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  • in reply to: If you have Blue Cross and Blue Shield Please read this. #37164
    Lainy wrote:
    Jill…I cannot resist this…but instead of a PPO should it not be POOP!~

    HA HA HA! Lainy, I happen to agree with your assessment!

    in reply to: Help for Underinsured Patients from PAF #36591

    Still have not heard a single word, via email nor phone call from this PAF.

    in reply to: If you have Blue Cross and Blue Shield Please read this. #37162

    Thanks to all that have responded here. I am getting all the paperwork together right now to send into the state insurance commission.

    Oh, and someone ask if my plan was hmo or ppo, it is a ppo.

    in reply to: Help for Underinsured Patients from PAF #36588

    Thanks Lainy and Marion.

    Here is the thing. This time last year, same thing. I wish to get this resolved for all of us in Oklhoma. I have found where other state insurance commissioners, have taken them to court and ruled that the PET scan is not experimental. Our commissioner has sent me a form to fill out and send in and believe me, I am printing out the other states findings to send along with. We, paitents and familiy members , should not have to fight this every single time it comes up. GRRRRRRRR

    in reply to: Help for Underinsured Patients from PAF #36585

    Marion, they do pay for the ct, partially. These bills are for what the insurance will not pay and our local hospital does not have an agreement with BCBS, so whatever they don’t pay, becomes my responsibility. I also got notice of non payment of PET, today, at another hospital where they do have the agreement, however, since they deemed it, experimental, the statement says I have to pay these charges, looks like about six thousand dollars.

    Both the oncologist and my surgeon, did request the pet scans. Says it is the best tool they have to detect cancer…..

    in reply to: Help for Underinsured Patients from PAF #36583

    Thanks for posting the link. I just requested help with medical bills. My Insurance , BCBS, of Oklahoma, just again denied paying for PET scan. Says this is a expiramental or investigational precedure. I had the hospital call me again last night, wanting payment, but, you see, this hospital, everytime you walk in the door, opens a new account. I have at this time 5 different accounts, so even though we are making paments, on the oldest account, they sent the others to collection. I am just getting overwhelmed with all the bills and have at this time, stopped going for my checkups, thus, even though it would be time for another ct scan or pet scan, I just can not handle getting one more medical bill. I certainly look forward to hearing from your organization, and will report back here if they are of any help ! Just sign me extremely frustrated at this point!!

    in reply to: Kris’ (devoncat) surgery #36754

    You guys are in my prayers. Praying hard that all goals are accomplished today and she makes a full recovery!

    in reply to: I’m famous! #36039

    Cool. I was just watching tv last night when an avon commercial come on showing their sponsership of breast cancer. Call me bitter or what have you, but, are there any freaken companies that don’t support breast cancer research? Better question, are there any companies that do support cholangiocarcinoma?

    Now, don’t get me wrong, breast cancer reared its ugly head in my sister. However, she is cured. Not only did they cut the cancer out, she also underwent chemo and radiation, reconstruction, the whole nine yards. I am glad the research money was spent on figureing out which chemo to use, ect. It just makes me sick all the companies soliciting on all these walk for a cure, and the phone calls, and the commercials.

    Is it wrong to think its gone very over the top?

    in reply to: Timely diagnosis? #34876

    Mine was diagnosed with the ERCP, where they did take a sample of the tumor and sent to pathology. I was in surgery less than one week later, having it all removed.

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28976

    Good Hearing from You! Thanks for checking in! Sounds like chemo is the right move for you. Sorry to hear about the kidneys. Gosh, you have had such a rough road back to recovery.

    in reply to: Can it be true – no cancer?! #33967

    Hi Kimmie, Yep, it can be true. Its the news my Dr. Gave me on Christmas Eve!

    in reply to: surgery #32835

    Hi Ger, I myself had that whipple surgery on Sept 21, 2008. It is not a day at the beach for sure, however, it is survivable. Depending on where your tumor is, they will remove either the head or the tail of the pancreas. It gets tricky when the tumor involves the portal vein, which if that is the case , surgery is generally ruled out before hand, however, sometimes they get in there and have a clearer vision that the scans and ercp allow. I wish you the best, and please if you have any questions, I would be most happy to relay my experiences.



    I do not see any mention of a what is called a whipple , in your post. It has a another fancy name called, Pancreaticoduodenectomy. If this surgeon plans to do this procedure, please stop and investigate going to MD. There is only one surgeon in my state that is familar enough with the surgery, and that is where went.

    Since the stent has been placed, there should not be a huge hurry.

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28972

    Just wonderful Jim. I will say prayers for your continued improvement!

    in reply to: New Memeber – #28967

    Jim! What a summer you have had! I am so glad to hear from you. Do your Dr’s believe they were able to remove all the cancer?

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