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  • in reply to: For my mom…. #19734

    Shelag….. May your Mom rest in peace. She was blessed to have such caring daughters. Support and love each other and remember your beautiful memories of your Mom for ever.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Taxotere; Is it doing any good? #19709

    Steve, glad to hear Lana is holding her own. I went to the Doctor yesterday and we decided to postpone chemo for a couple weeks. He prescribed some pills to remove the fluid and felt over all the scan was pretty good. He felt confident it was the chemo that caused the effusion and that it will clear up. He did not think my lung tumors were of any size to cause effusion yet. The additional area that showed up he felt was a lymph node full of fluid due to effusion and hopes the pills prescribed will take care of that as well. But will keep an eye on it and go after it with radiation if it doesn’t shrink away. I felt satisfied with my visit as that was what my body and mind was saying it wanted to do. Wish Lana luck with the trial. Did they say what type of drugs are involved?

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Question about jaundice #19718

    Kris … Thanks for the compliment and encouragement. Now it is my turn if you don’t mind. I have had poop of ever color in the rainbow (never found the pot of gold though). Everything we eat can alter the color. When I eat a can of spinach you would think I was a lepricon pooping green! (Actually I’m Popeye) Kris I’ve noticed one thing and please don’t slap me, but you need to really mediatate and work that brilliant mind of yours to your advantage. Visualize clear fluid throughout your body and imagine how healthy you are and how calm you are. Stress in my opinion and I’ve always said it is a number one cause of imbalance and poor health. Dump that stress in the trash bin and be happy! Now that I said this, yes you still have to keep and eye on what is happening. But remember our digestive systems are complicated and even under normal circumstances it doesn’t give us the same color or texture. I agree with everyone else, calm down and keep an eye on things and if you get constipated, itchy or see any yellow tinge in eyes. Then go from there. Other wise keep positive and think diet.(type of food) You know the queasy feeling is normally a cause of excess acid flow as well. I said a mouthful and it all boils down too, take a deep breath and attend a few more yoga classes. Be confident and stay on the positive track. We are all rooting for you to stay on course!

    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Alomost a Year since diagnosis #18249

    AK, Three dimensional Intensified modulated radiation Treatment. Basically you are prescannned 3 dimensionally and actually have markers put on your body for entry point of radiation then the calculate how deep tumor is and and size. then actual radiation beam goes in small and widens only enough to cover tumor and this is done in different 3 dimensional angles to ensure most if not all of tumor is being zapped. The computer is programmed to go around your body to get the right angles and to ensure the least amount of direct exposure to the rest of your body. I hope I explained it clear enough. I have had good results twice know.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Taxotere; Is it doing any good? #19706

    Thanks guys! I’m going to keep plugging along. CDR.. you know I actually asked itsy bisty the doplphin to heal my liver while I was rubbing and kissing her (telepathically). Jliu168… I will take your advice and express my concern to the Doctor today. I let his nurses know about it yesterday. They did say that it could clear itself but surely needed to be watched and explain the symtoms. In fact I will not press on with another treatment until resolved. They feel it was medication induced. I’ll give an update after seeing the Doc today.
    God Bless you All,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. I know the Lungs are going to be the toughest to keep stable, so I,m focusing in on lung specific stuff now. Any suggestions will be surely welcomed.

    in reply to: My mother just diagnosed with CC #19220

    Dear Rebecca, Sorry to hear of your husbands condition. I can only echo what Barb has said about this CC spreading. I was given 6-12 months but just had my 9th year CT Scan today. Will get a copy of report tomorrow and follow up. with oncologist Thursday. I have had mets at several locations but seem to keep on trucking. Not to paint a rosy picture I’ve had my trying times with chemo ,pain, and radiation. The point is, during these years it has spread very slowly with me. I can only say that attitude, hope and prayer has taken me this far. More than not the Doctors have misjudged and underestimated the power of individuals will power to live. Get second opinions or third if needed. Malnutrition and dehydration are a couple things to really fight against in my opinion. CC is so individual like I’ve already said. You can make it an opponent and fight or throw in the towel. Until you have a base line Scan which you have, with a 3 month follow up to determine how aggressive it really is I would look at all possibilities. Chemo ,surgery, radiation. You really just don’t know. There have been members on this site who have had stents in for a long while and now have them removed and doing real good. Hope goes a long ways. Throw that positive mind in to overdrive.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My husband is fading away #18098

