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  • in reply to: Good News Daughter’s Thyroid non-cancerous #17405

    JEFF G

    in reply to: Trouble swallowing food #17501

    Leebythesea…. I’m asking myself is your girlfriend having normal bowel movements like once a day or is she like every 3-4 days. I’m just thinking out loud if she is not having regular bowel movements this could be causing pressure, pain, and heart burn. Also drinking just fluids your apt to have more reflux and heart burn if bowels are sluggish. You might want to try small amounts of solid foods several times a day and discuss with doctor or not There is a lot I’ve done with out discussing with the doc but it is highly recommended to do so, anyway, about buying over the counter Ducolux (stool softener) not laxative. Take a couple capsules a day until you notice bowel movement begin to increase and then cut back dosage to everyother day, then to one capsule every other day. I’m just giving this infor as you didn’t mention anything about bowel movements which was the culprit in my case when having radiation. Once you can get your bowel movements going once a day and eating more nutritional solid foods spaced out over the day I felt like a new person. I guess that’s all I got to offer at this time. If she is going to the bathroom regular, I can’t think of anything else at the moment . Wish your friend relief real soon.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.
    P.S. One other thing I did was spray and swallow chloraseptic spray to numb things up before eating. I guess I’m saying sometimes we have to think out side of the box as visits with doctors we a lot of times don’t get to explain everything. Good Luck.

    in reply to: my husband and best friend #17143

    Dear lost in Ohio, I am so sorry for your lost. Please feel free to post in our grief management section. There are several wives and Mom’s going through the lost of a loved one who would certainly be willing to listen and share with you some advice and experiences. Again, my sincere condolences of your lost.
    God Bless You,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Discomfort when sitting #14373

    Fran…. I had pain right side of stomach a while back. Had MRI and found tumor pressing on my spinal roots. Had 3-D conformal radiation and pain was completely gone within 4 days and has not returned. However if Colin has mets actually in his stomach lining, I would recommend what you are already doing, seeing your GP to try something else. Also, I take and soak in hot as I can stand bath tub. Another thing I used for temporary relief was solarcaine sunburn spray, especially right after a hot bath while skin pours are really opened up. Doesn’t last for long though, just enough to help get to sleep for a while. They have gel form of lanocaine as well. You can get this over the counter and I used as often as I needed to.
    God Bless you Both,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: NEW TO DZ #17380

    New site looking Goooood! So happy to see the last date and time posted. I know your busy as bees but … Moderators, can you clarify what we can or can’t do. Like should we or not zap spam of without a doubt material that pops up. If so can you maybe refresh us on how to do properly.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: NEW TO DZ #17379

    Lost…. Glad you got some replies. Will look forward to reading any updates about your Dad Under the Experience Forum. Wish you and your Dad the best.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: SIRT – Y90 #17322

    Nicole….. I would post this question under Experiences with title the same. I sure some members have had this treatment or something close to it. I haven’t or I’d be glad to offer some infor. I have heard it has helped with some but not others.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: angry stage #17287

    Hi Betty, Thanks for sharing the grieving research post. I’m curious if any research like this was accomplished for those who are living the reality of death and grieving for the loved ones being left behind ? If so I think that bargining would remain as one of the stages, as I bargin all the time for God to at least let me remain mortal until I feel comfortable that my Loved ones will be okay after my demise. I just bargined this week. My Duaghter had her thyroid removed and we are awaiting on the pathology report. I told God he could bring me on home anytime, but at least let me hear or see a pathology report that says my duaghter will be fine and able to be with her children, my precious grandchildren. Just thinking out loud Betty. I did find your post interesting. I guess I was doing a little comparison if the table was turned the other way.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: Patty is in the Hospital #16964

    Hi Ted and Patty, My deepest thoughts and prayers are still flowing your way. Ted you are a loving ,caring and supportive Hubby. You are the one who gives Patty the strenght to show her pretty smile and sparkling eyes. Ted, Patty will never be alone as it is so obvious God lives within her heart. Ted, you know that we are all here as a group or individually if you feel like sharing. These moments are precious but can also be very overwhelming. Just wanted you to know we/I are here for Patty and you! Just email the site or an individual member if you wish.
    God Bless you Both!

