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  • in reply to: My best friend, my husband #16263

    I am so SO sorry that you have lost your man, and so SO sorry that you all had to suffer so much in the process. It made me very very sad to read all this, as I remember when you first came to this site, and how positive you and your family were.
    Much love to you all, and huge HUGE hugs, all the way from England.

    in reply to: My Mum #15661

    Well, a month turned into nearly 2! I wasn’t ready to leave when the end of June came, so we stayed on till 24th July! SO glad I did it, it really helped, living in Mum’s little home, living the life she led for so long. The kids had a great time too, and I’m glad to say that I have no doubt that Granny’s life will be indelibly stamped on their minds for the rest of their lives!
    I still miss her, that goes without saying. But I am OK, and thankful that I was able to indulge my grief with the trip to Greece!
    Much love to all who have lost loved ones in my absence.

    in reply to: Pain killers & nausea — any suggestions? #13801

    Good luck Jeff, hope all is well with you, and Deeko, hope your Dad is feeling much better.

    in reply to: Hi #16231

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis.
    I like the sound of what you are planning. This cancer is a particularly nasty one, and if I had it, I would be thinking along your lines I think. I admire anyone who has chemo, but it just seems like such an awful assault on one’s system etc. There are people on this site trying different stuff, some in conjunction with chemo. If you type in Geoff in the search bar, he has been having immunotherapy I think.
    Where in the world are you by the way?
    Much love to you x
    Ah ha! I see you have already tracked down his posts, well done!

    in reply to: My Mum #15659

    Thanks Patricia!
    I am flying out to Greece tomorrow morning, with my kids, to stay in said caravan for a month! It’s the best thing to do!

    in reply to: My Mum #15657

    Oh, what lovely replies.
    My Mums journey is over, and some of you are still living with this disease. You are all so kind and brave.
    Thanks so much, I really don’t know what I would have done without this board, it has helped me again and again over the last year.
    I hope I will keep visiting here, as I feel as if I know some of you!
    Take care too, all of you.

    in reply to: my beloved mum. #15670

    Oh Carolann, so sorry. Can’t believe, your Mum and my Mum gone in such a short space of time. Truly shocking.
    No doubt, we can empathize alot with eachother right now.
    Take care sweet thing, much love to you and all your family. Your Mum sounded like a fantastic lady. I hope you are able to dwell on the lovely memories, and not the sad ones of her illness.

    in reply to: Vaguely panicked! #15520

    JUst to update you all…Mum has been transferred from hospital, to the local hospice. They are going to monitor her for a few days, and amke sure that all pain control medication is working fine etc etc. If she stabalizes, then she will be bale to come home. But if things continue to get worse, then obviously, she is in the best place available.
    She has embraced the world of hard drugs (morphine!!), and is very happy to be pain free! She says it gives her the most lovely dreams. A nurse told me that that is not always the case. I reckon, it’s because she has no regrets about her life, and no unfinished /unresolved business. She is able to relax and accept. Her only concern , is being pain free. As long as that is working, she is fine!
    Amazing woman! I’ll keep you all posted!

    in reply to: Mom has gallbladder cancer #15511

    Best wishes to you and your family Carrie.
    Ascites…….my Mum just had them recently. Anyone more knowledgable can correct what I write……..bottom line is, it is a build up of fluid in ones abdomen. NOT inside the guts themselves, but in the space surrounding the gut. Basically the guts leak out fluid that they shouldn’t leak out, and the abdoman swells as a result, and needs to be drained. Some of the fluid is apparently “good fluid”, so they will give protein intravenously at the same time.
    That is a very basic explanation, and I’m sure it can be enlarged upon if necessary!

    in reply to: My Mum #15557

    Sarah, much love to you and your family.

    in reply to: Stabbing Rib Pain /Heavy aching #15531

    LOL! I love your humour Jeff!
    Mum not so good, well, good in herself, but I don’t think the end is far off. The hospital have done all they can, and she is hopefully moving to a hospice in the next few days. The Docs told her this morning, that it may be wise to make sure my Brother in NZ gets his butt over here a bit sharpish. He will arrive next Wednesday.
    So not good Jeff, really, but Mum is good, and we sat and discussed songs that she might like at her funeral today!! There is an old song from WW2 that she fancied, amongst others. I think it is most likely a Brit song, I know it……….”Goodbyeeee, goodbyeeee, wipe a tear baby dear from you eyeeeeee! Bonsoir old thing cheerio chin chin…….” etc! Some visitors may know it! She is funny. I’m gonna miss her big time!
    Now you just jolly well behave from tomorrow, or I’ll tell your wife!!

    in reply to: Stabbing Rib Pain /Heavy aching #15529

    How are things doing Jeff?

    in reply to: Good News — but #15560

    Yes, fantastic news………….but! I have heard of this infection/parasite. I hope it doesn’t affect her in any way.
    But, GREAT news that she is still cancer free, really plaesed for you both!

    in reply to: Here we go again! #15407

    I like the sound of that, a cantankerous Scotsman!!:)
    Bet the nursing staff don’t mess you about though!
    Hope all continues to go well.

    in reply to: Here we go again! #15404

    Blimey Ron! I am AMAZED at how quick you escaped hospital!! Well done! Sorry to hear about your wife. I believe gallstones are easily treated, if that helps.
    So does the hernia affect anything?
    I am gobsmacked, I really am, that you are home already!
    I hope you continue to do well.

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