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  • in reply to: Taxotere No Problems at reduced Dosage #18310
    devoncat wrote:
    Well Jeff,
    What wonderful news on how well you are tolerating Taxotere. What an improvement from the earlier round!! Hows the hair holding up? I am sorry you have a misbehaving tumor that has decided to ignore the warnings given to your other tumors and has decided to grow. IT MUST BE PUNISHED! As you cant put it in the naughty chair, I guess radiation is a good second alternative. I hope your doctor deals with it soon.


    Hi Kris, I have been pulling at my hair for three days now and nothing has come out yet. Ha! Let’s see what next week brings Ha! Naughty chair? A good ole fashion spanking is more in line for this! (no, I’m a nice PaPa and use the naughty chair)
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My 1 year anniversary #18356

    High Five Lainey!!!!!!! I needed that pep talk today! Going to talk with my doc tomorrow about the same approach. If it is not moving leave it alone if it is zap it with chemo or radiation seems to work for me. I’ll ride along for a while, you bet ya!
    Take Care!
    Jeff G.


    Hi Cathy…. I just wanted to say, that is basically what we did is build up the litte nest egg abd then I Resigned stating health reasons. Also, I don’t know if you saw my previous post, but with this DX you will go to the head of the line. I was approved with 12 months max retroactive from date of stopping work, All was done within 3 weeks and it only had to go in front of the disability and determination office , no judge or appeals involved. I’m sure the Judge signed off in the already determined approved pile of applications. There is such a shortage of judges for the long drawn out type of applicants. Also the hiring of more judges is tied up in congressional bill that the president refused to sign due to so many little other things trying to be stuck in with the Main Bill to be passed. Politics don’t you just love it???
    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.


    CjFrancis… Sorry to here about your ordeal with SSDI, But unfortunately you have to be unable to work. I’m sure with the dx of terminal cancel would qualify your husband. He Just can’t be physicall or mentally able to hold a job. I worked full time for quite a few years while DX as I felt I could. But now with all the treatments I just don’t have the energy. It sounds like SSDI left the door open and I guess your husband needs to determine when he feels it getting to be to much for him to work. They just can’t make a decsion if he is still working. Also remember SSI you will get a denial letter automatically if there is suffient income from all sources in house hold. I really think SSDI would most likely be approved, but you can’t request disability income if you out bringing in the in come. Plus remember SSDI may not be close to what your husband is making. It is usual based on your last annual inconcome divided by 12, plus so much for andditional dependent children. It is difficult I’m sure as a lot of people don’t have the nest egg to keep going until SSDI starts. Infact a big NY times article a few days ago talked about the backlog and appeals taking so long people have actually lost their homes. But a terminal illness/ DX put you ahead of the line I would think. Again it is all so individual. We all have different circumstances. Iwish you all the best whatever way you decide to go.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Sad news!!! #18331

    Rita … My sincere condolences for you and your family. I can understand the feeling of being a burden at times. Remaining active and useful for as long as possible is what I wish for. Of course a cure around the corner would be nice as well. I agree goood health to start of with if it has to be definitely has it’s benefits.
    God Bless you,

    Daddy’s Girl … your positive outlook and belief will keep you strong for sure. Feeling the way you do makes me feel good inside. I hope my daughter has the same strength when the time comes, not to soon I hope. I’m sure your Daddy is so so proud of you!
    Til Eternity and God Bless You!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #18324

    Jane Cw…. I was on this same combo about 2 years ago. It did show promise at first for me but it became a bit intolerable because of the nueropathy in the fingers and feet. I do feel it was of help for me for a while but not something I wanted to stay on very long and switched to something else. It is certainly a good chemo combo as long as you can stand the side effects or at least be ready to combat the side effects for a while. I Wish your sister the best. I do believe the younger and healthier the better the out come. Not to say someone more elder like my self can’t handle it but I think it’s a little rougher just because natural aging and funtioning lessons as we get older. It is just a simple fact.
    Again, Best wishes and support!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Caroline Stoufer #18293

