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  • in reply to: Photography to raise awareness of Cholangiocarcinoma #29135

    I think this set of pictures tells the story very, very well. If the pictures were dated in addition to titled, I think it would show the progression better – I think the time frame is important for people to understand? Well done – what brave souls.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: My Dad passed away on May 20, 2009 #29125

    I am so sorry for the loss of your Father, and the grief that you are suffering through. It has been almost 8 months for me now, after losing my husband, and I can tell you that the grief will lesson as time goes along. I tm able to think more of the good times (and there were so many of them), and not remember those terrible last months quite so much. It doesn’t go away – the grief – but it is not so oppressive as it was those first months. I still think of my husband almost every day, but many times I smile when I think of him now – instead of the rivers of tears that came when I first lost him. I try to think of him in that other place – on the other side – happy and healthy again, and saving me a place for when I get there. Come here any time you want to vent – we will be here for you. This is not easy, but you have friends here.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: The journey with Grief #29099

    Pam, Tess, and Karen,

    I read your post, Pam, and it evokes such emotion for me, as it describes so closely what happened to me. I was so glad that my husband was able to pass peacefully on that I was fine for awhile – and then it hit me. I am so sorry that you have all had to bear this burdon of grief that we all share. I truly wish – for each of us – the return of that inner joy that Karen talks about.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21957

    Hello to all of you,
    I am on my way to a holiday picnic with my Mom & Dad – old friends who live on the river in the country, about a half hour from here. Lots of ducks and geese in her yard, and she is a great cook – it is just difficult because Butch and I used to go there a couple of times a summer along with my Mom & Dad, and – of course – I am missing him not going with us. I am sure you have all gone through this many times, however, it still hurts me.

    Janet, you have had your hands full. I try to make sure to take the time to properly mourn Butch, and you must take that time for Joel, also, no matter how hectic things get. I read that if we don’t do it now – we will do it later, so it is important. Yu know, 4 months is not very long, so grief is still fresh for you, as indeed it is for us all, I suppose, just shorter for you.

    I saw the banner headline – that they have discovered a chemo combo that will work better for future (and present) cases of CC, and I am so happy for the people who will be able to make use of this. I am sure that this is only the beginning of a treatment plan which will help so many people. I am happy for the people who will be helped, and sad because it came too late for our husbands.

    To each of you – I am thinking of you and hoping you are surrounded by people who love you (as I am), people that can help comfort you in this, our time of grieving.

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Finally heard about Avastin #28018

    Please tell Sophie I send my love, and wishes that those darn ascites will get under control. I am so glad your Mom will be staying with her – what a blessing!

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: More good news…. #29007

    That is great news – so glad to hear it. You two have a wonderful summer, also.


    in reply to: No tumor growth in ten months #28997

    Oh my gosh Kristin – that is great news, and we LOVE good news, as they all said. I am so happy for you – keep up the good work, and hopefully, the good news will keep on coming!

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21953

    Dear Friends,
    Ditto for me! I was driving home from work tonight, and started thinking about that smile – Butch had a famous smile, and I just loved it – it could light up a room. I started wondering when was the last time I saw that smile – I think before he had the pulmonary embolism in early March. I never remember seeing that smile again. Even though he lasted until October 9, he was so sick, and so worried, the joy was gone, and he was such a joyful man prior. It breaks my heart to think of that. I am having an awfully hard time with this spring. I, too am keeping busy, working on the yard and flowers, but it just seems all wrong – I want my sweetheart back here enjoying the spring with me! I guess we all feel the same, and it makes me so sad.

    Sue – I , too, congratulate Sam on her accomplishment, and think Ray is looking down, proud of her and loving you both. We got Butch’s memorial stone up last week – in time for Memorial Day, and I feel so much better now that I have something to look at when I go there – don’t ask me why – I certainly know he is not there, however, I feel close to him there, and the stone is very nice – so it pleases me to have gotten it up.

    Pauline and Darla – I know how you all feel – it IS easier to pretenxd everything is OK, but – it really isn’t, and it frustrates all of us, doesn’t it? This grieving thing is a lot tougher than I even understood it to be – it just goes on and on. I am so grateful to have you all for my friends (you too, janet), and don’t know what I would do without you to communicate with!

    Anyway – it is going to be a lovely week here, and I am looking forward to tghe long gholiday weekend – lots of yard work to do!

    Love – Joyce

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21948

    Hello All,

    Janet – Toyota Corollas are great cars, and if I hadn’t gotten the Prius – I would have gotten a corolla – I have owned a couple of them. Good luck on the return to work – it is a step toward “normalization” (whatever the heck that really means).

