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  • in reply to: Let battle commence again … Sensitive reading …. #73831

    Keep smiling, laughing and giggling. Don’t let it win!
    I hope this roller coaster ride is short! What is the plan? Chemo, surgery, immunotherapy?

    Hugs and SMILES to give you strength,

    in reply to: Mid chemo results #73783

    I’m on a trial at Fox Chase Cancer Center, U of Pa and Georgetown. It’s an inhibitor. There are so many trials out there… I really believe immunotherapy is the wave of the future. And all these trials seem to want biopsies to compare genetics.
    Feeling healthy is the most important thing.
    Keep in touch and let us know how things are going.

    in reply to: How things are going #73719

    Actually I fall asleep praying and continue every time I wake up! I know He understands.

    in reply to: Mid chemo results #73780

    Pat timely,
    I spent two years getting hopeful, then discouraging news. It is so tough. I didn’t understand why I felt good but was being told how sick I was.
    Then I heard about this trial. I believe in my heart and soul that this is where God wants me to be. I’m still feeling healthy, and everything is stable!! I hope and pray that you get some good news soon.

    in reply to: How things are going #73713

    Beautifully written, Lanny. I just cried for you, too. You have also been in my prayers: I am so glad to hear the grief is getting easier to bear. It’s nice to read that you can laugh now, too. I love this story… What a great way for her to let you know she is still around!
    Please keep in touch and know that we care.

    in reply to: update on mums ercp #73763

    I’m glad to hear your mum is feeling better. I hope she gets to go home soon!
    Enjoy your vacation. You deserve one. And I agree with Lainy and Clare. Take time for yourself so you can recharge. Your mum knows you love her.

    in reply to: CA 19-9 is normal! #72639

    Marion, I meant the part about my lonely new clothes! Lol

    in reply to: Recently diagnosed, our journey so far. #72402

    I am so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. I’m glad you were with her at the end. My condolences are with you and your family. I pray the hurt and anger can be replaced with acceptance and you can fill your thoughts with wonderful memories you have of your mom.

    in reply to: CA 19-9 is normal! #72637

    I wondered if anyone would catch that!

    in reply to: Home…kinda of! #73733

    So glad to see your post!! You are an inspiration! I love the pic of you leaving the hospital yesterday! Keep it up and take care of yourself.

    in reply to: How things are going #73699

    Words fail me. I wish I had the words to comfort you and make things better.
    I would have done the same thing in Lauren’s position. It was a huge step, but one with the hope of getting back to a “normal” life, whatever that is.
    I pray she is at peace, and I just know she is watching over you with all her love.
    Thank you for sharing more details of her final days. I know it had to have been the hardest decision… To shut off the life support, but from what I know of Lauren, it was the right thing to do.
    Much love and hugs,

    in reply to: Remembering Lauren #73148

    Pam, I pray for you and your family every day. I, too, am sitting here crying for your loss. I can only pray for healing strength for all of you.
    Lauren was a hero and hope for so many of us! I am honored to have met you two and Lisa.
    I am assuming she signed consent for her tissue to be used for research. I have, too. No matter what happens, I want to be able to help find a cure for this monster! Hopefully what I am doing now will help. And hopefully, Lauren is helping win this fight for so many of us.

    God bless you and your family, and God bless Lauren and her strength!

    Hugs and Love,

    in reply to: Stage IV Treatments #73694

    Good luck with the meeting… This is such an unbelievable time for cc patients… 2 years ago we had few options: now we have many! I can’t wait until the next step of finding a cure is found!
    As Marion said, welcome to our site. I’m so sorry you had to join our group, but glad you found us. This forum has been a lifeline at times for me, and I’m sure many others.
    I am participating in a clinical trial. It’s working wonderfully so far. It’s been 3 cycles, at 4 weeks a cycle. All I do is take 3 pills a day, and now that I’m past the 2nd cycle, I get poked every four weeks, and ct scans every 8 weeks. I’m hopeful this drug will be a good alternative for those of us who are inoperable but otherwise healthy, as the side effects are minimal.
    There are quite a few trials out there. You also might want to ask about GTX which is 3 drugs: gemzar, tarceva and Xeloda. It might be very effective. Although the side effects can be difficult to deal with.

    Please keep us posted about the next course of action. I’m sure, whatever the new doc suggests, that someone on this board has either experience with, or research on, it. And can help you through the decision making process.

    in reply to: Stay the course. Update from our consult visit. #73688

    I’m sorry our talk was cut short, but it was such a wonderful surprise to see my friends at my door!!
    What a great day this turned out to be! They brought me a scarf from Dubai and a mechanical pencil that looks like a syringe! Lol
    I hope I answered most of your questions and concerns… Call me or write whenever!

    in reply to: LY2801653 clinical trial #70384

    End of cycle 3 and results are in… CA19-9 is NORMAL!! 35.7!! Weight is still climbing. Doc is happy! So am I! My new clothes are upset, but that’s life.
    No ct this round so have to wait another 4 weeks to find out, but everything points to stability and inactivity.
    Onc gave me a prescription for my face and its better. I’ve been washing my hair with Selsun Blue and the scalp is better, too. Still have some pimply itchy things, but nothing like it was. I also went back to washing my hair almost every night. I have been trying to do every other day for the past 5 years, but I guess my new skin type says “CLEAN”!! So I will!
    The swelling is better, too. Still swollen in morning… Enough to change the fingers of my rings, but after a couple of hours, they are back to normal.
    I will take these minor discomforts any day!

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