    Jenny …It’s so hard to keep up with everyone, but in case I haven’t already ,I would like to pass on my sincere sympathy with loosing Alan. I can only imagine your loneliness. I can say without imagination this cc slowly but surely affects the liver and lungs. Alan would want you to use your internal strenght and press on with life and take good care of yourself I’m sure ;just as I would want my wife of 31 years to do the same as well. If not this monster of CC will continue to damage life in another way; that we can’t let happen. We have control over that aspect to a greater degree. Don’t let it rob your future Jenny.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Good news – CC stable (at moment) without treatment #19507

    UKSue… I remained well or I should say I decided no treatment for approximately 6 years. I followed progression with CT Scan every three months. Basically I was told if chemo or radiation is going to work ,it will do so then as well as now. I just had to decide the cut off point. In other words I decided after years of monitoring to start trying chemo and radiation. So for the last approximately 4 years I have been on a roller coaster and now I’m back to making another decision to stop chemo at least because my bone marrow WBC,and RBC’s are extremely slow in recovery and need help with antibiotics and filgratism injections. To my knowledge the only thing to retore/replenish my body is a bone marrow transplant and that could take as long as a year. Ct Scan Monday, I’ll go get a copy on tuesday and be making a decsion which direction I want to go. I still remain optimistic and hopeful that I can real some more quality time. But the approach i’m on now is a one way street and has already subjected me to pnuemomnia twice if not currently going threw it again. There is just to many opportunities for me to get seriously ill as if not already ha! I will put my Oncologist to the test this Thurdsday as he will see and hear a different side of me he has not seen before. My exact approach is not written in stone but yet but it will contain more of a immunotherapy approach and stop killing my bone marrow any further. Some may think I’ve been one of the lucky ones but I guess it is how you look at it. Living with this disease and fighting has now become a full time job for me. Other than pain and trying to keep normal body functions I’m holding my own. The next couple of weeks/months will play a big role in which direction my health decides to go. Have I had enough chemo? Do I need more radiation? Should I go for a complete bone marrow transplant? Should I try a regimen of the most potent broad spectrum antibiotic? a lot of little ideas zooming through my mind. Kristin, yes it DOES happen! Positive end result is what I’m still focused on. Should I really get further in to meditation/visualization mind and body healing?

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Sister has Stage IV Bile Duct Cancer w/Metastasis #19651

    Tonland, One more thing is don’t take no for and answer alway get second third or more opinions as some doctors are more willing than others to try for something.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Article re: surgery and radiation in bile duct cancer #18131

    bclegg… Members on this site have been to all three. I personally went to Mayo in Rochester, MN. Although it was quite a while ago, I still hear great reviews of the oncology and surgical areans. I to went mayo due to proximity and cost at the time And my doctor knew this doctor and that doctor knew that doctor and that doctor was married to that doctor. I was having surgery within a week of diagnosis. Wish you the very best possible. It is quite amazing what can be done these days.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Sister has Stage IV Bile Duct Cancer w/Metastasis #19649

