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  • in reply to: Update on John #18544

    Charlene…. I’m sending a prayer of support your way! Also If you give me the name and number, I’ll call and enlighten your Insurance company. I’ll give them a real vivid picture of what it’s like to be in pain and fighting for your life. Valium whats wrong with them people! I’ll advocate for John in a heart beat! Free of charge! No approval needed here! I can certainly understand your frustration.
    God Bless,with a big hug for you both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: David Cook #18520

    Dear Charlene, My sincere condolences. I am so sorry for your loss. May your Dad rest in peace.
    God’s Blessings and Strength,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemcitabine and Tarceva, side effects? #16912

    Hi Barb, Thanks for the infor. Yes my scans include the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. My cc returned to my liver after having the left lobe and gallbladder removed. Then mets to the lungs, then to the ribs, now some soft tissue adjacent the eshoagus and tail bone. We are going to Waimanlo Beach . It’s almost directly across the Island from Honolulu Airport. We have a front row cabin right on the beach. No we never been before so pretty excited. I’ve been looking at all there is to do, will never do it all that’s for sure. One thing for sure is taking a ride in the see through submarine. It says it goes down 100 feet and the view of all species of underwater fish and creatures is great. Do you recommend any adventures?
    Happy New Year Again!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gemcitabine and Tarceva, side effects? #16910

    Hi Barb, I have made the same decision about Taxotere. I’ll wait until next scans to see if it was doing any good or not. I know the Oncologist will want to do another round before scans but My daughter made reservations for a week in Hawaii 2nd week of March for our Anniversary. ( A Christmas gift) Who wants to go to Hawaii feeling like crap. Also if Taxotere is doing any good it will do just as good when I return as far as I’m concerned. With pulmonary emboli, is that like coughing up a lot of congestion? I’m asking as I was coughing up flem alot this round of chemo and then one time it looked like a good clump of dark red blood. Just like a blood clot. My coughing seem to have gone away since then. Hey maybe I can swim with the Dolphins as well. It sounds really exciting.

    The Best New Year To You!
    Jeff G.

    thecdr wrote:
    I have come to the decision that I no longer want to take Tarceva. I know that the stats show an increase in the length of live, but the numbers are too small for me to make a difference and my quality of life is more important than the length. I am so tired of feeling like crap. So, when my prescription ran out my doctor told me to hold off refilling it until after my next scan in a week. I have been off since Christmas eve and I feel SO much better! I finally have energy and an appetite and am actually enjoying life instead of laying curled up on the couch half the time. I still need the oxygen as I am still short of breath from the pulmonary emboli, but I will take that over how I had been feeling any day!
    in reply to: Philip McClelland #18564

    Dear Pam, My sincere condolences. May Philip rest in peace and the powers to be give you strenght to deal with your precious loss.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Time to introduce myself #18500

    Hi Alice…. Sorry to hear about John’s condition. I have tried many chemo regimens but never sorafenib. This is a good site for information and support. I’ve been reading and responding for quite some time now. Has any one talked to you about John having a stent put in to relieve the blockage and juandice. There are quite a few members of this site with stents that are doing okay and some have problems with them blocking and have to have them cleaned out or changed. Over the past few years I’ve been riding the roller coaster with trying different chemos but I have not had any juandice as of yet. What will probally give me problems is the number of tumors in my lungs and some bone mets. I’m completely immuno-suppressed today and just started filgrastim injections and antibiotics. Taxotere seems to really want to eat up white blood cells as well as cc ones I’m hoping. I wish I could offer more. Please feel free to ask questions as many on this site have dealt with stents and juandice.
    Wishing you Guy’s The Best!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Feet Pain #18496

    Grafsj……. I was on same chemo regimen about one year ago. What you explained is same side effects I had. I reduced both chemo drugs but as long as you are taking they become accumulative. I still today have nueropathy in my feet and redness and sometimes swelling at times, but is more manageable with warm socks and rasing your feet and resting them when you can. I still have nueropathy anyway because I’ve been doing different regimens for about three years now, it’s like living with it for so long I’m beginining not to notice the difference as much also staying consistent with my pain meds I’m sure makes a difference. Sometimes I would just be getting in bed and starting to relax and walla pain in my feet comes and goes. Change in blood pressure from standing to laying can cause temp pain flares. Wish you and your wife Lana the best. If I was going to stay on this regimen I might ask the Doc to reduce a little bit on both in my opinion.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Going back to a old chemo regimen – experiences anyone? #18477

