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  • in reply to: My update and upcoming appt. at Mayo, Rochester, MN #43849


    I was told I am not to take over 2000 mg of Tylenol a day and not to take ibuprofen. Not really sure why. He just said GI patients should not take ibuprofen.

    Hope your appointment is not only with a doctor who has experience with cc, but one that is compassionate and has good social skills. I’ve been very fortunate to have great doctors all around at Mayo.


    in reply to: My update and upcoming appt. at Mayo, Rochester, MN #43836

    Hi Linda,

    Nice all is working out and you can be with your brother for this trip. I do wish you much success with your appointment.

    I go to Mayo and my GI doctor has told me never to take Ibuprofen. My radiologist has also said GI patients should not take it. Might be something you want to ask your doctors about.

    Hope something can be figured out to help you.


    I drink Carnation instant breakfast every morning, too. Love it!

    in reply to: Round 2 #43564


    Fifteen years is wonderful!

    Has your dad had stent changes throughout this time? I’m assuming the catheters were stents. Or were they just able to clean them out?

    Thanks for posting.


    in reply to: Back Pain #42944

    I know how your mom feels. I have a tendency (and a lot of doctors do, too) to think everything is the cancer. Often not true. Being is bed can cause a back to act up, but I am glad you have a scan scheduled. I don’t really know if this a normal part of cc. I’m sure others will let you know.

    Hope she’s feeling better soon.


    in reply to: Teddy Boy —not doing well #43692


    If Teddy decides an “adjustable bed” would be the thing, he might like it. My dad had a hospital bed a few days before he died this fall. He really liked it and it did make him more comfortable. The bed was put in the living room which worked out nice as there was a big window in that room.

    I’m like, Kris: too much time in bed (as I experienced a year ago fall during treatment) my back hurt.

    Thank you for keeping us updated on two of our favorite sweethearts on this board. You are both loved by many.


    in reply to: My chemo experience Gezmar/Cisplatin #38264

    Chemo was last Wed. It took two tries to get the IV in this time. I usually don’t even feel blood tests anymore, but IV’s hurt!

    My neutrophils count (the part of the white blood count they look at – fights infections) was down a tad bit, but I could still have chemo.

    I ran a temperature in the evening. It went up to 101.8, took some Tylenol at that point and it went right now. If it wouldn’t have, I would have headed straight for the hospital. This was the same thing that happened a few weeks ago. Strange the temp has only happened 2 times, but both when I only had Gemzar. I felt fine the next day.

    No steroids after this treatment but I sort of missed the energy high they gave me. Have not missed the crash that comes after the high.

    One of the chemo nurses asked me if I had a wig :-) I have naturally thick hair and have not lost it. But, my face is rounder because of the steroids, and my appetite has not lessened. I’ve gained weight.

    Only one more cycle to go – two more chemo treatments. Should be done right before Thanksgiving. My oncologist says we will wait a month to have an MRI. This can be before Christmas or after Christmas, my choice. Have not decided on that.

    in reply to: Now 1 day over life expectancy and doing just fine! #42434

    Andy, what great news! “7 months over my sell-by date.” I love it!!!


    in reply to: My husband died yesterday #43306


    Please do not allow a graphic description of a death to influence your decision and your husband’s wishes on what to do when his time on this earth is ending. Hospice can guide you to make the best decision at that time.

    My father-in-law died unexpectedly at home. We found him. I’ve been with someone who died in the hospital. My father died this fall at home under hospice care.

    Death can be very peaceful. It can be very undignified. We don’t have a choice.

    Unless a caregiver plans on dropping the family member off at the hospital/hospice and not returning, they will be a part of this experience.


    in reply to: Hi! – new member #42938


    What medicines are you taking for the nausea? I take EMEND on chemo day and 2 days after, steriods on chemo day and 3 days after, and Kytril on the day of chem. I know everyone responds differently, but these drugs have worked great for me when none did last fall.

    For me, I think EMEND is the best medicine for preventing nausea. My insurance won’t pay for it when they give me one pill at the chemo place ($275 charge), but they would pay for the prescription for the next 2-day supply of 2 pills ($20 copay) The pharmacist told me it comes in a three pack, so now I use a prescription on chemo day. All three pills are the same $20 copay.

    I’m on the same Gem/Cisplatin combo that you are and will be done by Thanksgiving!

    Stable is GREAT NEWS! That’s where I’m hoping to stay.


    in reply to: My chemo experience Gezmar/Cisplatin #38262


    Hope today’s first Gem/Cis chemo went ok.

    Tomorrow will be my 12th treatment. My previous chemo day (which I didn’t post about) went very smooth. It was my second time with just Gemzar and no Cisplatin. This is the way I have it now: 1st week both Gem/Cis, 2nd week just Gem, because of the problem I was having with low white blood count (my neutrophilis count). The Neulasta shots really worked for me, but the side effect was so bad the second time around my oncologist decided it would be a good idea to take away the Cisplatin every other time and try not having a Neulasta shot. It’s worked. Platelets did go down too low for chemo, but they always came back up so I never needed a transfusion.

    I think I only have two more cycles left! Last fall I felt so awful during radiation and chemo. This time it has been 100% better, easier, etc. etc. I pray that it will be that way for you, too.

    Whenever I see posts from Rick.Kamp I always read them. You did not know it, but I’m rooting for you.


    PS. By the way, was your total bilirubin over 3 last Friday? Mine was over 2 the day of my first chemo, and it was over 9 six days later with an emergency run to Rochester. My local doctor told me I could go into sepsis really fast if not taken care of. My total bilirubin is checked every time before chemo.

    in reply to: Teddy & Lainy Update #43098

    I’m rejoicing about your news, Lainy! Four years until another check – that’s great!

    There are some wonderful people out there who are so special and so caring to take jobs helping those of us who need help. God bless them. Glad you and Teddy have found one. I agree with Kris, “You always feel so much better after you are clean and relaxed.”


    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #42999

    Prayers coming your way from Iowa.


    I, too, was disappointed last fall when they told me my tumor was the same size after radiation and chemo. With the help of the people on this board, I learned that no growth and no additional tumors is WONDERFUL news!

    As far as I know, I’m still at the same point.

    I’m rejoicing in your news!

    in reply to: Hi! – new member #42927


    I am sorry your Mother is no longer with you. As a mom close to your mom’s age (61) with cc, I thank you for your words about hope and your caring about others. Your Mom would be proud.


    in reply to: Teddy Update #42884

    Although I’m sure he is, I absolutely love how you declare to the world how “cute” Teddy is :)

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