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  • in reply to: chemo radiation with xeloda #19606

    Candy Z.,
    I agree completely with Carol. I had Xeloda for a while and tolerated it quite well. Plus it was oral med without running back and forth except for blood work. I did have to cut my dosage back If I remember right as it was during the winter and the cold had an effect with me personally. Others have used and tolerated full 4,000mgs.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Alomost a Year since diagnosis #18247

    AK…. Sorry to hear of your Uncles increased pain. Hopefully the scans will show if there is any tumor pressure anywhere that could be taking care of by radiation. I have had good results with 3-D IMRT during the last couple years. I would ask if they can up is pain meds a little more. I take 30mg morphine every 8 hours and 4mg of Hydromorphone every 4 hours as needed for break through pain. I was up to 60 mg morphine and 10mg hydro before scans and radiation. I actually function quite well and do quite a bit. No longer heavy work stuff but functionable. I go for scan on Monday and expect results to show compression as I’m getting alot of referred pain. So I may be headed back to radiation table again. Both lungs has mets and I think that is what is causing pain at the moment. I would echo Kris on finding what he enjoys the most and plan short outings somewhere. Just getting out and driving around does me good. I actually look forward to going to the barber shop and shooting the breeze. I find going out to favorite restaraunts helps me eat a little better even if a couple times a month. Even on vacation we would plan half day or few hours of outing e3ither in morning or evening. I’ve learned to accept my limits I guess you could say. Eggshell crate foam matteress cover helps me with rest and sleep. WalMart carries them. Hot cups of tea green or any flavor. Homade loaded pizzas I find tasty ,nutritional, and tolerable with low fat cheese. Well, got to run making waffles for dinner the grand kids love them.
    Wish your uncle the best with ihis scan.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: just can’t keep anything down #19615

    Hi Barb, Just curious if you have tried using colace/stool softener on a more regular basis. I haven’t hurled in a long time but when I start counting the days of bowel movements, I start taking one or two capsules for 2or 3 days and the bloating and hurling feeling goes away along with bowel movement. I have taken to many a couple times but that is why I have immodium tablets for back up. Just started chemo again this week and my system is all whacky. Will be having CT Monday morning to see how things are going as far as growth. I ‘m suspecting something from the way I have been feeling lately. Currently taking antibiotics and filgrastim. White cells /bone marrow having hard time keeping up. Plus two episodes of pnuemonia. I think I’ll be looking at immunotherapy treatment for a while depending on scan results. Hang in there Commander and keep on marching!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CURED!!! #19587

    Heather … great to hear no cancer. Best wishes on the transplant.
    Jeff G. Heather not to sound doubtful. Can you tell us who initially diagnosed Lee with CC and how it was determined? Were specialist involved with the change of Diagnosis? I would still be cautious. Did you get your second opinion from Mayo in Rochester. I’m just posing these questions in concern that someone hasn’t dropped the ball on you guys again.

    God Bless
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New to board/Father with CC #19599

    Dear Beaglesews… Sorry to hear about your Father. I would definitely get a second opinion. Age can make a difference but then again many older patients have had successful liver resections. In my opinion it basically boils down to how healthy of an 86 year old is he. Any other medical problems that would prevent recovery or even going through a major surgery? As we get older it is natural for our bodies to be less able to deal with such major surgeries and side effects of chemo or infections such as pneumonia. It would have to be what your your Father wants to do. Positive attitude goes a long ways when dealing with something like this. In any case if your father is willing to get a second or third opinion, members on this site have found persistence can shed different outcomes on the positive side. It is going to be deciding on what to do , but I would at least get different opinions and then it comes to individual chioce after knowing all the facts. Did the doctors give any other reason besides his age for not thinking he could withstand chemo treatments? Get the facts and opinions and then sit down with your father and see what he really wants to do. Dealing with CC is not a pleaseant experience at all. Wish you the best! feel free to ask any specific questions that may pop up as there are many members of this site that have experienced all and willing to share with you.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Mary’s Recent Diagnosis of Cholangiocarcinoma #19304

