but that would be just awesome. Minnie, we are at a disadvantage somewhat with my MIL not wanting to know if it’s growing, or any info from the doctor, but she’s doing just as good as she was two weeks before diagnosis, that was 5 1/2 months ago. THANK YOU ALL!

    in reply to: Can’t get head round it all #45535

    Hi Chelle. This sounds similiar to what my MIL was told. She didn’t feel good for about 2 weeks. Went to see her dr and put into the hospital, she had slight jaundice. Three days later they did a needle biopsy but no cancer found, but dr’s said they felt sure it was CC. So a week in the hospital, came home and waited a week to get to go to Mayo Jacksonville. Test immediately and then the stent – the stent gave her life back to her in our eyes. Diagnosis CC. They told her 6 months…3 months later they say 3 months. We are not at 4 months after initial diagnosis and absolute NO signs of CC except for tiring easily in the afternoon. So, I am going to keep praying and hoping she stays like this forever. I hope that your mom is doing well today and that she can just prove the dr’s wrong on their time and you have some time with her, some time to adjust and some time to digest all this. I am so sorry to hear you have had to join our group, but I can tell you that you will learn so much on here, answers to so many questions and a super group to lean on for support.

    in reply to: HOSPICE Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm #45046

    Lainy, may peace be with you and patience on your side. I am praying for you and Teddy, together and separate. May you be watched over and taken good care of. We all love you!

    in reply to: New with Questions #45095

    Thank you Susan, I hope that we never progress beyond where we are today.

    in reply to: New with Questions #45093

    My MIL was diagnosed in August, golf ball size tumor at the junction. She is being treated at Mayo in Jacksonville. Initially they felt she had cc but biospy came back no cancer, dr’s felt it was still cc…so she had a ercp and it did come back positive for cc. Dr Nguyen at Mayo Jacksonville is who is treating her. Surgery was possibly an option but with the info the dr’s gave her she didn’t have really any hope that it would help. Although Mayo and Dr’s have not given us any bilb #’s or markers. She doesnt want to know anything so therefore they aren’t going to insist she know. The dr’s were not negative and said they would have the best in the world avail for her surgery but she has opt’ed for no treatment at all. It’s hard to accept for all of us but she is very strong in her belief. She was went to the doctor initially because she just wasn’t feeling well and a little jaundiced. They immediately placed an external drain and was in the hospital for about a week. For the next 6 weeks or so, she went downhill very fast. She couldn’t even get up and down the hall way, but no pain thankfully. The drain was draining all of her necessary fluids and nutrients out. She finally got a plastic stent, WOW talk about a turnaround in a few hours and of course some fluids too. Stent lasted about 7 weeks and no another one and she’s feeling pretty much back to normal except for fatigue early in the afternoon. She still has absolutely no pain or discomfort at all, just fatigue in the afternoon. She’s loosing weight, but of course she’s not eating like she use to and the cc is growing too. Since we have the diagnosis, we can only not hope that she stays exactly where she is for a very long time. She’s at such a peace with her choices, we on the other hand are having a hard time accepting no treatment, but we respect her wishes.

    As far as the hospital, we have a male friend who was being treated there for pancreatic cancer, 6 mos was all he was given, 2 years later he is still with us – yes tired and fatigued alot. He tried chemo and some alternative treatments there with no success the first 6 months, but no treatment at all for he last 1 1/2 years. He loves the doctors and treatment he received there. I hope that you can find that miracle needed for the cc and that the surgery is an option for you all! May god bless you and your family with some good news. We were given 6 months, we are now 4 1/2 months down that road and other than knowing she has cc, she’s pretty much symptom free!

    in reply to: Hospice Here We Come #45087

    May god be with you and Teddy. You are a shining example of what we all wish for in a spouse, a best friend and soul mate. May the care Teddy receives give you some comfort in knowing that he is well taken care of and that you can now just enjoy these days with him and enjoying his company. I am praying for you to stay strong and be taken care of emotionally. Lean on those who love you and keep leaning on all of us! We are your friends and closest confidants. I loved the Thanksgiving pictures. The love you two have for each other shows like a neon light in everyone of those beautiful photos. Take care of yourself and we love you!

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