    Caroline… May you rest in peace. My prayers and thoughts of your couragous battle will never leave my mind. Robert, she handled herself with the utmost grace and dignity I have ever known. My prayers of support are flowing your way, Just up there in colorado staying warm.
    God Bless You and the Family!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My husband is fading away #18095

    Fran… My heart goes out to you! May God give you the strength to make it through these trying days ahead.
    God Bless You and Colin.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Jerome Canady, M.D #17714

    Melody….. I am happy to hear of your Mom’s successful surgery and I hope her infection clears up quickly as possible. Glad to hear she wants to fight this disease as well. I pray for continuing and positive progression.
    God Bless you and Your Mom,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Questions about radiation after resection #18276

    Carol, When I had my resection of my left lobe and gallbladder in 99, I was told I had clean margins and nothing else was needed. As you know my cancer returned and has been growing slowly and has mets to both lungs and my bones. Within the last year and 1/2 I had radiation twice; once to my liver and again too the soft tissue adjacent my spine that was putting pressure on spinal roots. Since radiation to those areas I have had no growth in those areas and shrinkage was apparent. Only side effects for me were slight nausea and tiredness for a couple weeks. If I had been given the choice of radiation back then I probally would have took it knowing what I know now. Clean margins don’t mean nothing to me as CC is a systemic disease and can mets to other parts of the body. When mine returned it went after my right lobe of the liver and then to both lungs and then to my ribs and then to soft tissue near the spine. If you have a good radiologist/ Oncologist who knows his stuff radiation can stop cc in it’s tracks. For how long before another cc seed finds another home to settle in to who knows. I intend to keep doing radiation until I look like the Incredible Hulk if they let me. Now I only had 3-D conformal to areas that bothered me pain wise and only after being confirmed by CT or MRI. So Carol your still left with the choice or I should say your husband radiation sooner or later. I can only state that it has done me good so far. Plus remember CT Scans every three months exposes you to very low dose of radiation as well. In fact I just read an article about Heatlh officials thinking doctors my be doing to many CT Scans and creating a risk. Sorry, I can’t be of any more help than this ,but I would rather kill off any cc buggers wandering around if done conservatively. I’m glad to hear Charlie is recovering well. It takes a while. Bluntness seems to be my profession lately, sorry.
    God Bless You Guys!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: China study on Green tea #14379

    Hi Peter, I think I drank Essiac tea for quite a long time, couple years actually. Probally the longest alternative type stuff I’ve tried in the past years.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: I’d like to tell you about a wonderful man #18290

    Wendy… Daddy’s will always be there for their little girls, either in body or in spirit. I’m so glad you got your wish of him walking you down the aisle. Your heart will carry his memories for eternity.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Anyone had their liver tickled? #18242

    Hi Kris, My liver was biopsied with the straight in approach with special needle that snips a piece of the liver. It was CT giuided. They first tryed doing it in a room with sonogram machine. Didn’t work, so off I go down the halls to the CT scan room with this this bopsy needle sticking straight up in the air with enough people surrounding me so I wouldn’t get bumped I guess. Ha! you would think it was a scene from the tv show Scrubs! My lung biopsy was done endoscopically similar just a little more complicated than just rammimg a needle in my gut. Ignore you ? Nah, couldn’t do that, wouldn’t be fun.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: What do you ask for when you pray? #17542

    Patrice, Like you said, we all believe in something. whether it’s energy, a higher power, or the lord above the heart of someone caring for another is a tremendous power of loving, giving and sharing. You and Dave will certainly remain in my thoughts and prayers, wishing the most positive good energy to flow your way. I have many beliefs and one of them is without a doubt positive thought. Patrice , you and Dave are in my prayers, thoughts, and other beliefs in the most positive way possible.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Good for you girl! Remember to have an alternative plan to keep active as staying positive and motivated within your limits makes a big difference. I just started my own little business. My first little honey do job was today. I call my little business or I should say hobby, Disabled but Able (Minor Home Repairs). It’s what I like to do and it’s at my own pace and I still feel I can help someone and be useful. Helps my frame of mind tremendously.
    Bless ya!
    jeff G.

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