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Newsletter #16293

    Cindy…. has your duaghter been diagnosed with CC per pathologhy report? If so from all of my research it is very rare for a young 3 yera old. PLease introduce your self in our introduction section and also post under experiences what is currently going on if you like . I’m sure many members of this site will respond with what knowledge they have concerning your daughter.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: David Cook is in the hospital #16939

    David…. Your working miracles . Keep up the positive progress. Continued hope and prayers still flowing your way. Glad to see your keeping him on track Celoi.
    God Bless you Both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Introduction of new members #17375

    CDR… No , Administrator has that responsibility. Moderator accepts reports and zaps , censors content/spam and zaps and supposively ban certain users upon abuse of site. Although this site has been a little user unfriendly at times and is why I can’t wait until the new site is luanched.
    Thanks for understanding.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Introduction of new members #17372

    Cdr and Lisa Ann…Please don’t misunderstand me as I love reading all the personal experiences. I’m just trying to say once a person is introduced, Further ongoing discussions should go in the experience section forum so as not to post over new introductions forum and have someone new seeking help get buried with no response from anyone. Maybe it’s my imagination but I see it happening quite a bit that I find unanswered introductions being posted over because continuing experience postings that should be going to the experience forum. Your probally right it is the nature of the beast. Maybe the new site will allieviate some of this. It just makes me feel bad that someone is intoducing themselves and then someone post right over them before they get an answer or advice.Jeff G.
    P.S. This is not finger pointing at anyone, Just reviewing and looking for a solution that has been going on for a long time. Please don’t take any offense and continue posting as that is what this site is all about. I’m just trying to figure away for the new introductions not to get overposted and unanswered. Would love any suggestions,

    in reply to: need advice #17309

    Charlene… Something don’t seem right. I would highly recommend getting a consult with an attorney specializing in social security /disability. It’s not just the state of California. It is also have federal rules as well. Also, owning your home is one of the biggest security blankets you could have. I totally cringed when you mentioned getting a HECLOC. I would rather work with Hospitals and pay reduced interest free payments and /or apply for hardship consideration. My son with a different medical situation was just approved by his hospital for a charity write -off of a considerable amount due to current health and unemployment situation. You’ll be surprized what they will help with if you give them a call and explain this is all I can afford on a monthly basis. It’s better than hecloc and subjecting yourself to a foreclosure if hope to God not, but if someting popped up where you couldn’t make those payments. Please get some creditable legal assistance. There is a possibility of doing a reverse mortgage in certain situations. I don’t want to give false hope or leed you astray but there are alternatives. Good legal consultation I think would be beneficial. I’m so sorry to see this struggling when you guys least need it. Also your local Human resources office has the required forms to request free medicine for treatments. These big pharmacuetcal companies have some pretty liberal assistance programs. Charlene, keep your home safe and secure. Also check out the United Way Foundation to see what they may be able to assist with. There are support and assistance programs out there but have to be searched for. God Bless and wish you the best!!! Hope is in the air!
    Jeff G.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: New to this disease and need help with what to expect #17369

    Dear Lost…… I strongly echo the advice already given. My CC started in the left lobe of the liver only a couple centimeters smaller than you mentioned. I had my left lobe resected as well as my gall bladder. After the operation pathology reports showed my gall bladder had cancerous nodules as well. Although I have recurrence of the disease, I went 5 years by choice without any treatments of any kind. I had routine ct scans only. During this time my quality of life remained very high. At the end of five years I decided to try some chemo and kept trying until just a couple months ago. So I’ve tried chemo regimens for 3 years. I have also had 3-D conformal radiation on my liver (right lobe) and rib and tail bone. Another 4 1/2 months I will be at 9 years with this nasty disease. With the exception of a couple chemo regimens that I tried I don’t regret the path I took which was based on limited knowledge of this disease. I have tried other alternative treatments and will never know if they were of any help or not. I still meditate and visualize for peace of mind and body. Bottom line is … if it is only showing in the left lobe it should be resectable and extend life very much so. One word of caution is cc is considered (systemic) in the blood and can, as it did with me return and mets to just about anywhere it chooses. In my case the liver again and then the lungs and then the bones. Although the scans showed only the left lobe in your case there could be little seeds floating around not detectable. Get your second opinion! Doctor’s are human just like you and I and make decisions just like you and I. Those decisions are based on knowledge and experience of what and how we were taught/or trained. A very wide spectrum in-deed !!! Especially in the medical arena. Lost, Don’t give up hope and stay positive. Advocate for your Dad and Take it to the Limit. When I start feeling a little low I put in my CD of a group called the Eagles and play their song “Take It to The Limit ” one more time!
    God bless and some prayers coming your way.
    Jeff G.
    P.S. I do think all the routine scans with iodine contrast helped keep things slowed down and my next adventure if possible will be radioactive Iodine. Got to find a doc willing to give it a whirl. They do it for thyroid cancers. We’ll see?

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