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  • in reply to: my dad #16793

    Oh Jules, so sorry to hear such sad news. I will indeed be thinking of you, and your Dad. Being local to me, and having given me support when I needed it, can I just say that if you DO want a chat, please call.
    Much love to you and your Dad.

    in reply to: Thank goodness #16741

    OH GOSH!! Just asked in your last post if there was any news…………GREAT!
    That is great news. Plaese keep as updated when you have time!
    I hope she continues to recover well!

    in reply to: how to help after surgery #16560

    Any news? How did it go?
    Been thinking of you!

    in reply to: Intro to Me #16070

    Good luck for tomorrow Sue xxxxxx

    in reply to: 44YO single mom recently diagnosed #16772

    Hi Lisa. Well, Kris has said everything so well, I can’t add to it, other than to say, I’m really sorry you have had this diagnosis, and that I really feel for you, being in the position you are, with your kids.
    Guess you’ll just HAVE to do the positive FIGHT!!!
    Much love to you, and I hope this site will be of some help to you.

    in reply to: question about supplements and diet whilst on gemcitobene #16736

    Hi Puggle. I can’t really help with your question, other than to point you to the Nutrition section of this forum, as there is a far bit in there on supplements and diet.
    I’m sorry to hear your partner has been diagnosed, and I wish you both all the best.


    Hello Lisa,
    welcome to the site!
    How old is your Dad?
    I lost my Mum earlier this year to CC. She was 68 when she died.
    I’m really sorry to hear about your Dad. I echo Jeff, no point in beating about the bush, it doesn’t sound too promising. I really feel for you. It is so frightening to be the receiver of such bad news. I remember feeling scared beyond belief when my Mum was diagnosed.
    However, each case is different, and I agree with Jeff, being positive and supportive is what matters. And make the most of your Dad!! I’m sure I am not alone in wishing I had done this/that/the other, while Mum was still here. When you have recovered from the shock of diagnosis, move forward, and make the most of ANY time you have with your Dad, and love him, and be there for him!
    I don’t have any words of wisdom to offer apart from what I have said!
    Just sorry that you and your family have to go through this. Much love to you all,

    in reply to: how to help after surgery #16557

    Well, as I recall from a year ago…………
    My Mum had her gall bladder, common bile duct, and a portion of her lower liver removed.
    It took AGES, for one! She was in surgery nearly 8 hours.
    After that, she was in ICU for nearly 2 days.
    One of the worst things was, that she was not allowed water for about 10 days after, and was only allowed to suck cotton wool ‘lollipops’ soaked in water.
    Also the Greek docs gave all patients that had had major surgery, a little gizmo, that had to be used several times a day. It had to be blowed into quite forcefully, and this apparently helped bring up crap in the lungs. Coughing and hawking was much encouraged!
    3 days after the op, the Docs had her out of bed, keen to get her moving again. It was hard work. The first day she shuffled round the bed and back. Every day we bulit it up, next day walking across the ward and back, thence to the corridors etc. She wasn’t in any great pain, except for the first 3-4 days, but that was allevaited with drugs.
    She also had a catheter, and it was nearly a week before she, sorry for this, had a poo again. Oh yes, I also remember the docs waiting anxiously for days, for her to fart!!!! Operation Tuesday, first fart on the Sunday! Much celebration for all concerned!
    Also she had various attachments, little drains, about 3, coming out of her side, plus the catheter, plus a long tube that went down her nose to her stomach. I think the catheter was the first to go.
    Anyway, bottom line is, she was weak after the surgery, but determind. Exercise is one of the keys to a quick recovery I believe.
    Mum had a few minor complications, but it left her in hospital for 6 weeks. Nothing scary as such, a leaky bilary branch or something. But I would say after 3 weeks, she was fairly much back to normal, and was gagging to leave the hospital and get on with life.
    OK, so that was all a bit of a ramble, I am just remembering what I can.
    Feel free to ask about anything that I haven’t covered.
    Having written all that, if you look up member Ron Smith, and check his entries, he had a resection, earlier this year I think, and he was in and out of hospital in NO time, I think it was a week or something! Amazing. He was treated in UK. My Mum was treated in Greece. I guess things work differently in different countries, to a degree, and also obviously, no 2 patients will react in the same way to what may seem very similar surgery. I think Ron is in his fifties. My Mum was 67. I would imagine age will have a bearing on recovery time too.
    I remember it was tough, but the relief we felt knowing the tumour had been removed, made it all very worthwhile at the time.
    It is apparently about as major as surgery can get. Having said that, the guys who operate know what they are doing, and I have never heard of anyone having any major complications after surgery.
    You must be really anxious and worried. I know I was, far more so than my Mum I think! She just wanted to get it over with!
    Much love to you and your Mum, and I hope all goes well.
    Do keep us posted!

    Below is the link to the thread from Ron Smith I mentioned.


    and here is one he wrote after surgery LAST year too!


    Also here is the link to a thread I started when Mum was in hospital last year, which may be worth reading.



    Jeff, I’m glad you always seem to have the courage to follow your heart. I hope you have a lovely break, and enjoy the time with your wife.
    Does the new bald look suit you??!!
    I’m away for a week now,camping with my kids, but I’ll be back, and will wait to hear more news from you!
    Take care Jeff, and love to you and your family x

    in reply to: My husband’s tumor has recurred #16377

    So sorry to hear your husbands cancer has come back. It is such a shock when it happens, particularly if all has been going well. By Mum’s CC returned within 6 months, and I was gutted. I so feel for you. I have no advice to give, but am sending you much love.

    in reply to: Good news for my dad #16346

    Fantastic news………and long may it continue that way!!

    in reply to: Dendritic cell vaccine therapy #14791

    Yes, I also hope he is feeling better soon Jules!

    in reply to: My Best Friend My Mother Sanilee #16389

    So sorry Cherryle. Much love to you and your family at this awful time. 49 years old, it is so WRONG!

    in reply to: TAXOTERE (POST 2 WEEKS) #16397

    Great news Jeff, I hope you continue to handle it all.

    in reply to: Taxotere (8 day post check up) #16290

    Hi Jeff, much love to you, glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Gosh you are a trooper! I can’t tell you how much I wish that all will be well for you. Big hugs!

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