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  • in reply to: Vaguely panicked! #15519

    Oh THANK YOU Ron! Bless!
    Well, things have got a bit better, in some ways. They did the drain Wednesday. There were 2 1/2 litres of ascites in her gut, which is fairly moderate compared to what it could be. Unfortunately, this did nothing MUCH to relieve her discomfort, and when I visited the next day, she was still very low and uncomfortable. They x-rayed her stomach, to see if she had a twisted piece of gut or something, but could find nothing. So, they are assuming, from the ultrasound they did, which did not paint a pretty picture of her liver, that it is her liver which is most likely causing the trouble. They have taken her off all other pain killing drugs, and moved to regular morphine, a small dose every 4 hours. Well, I went in Friday, and she was as perky as anything, and has been ever since! Can’t stop her chatting, it’s lovely! She had been so quiet and withdrawn for the last week, I was beginning to think that that was how it was going to be ALL the time. But she is now able to eat again (she’d been eating such MINISCULE amounts), and is enjoying that, and like I say, is bright and chatty! So, it doesn’t look like things are going to improve in any way, but as long as she is happy and free of pain, then that’s the ticket!
    My Brother will be coming over from NZ at the end of the month, which will make life easier for us all.
    I hope you are doing OK following surgery….I’ll have a nose at your posts!

    in reply to: Vaguely panicked! #15517

    OOOOOOOoooooooh I need to rant!
    My last post was Saturday night. Woke up Sunday morning, went in to check on her, and she said “I really think I need a Doctor, Kate, as I really feel so dreadful.”
    So, called Doc out. He wasn’t our regular man, but looked her over, pronounced that he didn’t think she was about to keel over, BUT, that she had a chest infection (she caught a cold off my kids), and that he suspected ascites. He prescribed antibiotics, and told me to speak to our Doc Monday morning, and get her into hospital to be checked over.
    SO, did as he suggested. 10am Monday morning, she was admitted. Around 1pm she had a chest Xray, and 5 pm, had an ultrasound. There is a small amount of fluid round her lungs, and a moderate amount of ascites in her abdomen. The Docs and nurses were SO helpful and kind.
    I couldn’t get to the hospital till midday today. I was expecting her to be hooked up to drains etc……………no! She had been moved to another ward, but nothing had moved on, she hadn’t seen a Doctor at all. I had to leave at 2pm, and got back at 4pm. In the interim, the consultant had visited. Apparently another very nice man, who said that she will have a drain sorted out tomorrow for the ascites. She was happy for that news, but still suffering discomfort. Fast forward 3 hours, and she was, my trooper of a Mother, lying there, in tears, saying that wished it was all over. Can you imagine? Bloody awful. So I went to seek out help, and lo, a nurse offered morphine. Within half an hour, my miserable agonized Mother, was free of all pain. WHAT a relief, for her, and for me. I know that many of you have gone through this, and lost loved ones. WHAT a blessing to see one of the people you most love in life, relieved of their suffering! Due to the discomfort and pain she has been in for the last week or so, she has not had a decent nights kip. After talking to her about this, I asked the nurse if she could have a sleeping pill for the night. I left at 10.20pm tonight., safe in the knowledge that is pain free, and will most likely have a decent night’s sleep. I cannot tell you what a relief that is! I have 2 kids here at home (husband self employed, and able to help out), and I can tell you all, that it is hard work, going through this, and trying to run a home and family!
    I can’t get to the hospital till around midday tomorrow, due to work commitments of my husband. To know that Mum will not have to suffer pain and anxiety in my absence, is the greatest gift ! Tomorrow, all being well, she will be drained of ascites, and I am hoping the quality of her life will improve as a result.
    By the way, the blood tests the Doc took last Thursday, all look good, apart from liver function…….well, with multiple lesions of the liver, one is not going to expect otherwise. Kidney function etc, all good.
    All being well, there is life there still, to be lived, comfortably, without pain.
    My apologies for the rant………..that’s CC for you!

    in reply to: Stabbing Rib Pain /Heavy aching #15528

    But not too tightly round the ribs! x

    in reply to: Vaguely panicked! #15516

    Thanks Jeff!
    He checked her over at the surgery, and ruled out ascites, although she has many of the classic signs. I hope he is correct.
    He said the blood test will tell him about liver and kidney function, and he will move forward according to what the results are.
    Oh bless her heart, she is just such an easy Mum to have around. I had a nice chat with her half an hour or so ago. She said she doesn’t mind so much if she doesn’t get back to Greece. I told her that whatever she wants, she must ask! Her wish list so far……kippers;smoked haddock (both for when she can eat more);a small radio, so she can listen to Radio 4;and some audio books, and a budgie!! The budgie is a bit of a joke, but if she picks up a little, then she can have the budgie! She has been reading her Mums old diaries, and reminiscing about a budgie they had when she was in her teens!
    She has barely left her bed today.
    One of the things I find most difficult, is that she is NOT a very huggy person! Because I want to hold her and hug her! And even though she is not a huggy person, she is still able to show her love unconditionally! She is in fact, the only person I know who has ALWAYS loved me without conditions! LORD I’ll miss her when she goes!
    Anyway, ramble ramble………I’ll keep you all informed!

    in reply to: Oncolgy/CT Update #15474

    I’m glad you are listening to your body Jeff, and I admire you for speaking up for yourself!
    Take care and enjoy your yard work!

    in reply to: Dendritic cell vaccine therapy #14778

    Geoff, I am so glad that things are going well for you.
    For those of us who are ignorant/bamboozled, could you explain the HYPERTHERMIA thing please?
    You are not far away from me, and I think of you often!

    in reply to: Our Wonderful Husband, Father and “Papa” #15394

    ((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    Much love to you Juanita.

    in reply to: So Far So Good #15433

    Mary! YAY! I can’t tell you how nice it is to read your post! HURRAH for your husband, and HURRAH for you! ENJOY!

    in reply to: Antibiotics #15452

    Oh WHAT a dilemma Pam! I can’t help I’m afraid! My thoughts are the same as yours! I would worry about the continual use, BUT, I’m also sure I would feel relief at not having to deal with the cholangitus! Aaagh! Big hugs, what more to say?!

    in reply to: Has anybody had experience with T-GX? #15435

    No words of wisdom or experience to share with you I’m afraid, but just wanted to welcome you to the site, and wish you and your Dad, and the rest of your family, all the very best of everything you need!

    in reply to: Here we go again! #15400

    I would just like to wish you all the best Ron. I hope the surgery is sucessful, and that your recovery is swift.

    in reply to: Cycle 3 of Oxy and Xo complete #15411

    Thanks Jeff! No, she has chosen NOT to have chemo. She has had a really bad week of bloating and wind, general digestive problems, but seems to be a little better the last 2 days. She has booked her return trip to Greece, leaving UK April 2nd! She’s a trooper!!

    in reply to: I lost the love of my life #15421

    Oh, so so sorry Marion. All I can do is send you and your family lots of love and best wishes. Take care, you! (((((((((())))))))))

    in reply to: Cycle 3 of Oxy and Xo complete #15409

    Good luck Jeff. Glad you are feeling good.

    in reply to: Tumor Shrinkage! #15381

    What wonderful news Lainey! I am really happy that treatment is working well for you, and I hope it continues! I’m sure starting chemo must be scary, so I’m glad this particular combination is helping you, and that you are not suffering from the treatment itself.

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