    Miles… Blood clots are consider greater risk possiblilities during and after major type surgerys. Normally any major surgery, precautions are taken by wearing special leg stockings and use of heparin. I don’t really think cc of the liver is the cause unless the has been some mets to the lungs and tumors not identified. And even then It would be questionalble to me until they reached a certain size. But as it has been said before we all have different experiences as we are all different DNA speaking. Mary don’t let this set back change your mind. This is just more of a reason to keep on trucking. Eating and drinking and building strentgh is the name of the game! You’ll get the sleep you need from pain medication and tiredness from daily routine. Wish you the best! Recover soon and push on.

    God Bless.
    Jeff G.


    tpapi76, If you don’t mind me asking, How advanced is your CC and are you actively seeking any type of treatments chemo or radiation? Would be nice tohere more about you. I agree with the doctors you shoulf be atleast half way comotose with that medication. Glad it’s working though. Best to you!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: We are beginning to panic #19561

    Heather, Here is another number and e-mail for Mayo in Rochester directly to Professor of Surgery, David M. Nagorney, MD Mayo Medical School. He works pretty closley with Dr. Alberts. Phone: 507-284-2644 Fax:507-284-5196. E-mail for a direct response from him some times takes a few days: . He performed my liver and galbladder surgery over 9 years ago. Due to mets I have, he is unable to do anything for me now. I have to rely on systemic chemo now. I don’t recall if you have any mets involved or how much. He is a gastroenterologic surgeon with years of experience under his belt. He tells it like it is and doesn’t beat around the bush. Best of luck! You can attack from all angles now. You can tell him it ‘s a referral from a patient of 9 years ago. If you go through him for another surgical opinion and he feels he can’t do you any justice ,he’ll refer you directly to Dr. Alberts cutting out the red tape sorta to speak. He’ll probally be surprized I up and still running strong. Lee it’s time to put up your dukes and perservere, hope and miracles are endless!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Thomas J. Young #19595

    Stacie– My Heart felt sympathy and prayers of support. Your Father is certainly living in peace with no pain now. I also have now doubt you will feel his loving presence and he’ll be so happy for you as well as you walk down the aisle. That’s one preparation you don’t have to worry about.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Just following orders… #19572

    Mary… I had to pop in and say how happy I am to hear of your hubby’s latest scan. And without the stent! Great progress! It’s like and injection of hope de jure for us all. May your guardian angel continue to give such lovely blessings. Did the doc’s advise any particular diet like low fat and keep some acidity flow going? (Just curious Jeff)

    God Bless,

    in reply to: Floating Tumors? #19459

    Irene, Your at a scary place right now. Not knowing what is coming next also not knowing and having the professional support you need to help with Bob. It is also difficult for someone like me to give you advice as I ‘m not there and can’t see. But from what you describe Bob appears to be frighten and really needs to talk to a professional. Maybe a member of the clergy to talk with him and you both. You need to ask the doctor straight out ,is it time for hospice help or not. If so would he please help to get the ball rolling for at home hospice to help you out. Irene, I’m so sorry you are having to go through this alone. Pleae call a local cancer support group hotline and let them know you need help. If he has compacted bowels the doctors should have realized and done something about it. I really don’t know what else to say Irene except it’s time to rally the troops /family together and get as much help as possible. You are doing all you possibally can and should not ever feel guilty. Love him ,Hug him, and let him know now how much you love him and wish you could take his pain away. Let him know it’s okay to scared but you’ll be there for him. Maybe it is time to say it’s okay and he doesn’t have to fight anymore. You are there Irene and go with your gut fellings. At this stage or any stage there is no right or wrongs, only follow your heart and talking and telling him how you feel is what he is waiting for. He is a proud man full of dignity it appears and he just might need someone he loves to initiate the flow or release of feelings. Irene I’m sorry if this post seems so dramatic but I just feel for you both. I’m sure he knows How ill his. Irene, I really don’t feel sure about sending this post as I could be way off base, but my instincts are saying this is part of what this site is about, people offering caring opinions to those who are enduring the unfortunate physical and emotional pain of this disease.

