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  • in reply to: I wish I had breast cancer! #21525

    Nope, green for healthy enviornment , although bile did come to mind .

    Bless Ya,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My dad has this… #21508

    Hi Wendy, You are having a difficult time with out a doubt. How large is your Dad’s tumor at present and location? Has it spread to any other areas of his body? I’m not really sure what you are asking in reference to his behavoir and making bad choices? If you feel he is dibilated to the point that he is unable to take care of himself due to phsycological issues and feel that his actions could create harm to himself or others, then I would be seeking legal assistance or call your local crisis hotline and see what can be done to have him committed for evaluation. If he can’t take care of his finances properly, then again a court order needs to be obtained and a designated representative payee can be appointed. It sounds as though he was once in the military? How long for? I don’t really know what else to say to you because you gave no specifics. If he is mentally not handling things and has other issues such as abuse to anyone or drinking and driving or whatever, I’m talking in the blind. That bottom line is get him the help he needs. If that means involuntary committment to a hospital. When you say he has wreaked havoc on your family and especially your Mom. That is pretty strong language and someone needs to stand up and take action. Cancer or not, Social Services /Mental Health Association needs to be brought in to the picture if you feel he is out of control and again , if he has stated or his action are a clear signal that he could do harm to himself or others! Wendy ,again I’m just talking in the dark, You know what is going on ,you are there. Dad or not ,cancer or not, He can’t be helped unless someone applies some tough love. If I’m way off base, then please do clarify with some specifics, and maybe I can be a little clearer of what you may be able to do to help. As far as, could he live longer all depends how far advance his cancer is. I’ve been going on for 9 1/2 years which is hard to believe. Everyone is different and respond different to treatments. Wish you the best in getting your Dad the right help he needs, especially for your Mom’s sake. For some reason ,I’m feeling like he is not handling things well, and is like a bull in a china shop if things are done his way. Please correct me if I’m wrong! In any case he definitely needs help tough or soft.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: “My Cancer” Leroy Sievers NPR Blog #21509

    Hi Jean, Excellent blog ! Really hit home. Thank You for sharing.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: I wish I had breast cancer! #21527

    I think we should go green with ribbons and wristbands with gold lettering. Signifies world champions, shooting for a golden healthy body, instead of a medal.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Short update to anyone who cares #21013

    Hi Belle,
    Thanks for the update. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all. I’m sure the hydration has kept the pain medication working fairly well.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14696

    Hi Nancy, With the full dosage I had quite a few side effects. Once I cut the dosage in half, it was tingle and needle feeling in hands and feet. red and warm flushing from the neck up, nausea(well controlled with meds), tiredness, and some dizzy spells. Also mostly constipation not diareaha like most people. Ocassional red spots of upper torso and face. Now saying that ,there have been others who have done a lot better with the side effects. I had to giggle a little about when you said the doctor mention this new drug. I have had it happen to me several times , just to go home and research and find that anything ten years back appears to be considered fairly new. Wish you the best Nancy! Hopefully, this Xeloda will work a miracle for you. There has been some who have and are still doing pretty good with this drug as far as maintining status quo. Thumbs up! and pray for the best.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Tomorrow Dr. Appt. #21532

    BarbaraAnn— I certainly understand your frustation,anger,and sadness all wrapped together. I wish there was something I could say to ease the tension. I agree he could most probally be made more confortable. As far as seeking out another opinion and trying something different is something we always push for. Howerver, if your Dad is is paramount with his decsion then I would respect his wishes. In my opinion, if he has had several evaluations and they are all concurring, then listen to Dad and just try to do what willl make him more comfortable. Sometimes I think caregivers/loved ones get caught up in the “I can make a difference syndrome” The fact is you can and should but when you stop and look at the current situation, Dad’s condition and the results of his scans, and the lack of effectiveness of the conventional medication ; which can surely make matters even worse. I guess what I’m saying hope and advocation is number one in my book, but there is a turning point when comfort and love and listening to what the patient wants takes prescedence. Maybe, focusing on no further treatments and allow time for the body to calm down and have some sense of normal functioning, will make his frame of mind more positive. Although trying to remain positive in what usually , not all cases, is a no win situation. I’m so sorry you and your brother are going through this rigorus and saddening time. I guess hope sometimes clouds over the facts that this is a systemic disease. weigh and decide, no right or wrong, but patient rights and desires, no matter how much we love them, is top priority. What last remaining control and say they have over this relentless disease and life, should certainly be listened too. I sincerely wish your Dad and family, God’s strenght with the immediate tough choices to make and/or follow and accept.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: sirspheres and therashperes are working for me! #19103

    Mercedes— Marion is correct ,your primary physcians should be able to refer you in the right directions. I also, found this infor which you can investigate if you wish…..Institut Jules Boordet, I believe is in Bonn, Germany. Here is their web site for more infor… ( There are others but this one popped out during my search. Appears to be a modern and up to date facility. But like Marion said, get your Primary care doctor to make some referrals.
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: EFT Going For It ! #21390