    Amilcar, Sorry to here your Dad’s current regimen isn’t going so well. I had cisplatin and stopped at round 5, as it literally wore me to a frazzle. I have never returned to an old chem regimen but have continued on with other chemo regimens. For me cisplatin showed little effectiveness if any looking at results of Ct Scan after round three. I agree with you about taking a break and trying something different. I took a 4 month break and now trying taxotere. Just have my 2 consecative round yesterday. I had one round a while back but thought I should have started at a lower dosage but agreed to go ahead and it put in in nuetropenic state within 4 days. Had to take antibiotics and figrastin injections for aweek. Now I’m doing lower dosage 60 instead of 75 and although I stll take antibiotic and injections days 5-10 it has been very tolerable and hopefully after one more round the Ct Scan shows something positive, I keep on going, if not I’ll stop. Oh my hair fell out first round real quick. This time around with lower dosage it has taken awhile. But I don’t mind having a shiny head as it tells me it’s killing cells” I HOPE AS MANY CANCEROUS ONES AS GOOD ONEs” is my theory at the moment. There are warnings about using Taxotere after platinum drugs but I have tried all 3 oxyplatin, cisplatin, and carboplatin. There are other warnings saying it is okay if at a lower dosage where am now. After firing and then rehiring my oncologist to set the record straight that just because I’m not a doctor I’m not ignorant to current research and I know better than anyone how my body is feeling and what it is doing. I’m sorry to go on but my philosopy is if it is not working or doing more harm than good move on to something else or take a break. If it is working it will still work after you take a break. I really hope and pray things work out with the treatments and or break. I really didn’t think I was ever going to crawl out of that cisplatin hole.
    God”s Prayers and my thoughts,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: David Cook is in the hospital…. #18491

    Celio…… My heart felt sorrow to hear about your Dad’s decline. I pray he stays pain free.
    God bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Thank you #18480

    Caroline’s Big Sister….Truely amazing that Caroline… She was go -go -go. I would be almost out of breath just reading her little adventures. She will always be an inspiration to me! May she rest in peace.
    God’s Love!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Introducing Jeff #18486

    Hi Jeff, Welcome to the site. Will catch up with your blog after the holidays. To much to read in one setting, quite a busy guy. I believe in the power of the mind and staying positive. I try not to drink to much chemo, I hate hangovers.
    Wish you a Happy Holiday Season!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Post surgical or treatment idea! #18473

    Hi Kris … I had the ping pong ball doo-Hickey as well. But seeing how many bubbles you can blow sounds like more fun to me.
    Have a Merry Christmas, You and the Family!
    God Bless.

    in reply to: 11 months ago today I lost my mother #18439

    Dear Joyce,
    Don’t sweep them away! Let them live on in your memories forever. No there are no true answers why things happen the way they do in life. If you have a chance , make a toast to their truely loving memories and precious souls. Don’t let them be a blank/ void my dear. My Dad has passed and I will never forget or void him from my life. I called my Mom last week. She is still alive but no longer knows who I am, due to final stages of parkinsons and dimentia. All I wanted to say is I loved her dearly and Merry Christmas. You know, I said it anyway! She will not be a void. Maybe the christmas photo I sent will jog her memory even for a second.
    May God Bless You and help you through these trying times!

    in reply to: Taxotere Lower Dose Hair Still Falls Out #18434
    Lisa wrote:
    Hi Jeff – have you tried the hair product called Nioxin? It’s supposed to help stop the hair loss.

    Hi Lisa, I happened to mention nioxin to my wife and walla she had the shampoo and conditioner. Looks like I might not be baldy on Christmas afterall. Ha! I don’t no if it will hold up to another round of this chemo but at least I can give it a whirl.
    Thank You for the Tip!

    in reply to: Taxotere Lower Dose Hair Still Falls Out #18433

    Thanks Guys! You both have a Merry One! I’ll pass on the Mohawk look G. I might get carried away and start scalping my Grandchildren. Why do they always want to to play you up at christmas time, especially when they know Santa is coming.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

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