    God Bless You Both !
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: When should you look for clinical trials? #19564

    Charlene … I have often thought about the same thing. To tell you the truth I’m still struggling for an answer. I have and continue to look at what trials are open and what the results are. Then I look at disqualifiers as if your health is to bad you out of the picture with some trials and then if you have had certain previous drugs there is a disqualifier or you have to be off for a certain period. Then you can always look at other drugs untested and request compassionate usage or I guess you could call it your own trial. Then there is the question of deciding not to do anymore chemo at all and just do pallative pain control. I know like Kris said I don’t have the answer either. It is such a personal and individual choice. I guess right now I’m keeping my eye open for encouraging trials and major break throughs as I don’t think my body is going to handle much more of the harsh chemicals. I may stop and go as long as possible and then try again. I guess I would base that on my overall health and how I’m functioning and how much pain meds I have to take. I refuse to live as a zombie full of narcotics. Wish I had a clear cut answer for you and myself but I just don’t think it is out there yet. I think it boils down to when I think or feel I’ve had enough and loose hope for a cure. I’m not at that point yet. Miotycin(sp) I have not tried yet.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Just wanted to make my own account. #19529

    Chase, superb idea! Wish you the best with getting things up and running. Your contribution to the world will be greatly appreciated by a population greater than you can imagine.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Hawaii Bound #19469

    Hi All ! Made it home safe and sound. Wish I was still there. The cabin was 20 feet from the waves rolling in and splashing against the rocks all night with a steady breeze. It was so peaceful. The first good full nights sleep in a long time. We did everything that Kris and Barb suggested and more. Took lots of pictures wish I could share them but 181 pictures is a bit to much. As painful as it was I did swim with the dolphins and actually got a ride as well. They are so powerful I wish Ihad just a quarter of their strenght. I did hoola a bit at the luau with five dancers in coconut bikinis and grass skirts. They picked me out of crowd of 200 and had me go back stage and dress up up as a Hawaiian King and helped with the closing number. The joke was on them Ha! I had a little more hip movement than what they expected. We took the submarine ride in Wakiki which was great.
    Got to see white tip shark, sea turtles, and many fishes. Also natural and man made reefs where most of the fishes hide from predators. Finally the dreaded shopping! If there is a store Valerie has to check it out. Doesn’t mean she’ll buy anything but it has to be checked out. Wore me to a frazzle. The only CC problems I had was swollen feet and ankles everyday and quite a bit of left shoulder pain radiating down the arm. Very little liver pain. Glad I took all my meds with me though. Well, reality has already struck and will be starting back up chemo on the 20th. Well that’s maybe. I’m going to have some consideration on radiation of this shoulder as well. Going on vacation and getting that sand and dolphin therapy was great. I found a relaxation CD at walmart that sounded exactly like the waves in Hawaii outside of our cabin. Like magic it put us right to sleep. I did get a chance to check in on the site one time and noticed some good news floating around. I also so read some unfortunate happenings as well. Michelle, My deepest sympathy for you! When your ready to deal with your loss you’ll know. God’s Strenght to you.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. Thanks to my Daughter for such a nice Christmas and Anniversary gift. She is a sweetheart!

    in reply to: Help and Direction Requested #19574

    Hi Ron, Sorry to hear about Tammy’s struggles. I have lit a candle of support for her this morning. The only thing that I can think of right at the moment is to try taxotere(aka as taxol, docataxel). I would probally leave the other stuff alone for now in my opinion. This taxotere has seem to be holding all stable with me. I will restart my treatments March 20th. If you decide to give it a go don’t let them start at full dosage of 75 but down to 60. Expect low wbc’s and have figrastim injections and antibiotics ready for days 6-11. For each and every treatment this stuff kills cells unfortunately good ones with the out of control ones. Alot of acid in body every day antacid before breakfast would probally help. Time release capsule. I don’t know what else to suggest to you Ron except visualization and prayer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Tammy. What ever decision Tammy decides will be the right choice.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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