    Hi Teresa, I’m happy to know your lurking and reading. It’s just testimonial too your character of a kind, thoughtful and loving person. I just had to share with you my encounter with the frogs as well. Ha! It was just last week. I went outside in the evening and the accent lights of the walkway had already come on. When I went out, my son was standing there nudging a frog off the walkway, and made a comment about the ugly frog. I immediately told my son to leave the frog alone ,it wasn,t doing you no harm at all. My son kinda smirked and said you have a thing for frogs? I said, son do know each evening you sit out on this porch, do you see or get bitten by mesqeitos(sp)? and continued to explain that big fat frog eats his supper and allows us to not to be bitten by bugs. I then picked up the frog and put him back near one of the lights, and their he sat waiting for his snack while my son just sat on the porch and laughed. I laughed as well and said have you been bitten by a bug yet? He had no answer just an aaah. It’s nice to know someone besides me sticks up for the frogs. I bet Alan and I could of had some interesting stories or discussions. You know, I love motorbikes as well. I never got one after I got married ,because I new I would take it to the limit whenever I had the chance. I dumped many of times, when I was a teenager; trying all them Evil Kneivel stunts you know? Ha! Ha!. Was Alan into car racing at all. I had a short career in stock car class C racing. First night out, I took 3rd place and won a racing jump suit Ha! That was my last race too, because I blew the engine., steam bellowing out everywhere Ha! It was fun while it lasted. I couldn’t afford the racing fees or another junker with a running engine. I’m glad you posted, you always bring back a fond memory of my past.
    Well, got to run. My wife will be coming home from work soon and I haven’t a clue what to fix for supper yet? Not to worry though, I will just open the fridge doors and and the pantry and wallla !

    God Bless You Teresa,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mum was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago #21548

    Mercedes… If your happy we are happy. If your sad we are sad. That’s what support and loving thy neighbor is all about; even if your across the world. Hope you really enjoy and have quality time with your family when they come to see you. Your stepdad and brother do care; It’s like you said some men don’t show their full emotions openly. I use to be that way because my father held all in as well. But now I just tell it like I feel it. It is so healthy not to suppress your emotions, let it flow.

    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemzar & Cisplatin #14699

    Hi Nancy, Nice to here you are back home ,but sorry they could not do the resection of your liver. I’m glad you claimed such a meaningful verse and yes, God is still in control and always will be.
    Actually I am doing pretty good. Taking my supplements that I had taken once before, doing my EFT, which has given me energy and clear thought of mind, This is the best I have felt in a long time. I still have some fluid in the cavity around my right lung. Just wants to linger and be a little nusiance. The lasix and potassium has help maintain. If it don’t clear with in a few more weeks, I’ll most likely request it be drained. I’m going to try increasing my exercising more to see if that will absorb it.
    Well Nancy, I pray the Xeloda does you the best. Remember you may have to cut back on dosage or you can ask to start lower dose and increase. When I was taking, I did cut back to half the usually dosage.
    Well,got to go mow the lawn before it rains again.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mum was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago #21545

    Dear Meredes….I’m so sorry your Mom has been diagnosed with this ruthless disease. Mercedes your feelings and having trouble coping with this situation is very understandable. Prognosis with CC has hardly ever been classified with the adjuctive of great. It’s okay to feel sad and scared and it’s okay to feel down right angry as well. Don’t stuff those emotions, make sure you have an outlet and talk with someone. Mercedes, I have been living this partial normal life for about 9 and half years. One day I’ll be rid if this cancer, one way or another, but up to this point and time, I’ve chosen to be a fighter and strongly advocate ” Hope”. Mercedes, there are novel Ideas popping out of everywhere, from all different areas in the world. Support your Mum the best you can girl. Try and keep her spirit and yours as high as possible. Do you have help with your Mum? I surely hope so. Please feel free to jump in and ask questions or just type until you feel better. Plenty of members with first hand experience can be found here and the best part is, they are willing to share with you and your Mum. I hope and pray her chemo treatment is tolerable for her. Research this site for other possible types of treatment.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Want me to name a blue jay for you???? #21554

    Hi Gramma Sophie….. Congratulations Ha! My daughter just sent me some pics of my grandson’s fisrt day at first grade. Man ! Not a tear in his eyes this year, so grown up.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Oxaliplatin plus #21395

    RANK, Will be praying for the best results possible.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My Report Card(CT Results) #21103

    …With all the sincere heart felt prayers and words of support from you all; How can a guy give in to this mean disease? Although I have felt like one of those blow up punching toys, I’m going to keep bouncing right back up as long as the seams don’t pop! We might just nip this disease in the butt yet,
    Ya Never Know? oops! popcorn is ready, love the smell of popcorn.
    God Bless You All,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Rank… glad to hear the positive response of your Dad. I think maybe the end of October, I will try Tarceva, if all of the unknown or should I say unseen proves okay.

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