    Tanoland…. Sorry to read the news of your sister. For starters your headed the right hospital to see what can be done. I was not originally diagnosis that advanced. Originally it was gallbladder and one lobe of liver. Both were resected in 1999. Since then it has mets back to remaining lobe of liver, both lungs, 10th rib, soft tissuse of t12, left shoulder, lymph nodes of left arm and soft tissue adjacent my esophagus. Other than surgery I didn’t do nothing until about 3-31/2 years ago. I started trying in my mind about every type of chemo considered possible to reduce or slow down growth. I’ve done lots of praying and also meditation/visualization. I’ve had radiation straight to the liver and the t-12 area. Just finished another round of chemo last week and today my blood work is anemic and nutrophenic. I’m taking antibiotics and filgratism subcutaneous injections but slow return on bone marrow this time (WBC,RBC,HBL,Platlets). I’ll most likely be looking and asking for trying some immunotheraphy next. As only way to properly retore my bone marrow is a bone marrow transplant and that take months if not years to get back up to speed. So your question is yes, with a big ray of hope that your sister can fight this disease for years to come with appropriate treatment. Bumpy road many a days but you have to focus on loved ones and understand a positive mind will take you a long ways. If she is unable to work Stage four will qualify her for SSDI. However if she can still work and has medical insurance get the ball rolling before you apply as as without medical insurance it is difficult geting things done with out paying up front or making a contracted budget with whatever possible. Ther is a whole array of information on this site and I welcome you to please use any and all links. Ask any and all questions that may pop up as many member have a wealth of experience and ready to suggest. This disease is pretty unprdictable on it’s progression; could be slow or could be quickly. I wish you and your sister the best outcome possible. Maybe a combination of chemo and radiation to start of with. I have found radiation to have helped me tremendously with eliminating some pain. I had 3-d IMRT at my t-12 area as soft tissuse tumor was pressing on my spinal nerve roots and causing unbelievable pain to my side and lower back. It worked great for me. Over a year ago and no pain to that area. There are many radiation techniques that couls be tried. One thing to remember it is different for everyone due to locations and size. Well, I’m rambling again, please check out the sight .It’s full of infor.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G,

    in reply to: Good news – CC stable (at moment) without treatment #19502

    UK Sue, Sounds so familiar of how my situation started. Surely wish you and your husband the bestest!!! Celebrating my 9th birthday about a week ago. You are absolutely correct when you said it is unpredictable.

    Best wishes and continued stablization!
    Jeff G.
    P.S. I have a sister-in law in the UK name Sue. Is that you Sue? Ha!


    Mary Anne… tumor marker test are still a debate for alot of insurance companies. Some will authorize some won’t. Some will request additional justification before okaying. Personally, your scans CT, MRI, Bonescan are your best tools for evaluating progression or non-progression. Tumor marker tests are really still considered still in research stage due to there is an issuse of false positive and negative results and it is different on different people. Your weekly CBC lavendar/with Diff, and metabolics you should not have a problem with. An ocassional CEA is needed as well. I have not personally dealt with medicare but know of many relatives who have not had anthing bad to say that I can remember. In fact alot of hospitals will except medicare for payment in full if you meet the low income quaifications criteria. Or the co pay would be extremely low. Not to be nosey, but if Joe served in the military he could very easily change primary care doctors to a VA Hospital and then get treatment through VA oncology and possibally save alot on meds and outpatient care. Feel free to e-mail me direct if you would like more infor on this. You don’t have to be a twenty year veteran to recieve medical services through VA. My uncle spent two years in the Army and uses VA for some out patient and prescription fills. I don’t know if I answered anything Mary Anne I guess I’m more of thinking out loud.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    P.S. I guess I would say anyone fighting this disease and has served in the military for any lenght of time or a period of time when there were conflicts/wars going on should consider checking out qualifications for utilizing a VA medical facility. Insurance or no Insurance. They have modernized their business side to aline more with private sector. Couple decades ago it was almost totally free. Those days are gone.

    in reply to: Stage IV – Bile duct/liver/lymph nodes #18788

    Kelly…. My deepest heart felt sympathy and condolences. It saddens me so much when I see this disease take someone so quickly. I hope the pain medications allowed a peaceful passing. May your Dad rest in peace now and for eternity.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: just can’t keep anything down #19621

    Barb .. I had hiateal hernia with acid reflux for almost 15 years before CC DX. I kinda have a feeling this is what kicked off ny CC. I still take antacid 30 minutes prior to breakfast everyday. If I don’t that acid will cause all sorts of pain and nausea. Hope your EGD figures out the problem.

    Jeff G.

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