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  • in reply to: Chemo Question #73679

    There are a few options.
    First, wait to see what the scan shows. Think positive. Tell him to think positive. No bad thoughts! (I know, easier said..,)
    When he gets his results the docs will discuss options with him. If there is shrinkage, the option should be to continue. As long as he feels okay ad is stable, they will probably not change treatment either.
    If the report shows new growth, then there are a few other options. Xeloda or Oxaliplatin are the other two main chemos from what I know. But if the Cisplatin does not show good progress, my guess is that they won’t try oxaliplatin. There are other drug mixes, one Tiff is, or was, on, called GTX. That is gemzar, tarceva, and Xeloda. It worked wonders for her.
    Try not to think badly though. Believe that the Gem/CIS is working!

    in reply to: Stay the course. Update from our consult visit. #73683

    As a patient with the pump, I can tell you it is not a new treatment. Many places no longer use a hepatic pump. The part that is new is the added drug (I forget which one). The chemo thru the pump is really strong, and getting the pump requires major surgery, with possible smaller procedures (embolozations) to get it to work. It is NOT an easy treatment plan. The chemo used is so strong many livers cannot handle it (mine was one). The side effects are few, as long as treatment is not too toxic to the body. But if the liver reacts, a patient can often spend days in the hospital.
    I don’t want to sound like a downer… Just wanted you to know there might have been another reason he didn’t think it was a good idea. And, yes, the pump only leads to a major tumor. They did not know I had mets to lymph nodes until the surgery was performed.
    We are no longer using the pump. I received 3 treatments of FUDR before it was deemed too toxic for my system. I am also no longer under the care of Sloan Kettering. I now go to Fox Chase in Philadelphia where they are running a clinical trial using an inhibitor drug. I qualified, and am glad to be prolonging my quality of life! Everything so far is stable! My onc here is Crystal Denlinger.
    Good luck with the treatment plans, and keep searching for the right course of action for you and Lynn.

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53507

    Great news!! My thoughts… Keep on living!! Try not to dwell on the “if” or “when”s of cc…

    in reply to: Xeloda alone is helping! #73594

    Great news for your sister!! Xeloda is proving to be effective against some of these cc mutations! I am so happy to hear your sister is one of these, as the side effects can be much less than cisplatin or oxaliplatin.

    in reply to: Hi All! #73571

    So happy you are doing well!! I can’t believe how quickly you are posting all this great news!! Now get those bowels working and move into that apartment! This is such wonderful news!!

    in reply to: 4 years cancer free!! #73541

    Yay Cathy!! Here’s to many many more years cancer free!!

    in reply to: The “S” Word #73531

    Great news!! And I hope you get some promising ideas from MSK.


    She’s headed to recovery!! Go Tiffany!! Thank The Lord!


    Surgery was delayed until early today. Just saw an update that the Doctor came out and said she’s doing great. They are getting ready to close her up.

    in reply to: ASCO: Immunotherapy #29410

    Hi Serena,
    I just found this… Was looking at new posts and saw your name.
    I am sending you a private email.

    in reply to: Dad Journey Ended #73341

    I am so sorry to hear of your day’s passing. May God give you strength and comfort at this time. My prayers for you and your family.

    in reply to: First CT Scan on Monday #73167

    Carl, you might have to deal with Dr. Kemeny then. I sure hope not.
    This treatment plan is very effective: just ask me!! I was ALMOST resectable after that treatment. I had all but the DEX.
    The FUDR is delivered directly to the tumor with the help of the infusion pump. It is very strong! To prep for the pump requires a fairly major surgery. I suggest Dr. Yuman Fong. I love him. Gem/Ox is also effective against different mutations of cc. The main side effect is neuropathy.
    Let me know if you are going this route. I found a few tricks to get me through the systemic part.
    Good luck with the scan results. I’ll be praying for good news!

    in reply to: CA 19-9 ….what does this number REALLY mean? #73187

    None of my doctors have used the CA 19-9 as anything other than an indicator. It has gob up and down with not much alarm anywhere. I think they just use it as part of the picture. My current onc says when it holds steady or falls its a good indicator when linked with other things. So I don’t let the numbers worry me too much… Of course since we all know about this marker, it is hard NOT to watch it.
    My doc was happy my numbers are almost normal when paired with the normal bilirubin, weight gain, and feeling healthy. Praying that Kyle continues to feel “pretty good”. And my words for this cancer are mostly unrepeatable, too.

    in reply to: Stable! #73171

    STABLE, STABLE!! Oh, how I LOVE that word!! What great news!! I’m doing the kick cc butt dance!!

    in reply to: Financial assistance for family travel #73038

    American Cancer Society might help with your dad traveling. I don’t know about you and your family. There is something called Angel Wings I think. Again, with you not being the patient I don know. You should google financial assistance for families of cancer patients in your area. There are some that might help.
    He can get help, through all kinds of places. There are many groups that offer some sort of assistance yo cancer patients from rides to treatment, paying a bill, sending gift cards, lawn care, etc…
    Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

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