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  • in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34580

    Hi Margaret,

    Yayyyyyyyy for this great news! i’m so happy to hear that things are going well.

    Love to you both,


    in reply to: Finishing up chemo radiation #39286

    Hi Kris,

    I’m up in Wisconsin until next week, and I’m sooo glad to hear that you’re going to have a break and get to go traveling too!

    Congratulations on finishing your treatment!! Nobody told me until after I was finished that a lot of people bail out on radiation. You’re a champ!



    in reply to: Its Whipple Time Again #37889

    I had been wondering about you too, and I’m SO glad to hear about the good outcome!

    Did you schedule your surgery to have time off for the World Cup?!?! Brilliant idea!

    Wishing you a smooth recovery–


    in reply to: VARI Findings Could Help Diagnose and Treat Liver Cancer #39008

    Interesting article, except it gives the 5 yr. survival rate as “5%” which is absolutely NOT correct. Maybe they’re trying to exaggerate the importance of their research.

    The lowest number I’ve seen is 15%, with up to 35% for people who are diagnosed early. (though don’t ask me where specifically I read those)

    Plus remember that statistics only tell what happens to large groups of people. They do NOT say what will happen in YOUR case!


    in reply to: Humor Therapy #38992

    Leave it to them to have a humorless report on humor!!


    in reply to: I am so frustrated with this DRAIN! #38939

    Hmmm… my bile doesn’t exactly smell “sweet”! It’s always a little funky and unpleasant, but the home health nurse has checked it numerous times over the last 6 weeks, along with the onco’s nurse and the radiologist’s nurse, and nobody was alarmed. The one time it did get infected it had a different, horrible “fishy” smell.

    Maybe it’s just that my character is funky rather than sweet…

    in reply to: Not a good day #38756

    11 months?? How on earth did he come up with that number– with a crystal ball? Doctors are not God, they can’t say how long we will live. At one point I was told I had 6 months– and that was almost 4 years ago. Please tell your dad that there are many, many people on this site who have lived far longer than anyone ever expected. And many people have done well with the chemo that he will be having.

    Wishing the best to your whole family–


    in reply to: What We Expected-Shocked to Hear It-Teddy #38949

    Hi Lainy,

    I’m so sorry to hear Teddy’s news. But Teddy has always been an exception to EVERYTHING and I expect that will continue!

    My old (awful) oncologist did recommend Gemzar for me, because it would give me a higher quality of life even though not stopping the tumor, so I have heard of that. It’s called palliative chemo.

    At the time I just stuck my fingers in my ears and said lalalalala, and it’s a good thing I didn’t listen to him, because that was 3 1/2 years ago, and it’s only now that I might seriously need chemo.

    I think it’s time for another Teddy Miracle– God, are you listening?

    Hugs from


    in reply to: I am so frustrated with this DRAIN! #38935

    Kris, Beth, Margaret,

    Thank you soooooooo much for all the practical suggestions! They will be a HUGE help because I am really determined to go see my family.

    That’s the wonderful thing about this board. People post here about problems that seem unsolvable, and situations that make them feel so alone, and in a few hours, they are always SHOWERED with practical tips, stories, and encouragement.

    You guys are the BEST!! How can I ever thank you?


    in reply to: I am so frustrated with this DRAIN! #38931


    Well, I just came back from the clinic, and again they said that there really isn’t anything they can do– the hole in my liver simply needs to heal up, that’s all. The tube is working fine, it’s draining tons of bile into the bag, and my bili has dropped dramatically, and further drain changes will just mean starting all over again with the healing process. (That last part makes sense to me, alas.) And of course today, when I saw the doctor, the thing was hardly leaking at all… Just like how your car won’t make that funny noise again when you take it to the mechanic!

    I may just make myself some Depends bandages like Margaret suggested, and head off to Wisconsin anyway. I can be happy (if leaky) there rather than bored (and leaky) here. And being back “home” is therapeutic in itself. I swear that’s what stopped my tumor growing 2 years ago. It started then stopped again for no reason.

    Mary, the most recent 2 drains were done by the head of Interventional Radiology at University of Kentucky Hospital, which IS a big teaching hospital. They said they do several of those procedures every day! The previous 2 were put in by a crew of bozos at a smaller hospital, but my oncologist was furious about the way I was treated there and got me referred to the U. Hospital.

    Time to sit out on the back porch with some iced tea, and let my dog give me adoring looks. That’s very healing too!

    Thanks so much everyone!


    in reply to: I am so frustrated with this DRAIN! #38929

    Thank you all so much for your encouragement! And Margaret, a special thanks for your practical suggestions. I am going to call the clinic today and see what they tell me– after 6 weeks this is just getting worse and not better.

    They already told me they don’t want to put in a larger tube because I’m not very big (5’2″, 115 pounds) but I don’t see what that has to do with anything. Is Tom a big guy? And, how do the extra holes help?

    Fingers crossed… I’m STILL hoping to see my Grandma. she and my mom live in Milwaukee, and we have a summer cottage further north near where Darla lives– a lovely part of the state.

    Take care!


    in reply to: Tough news today #38786

    Rick, this is BEYOND outrageous. Give us this radiologist’s name and a gang of us will come and string him up for you!!

    Dr. Gores is really one of the world’s top experts on cc, so you know you’re in good hands there. What recommendations did he have for you?

    Praying for comfort and healing for you–


    in reply to: I gotta tattoo #38735

    Got the same 3 little dots with my radiation too!

    About a year later, an acquantance of mine (a big, bearded, biker-looking guy) sent around one of those email quizzes where you ask everyone you know strange questions to get to know them better. One of them was, Do you have any tattoos?

    Yep, three, I replied.

    He wrote back almost immediately and said, “Wow, I had no idea!! What are they?” I refused to tell him, just let him wonder!

    in reply to: Update on Lisa #38747

    Lisa, you’re my hero! I’m so glad to hear about the good results, and I hope you’ll be able to enjoy life more with this “easier” combo.

    Hugs to you,


    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32358

    Carlos, that’s great, we’re so happy for you and your mother! After I finished treatment the first time, I had oncologist appointments and a CAT scan every 3 months. I’m sure the doctor will make a decision based on your mother’s age and condition.

    Good luck with everything!


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