    Pauline – I am so glad you are meeting Marion in Barcelona – that conference sounds interesting, and – maybe – you can find some time to go sight-seeing and visit, also.

    Spring is here, but this is kind of “yo-yo” weather – yesterday was lower 70’s – sun shining, beautiful – today – cool and rainy. Oh well, at least the rain helps my new grass to grow! I just had a new retaining wall built between the sidewalk and the driveway (the old one was collapsing!), and next week I am having the driveway paved.

    My garage sale was a big success – I got rid of a ton of stuff, and made $300.00 – pretty good, huh? I was happy with the results – freed up some
    space around here.

    Last night I watched the special on TV – the Farrah Fawcet filming. It was so horribly sad, but I felt like I had to watch. She is making a call for help for these little known cancers (she has anal cancer) , and it is a very brave thing she did – having this filmed. She had operations in Germany, to remove the tumors, and chemo & radiation, and it returned, just like it did with Butch, so it was a very familiar story to me. It probably did me no good to watch that – today I am really bummed out.

    Well, ladies – off I go – to start another Saturday of cleaning, chores, and weekend duties!

    Love – Joyce


    Yes – the weather is getting nice – today was a beautiful spring day – lower 70’s – perfect. New York State is a lovely place 3 seasons of the year – you are right – I wouldn’t advise visiting Syracuse in the winter. They – worse than us – are in the snow belt – and they alwys have really hard winters – that Lake effect snow from Lake Ontario blows right across them and boy -watch out! We miss most of that here – thank goodness!



    Hi Marion,
    I am about an hour and 15 minutes south of Syracuse. We are almost to the Pennsylvania border here in Endicott. Albany is two hours east. Do you know someone in Syracuse?




    That is such great news. I am so happy that you and Pauline will be attending together. How exciting!

    Last Friday, I had lunch with Sheila Harrison. She is from Elmira, NY, which is about an hour away, and we have communicated often. She is an activist, working on the issue of Vietnam Veterans and CC. She speaks to groups all over, warning them of the dangers of parasites in the water supply that was encountered in Asian countries, and works to help people who are applying for both veteran benefits, and survivor benefits obtain them. I gave her a stack of CC pamplets to distribute at these meetings and such she goes to, and your card, which was in the envelope, should she need more. i feel good about her having them – she will be able to accomplish much good with them, I believe. She lost her husband 3 years ago to CC, and he was a Vietnam veteran. She fought to receive her survivor benefits, in order that the governments role in this disease in the case of veteran’s be acknowledged, and she was very helpful when I applied, also. She is a lovely woman, and I hope to meet with her again. Darla has also communicated with her.

    I do feel that we are making progress in making our CC story known outside of our little circle, thanks in large part to people like you. I am so thankful that we have the foundation and for all the hours that has been poured into its’ success.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: firsts #28739

    Dear Sarah,
    I sure hope it does get easier – I can’t wait until October, when I get through a year of “1sts” – they are so hard. I just said the other day that I hope we don’t remember the month anniversary after the first year either – I would hate to be thinking “it has been 423 months now since I lost him”! That day is so hard each month – it would be lovely to not think of it. I am wishing you healing, Sarah, and God’s love.

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: he is doing so fine #28711

    I am so happy when I hear good news, and – yours was such good news! They are right – you and Tom – keep on trucking!!!

    Joyce C.

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21944

    Hello, Friends,
    I stopped in tonight, and the first thing I saw was the posting about our Jeff. I am so sad. He was the 1st person Butch ever communicated with on this site (yes, Butch communicated before I did!). He was such a great guy, and we will miss him terribly. He lasted 9 years – I know that must be a record,and it was such a beacon of hope for so many people.

    I know what you mean Pauline – I am grateful to have my work – have always loved it, and still do – just would like a bit less of it. I can’t have it both ways though, – I got to resume my career after my LOA, and I can’t slow it down if I want to keep it a while!

    have been doing some gardening – in my flower beds – and – I mowed the lawn tonight. Lawn mowing hasn’t been my job for quite some time, but – it is not the worst thing I have had to do!

    I am looking out my window as I type, and I see the full moon up there in the sky. I get comfort from thinking that it is shining on all of us (well, not sure about you Janet – might not be night there!), and somehow I think of that moon as being our loved ones looking down on us. I am thinking of that old song from the 40’s – “My sweethearts’ the man in the moon”.

    I am busy hoeing out my house – neighborhood garage sales are Saturday, & I am cleaning out – hope to get rid of a bunch of stuff.

    Love to all of you,


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