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  • in reply to: Its gone! #18140

    Kris I agree with Peter about the red….. but maybe if you add a few purple highlights it will all come together. Ha! My hair would be to short to donate unless they make buzzy fuzzy wigs. Can’t wait to see the new style.
    Take Care!

    in reply to: Taxotere/CPT-11 #18137
    glightfoot wrote:
    Hi Jeff,

    Sounds like you’re as prepared as you can be for the Taxotere. And, it’s a good reason not to mingle with the Holiday crowds.

    Did you have indications from the last time that it was doing the job on the tumors?


    Hi G, I think it did a little something. It is a furious and powerful little drug. My left arm,I have to limit my mobilty or #$%^&@ pain. because of some connective tissuse damage. Chemo was the culprit I’m sure.
    Best to Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do #18104

    Charlene… God Bless and may George rest in peace.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Diagnosis of Cholangiocarcinoma?or Pancreatic cancer? #18146

    Hi Rita… Prayers coming your way. I gave an opinion in the Experience Section.
    God Bless ,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: No Treatment? #18147

    Dear Rita…. It is difficult for anyone to tell you what direction to go. Have you gotten a second opinion? Maybe that would make your decision making a little easier. Considering your father’s age and medical conditions especially the weak kidneys and congestive heart condition, trying chemo probally would be highly risky. My Dad had and died from congestive heart failure. His arteries were so bad they would not even attempt by-pass surgery. I guess my point is chemo is very harsh and eat away at cells and connective tissuse and interefere with normal functioning of many organs and the doctors are most likely concerned with organ failure and /or internal bleeding. I am so sorry your Dad has been struck with this disease and unfortunately I can’t think of anything that would be of help to him. If everything is as you say it is, I would cherish every moment and provide your father with all the love and support you can muster. Rita I’m only 51 with I guess healthy kidneys and a heart that beats irregular because of the chemo. Surgery is no option for me either due to mets to the bones. I am still trying some chemo and radiation but the doctors are considering it as pallative treatment to try to extend my life. I’m not lost, I understand the reality but also understand that miracles happen every day. So I will end by saying there is always hope, but it’s your Father’s choice as far as getting a second opinion and treatments if the doctors are willing to do it. If they strongly feel it will shorten his life or cause greater problems they may not be willing to do. I hope I wasn’t to awfully blunt but I tell it like it is. Cancer is a cruel disease. A prayer of support is coming your way.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do #18102

    Charlene….. You know there is nothing I can do or say to make things any easier for you, but I have to say something…..As rough as it is remember your genuine caring and loving soul and heart carries the pain. You can vent all you want and we will listen and pray. When your heart is heavy so be ours. If I could,I would give you a great big hug and let your tears flow on my shoulders ! Times like this you have to be fair to yourself and not hide your emotions and reach out for some emotional support. A good friend, relative, or clergy let them be there and share these trying times. You are never alone if God lives in your heart. Just say it Charlene, God please give me the strength loud and clear. Say it as many times as you wish and he will help you. I’m not trying to become a Preacher or impose religion upon you, but only sharing what has worked for me and continues to work for me. Charlene, If you would like to just vent and chat just set a day and time and I would be more than happy to share your pain on the CHAT line.
    God Bless !!!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Article re: surgery and radiation in bile duct cancer #18128

    Kris ….. Here is another web site full off supportive infor including adjuvant chemo and radiation treatment prior to surgery and the postive out comes. I saw it on PBS television last night. It was called “Waging War On Cancer” . Very good infor to show your sweden doctor. . It has different episodes of what direction trearment of cancer is going. Deffently worth reading or watching the episodes! The series of episode are actually funded by major chemo and radiological companies of current infor. Also, supported by Major Cancer Centers and Steven Rosenberg, National Cancer Institute of America. A little more wham for your demand.
    Bless Ya,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Any experience with medicare????? #18118

    Dog gone it Kris, I’m sure Dr. Sanoff was unaware you had been going to college. The only thing I can think of is applying for SSDI due to you being unable to work due to surgery ,the cancer itself, side effects from pain medications, mental depression then you would get medical coverage. It is sad, but my aunt and uncle actually got a divorce because of a similar situation. Financially it is not fair. Some hospitals will provide treatment base on income/debt ratio and or work out a agreement for payments. I don’t know if this is of any help. Knowing social security they probally have a min years of work as well. Lets all put our heads together and figure something out. Press on with Sweden. I know their are other ways to get chemo meds if needed straight from the companies, but don’t know their criteria. Wiil keep searching and trying to find away.
    God Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Request for prayers for my dad #18011

    Glad to hear the coast is clear for now Richard. Let’s pray it keeps sailing as smooth as possible for your Dad, Mom and You.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Almost ran into Kris from Sweden today in Chapel Hill, NC #18071

    Hi Kris, Get your boxing gloves on shorty! Hee! Sorry I couldn’t resist. I have complete confidence this is a fight you can win. Advocate big time for what you feel is right and need done. If not, Dr. Sanoff has your back covered. Also, just so you know my sister and husband live in Cary, N.C. just down the road from Chapel Hill. A Truely caring and professional couple who would without a doubt offer temporary accomodations if ever needed. Plenty of room. All I have to do is threaton to run over her with my bicycle again. Ha! How is Hans dealing with all the news? He sounds like a very supportive Hubby.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: 2 Yr Veteran of Whipple Surgery #18113

    Alright Lainey! Glad to hear positive news for teddy and you. Two years and 75 years of age! If I make it too 55 I’ll promise to take up golfing. The last time I tried, I dislocated my shoulder. Ha! I got a bit more of the green than the ball ouch! Ha!
    God Bless you Both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: SIR spheres vs. chemotherapy #18017

    Hi Bill …. Glad to hear your wife is having good results with Therasphere. I haven’t had to go that route yet; but have had other type radiation without side effects and pretty good resuls as well…knock on wood!
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: My mom has been diagnosed with intrahepatic cc #17995

    Vanun…… I have used many different chemo regimens and some are more effective than others and like Sara mentioned they become immuned after a while and you can switch to another regimen. I also would like to mention 3-D conformal radiation treatments have been successful for me with reducing tumors and pain as well. All these treatments are very individual and your Mom may react different than some one else doing the same thing. a lot of trial and error with this disease. Positive attitude, perseverance, hope and prayer go a long ways as well.
    God Bless your Mom and You!
    Jeff G.


    Hi Edith … You are absolutely correct. Yes it can be done over the phone but if you have a computer or live near a local office it is sometimes easier as I tried the telephone for days with extremely long waits and then never got through. What I actually did was go to the site of social security ( )and printed off the actual application package and filled all in by hand and used their checklist to make sure I had everything they needed. I just wanted to mention that thereis two different programs SSI and SSDI. I personally did not qualify for SSI due to military retirement and my wife’s income. However SSDI does not base approval on other household income but on credits I actually earned or payed in .
    Thanks Edith for mentioning that.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Cryoablation and bone metastasis #18038

    Hi Sara, Something new popping up all the time.

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